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Finish you stupid larf!



This is the only 'big' plant I have left, what should I do? It got down to low 30's the other night, and it looks like she didn't like it. Weather for the next week is much warmer, but do you think she will fill in more? Should I start taking her down now? Ideally I'd like to wait until the middle of November for trimming house reasons, but it's looking like that won't happen, arrrgh. This sucks, she's definitly dankness but right now she is on the line between the hash bin & bud bin, if anything I suppose I could chop & just sell it for like $150 an ounce.










Well-known member
Premium user
bud looks good i think youll be fine. you might be surprised and those bud might swell in the next week

Fat Tone

WAIT!!!!!!! I say two more week if the weather permits.How could u tell the plant didnt like the lower 30's? It looks fine too me.

Panama Red

Active member
There's an old saying that if there's no (hard) frost by October's full moon, then there won't be frost until November's full moon.

I've left a few runts and some cut plants with lower branch bud sites intact in the field to see how valid this is.

So far, most of them are swelling up and turning some awesome colors.


bud looks good i think youll be fine. you might be surprised and those bud might swell in the next week

That's EXACTLY what I told myself the week before, then I saw pretty much the same :( But you have given me optimism my friend!

It's BEAUTIFUL out today, If the weather stays nice & outlook is good I probably won't bother her this weekend, I'm crossing my fingers & hoping Panama's tale is true ;)

FatTone- look again, there is random spots of death, like death death, and some purple frostbite spots that didn't quite reach death. Plants at this spot have had to deal with a ton of shit, but they also have very good soil, sun, & water so they always show exceptionally healthy new growth at every visit.

I wish I knew what strain this was, it looks different than any other plant I've ever flowered- it's to leafy & & has those weird smooth single or triple blades in flowering. It's clearly not good outdoors in my climate because all my other plants are in or at least have some conventional looking nugs on them. Even my speed queen that has a pretty high leaf ratio didn't look worthless a week or two out. I might be in love with it next weekend though, who knows, but I don't have high hopes.


damn it damn it damn it. Temptation got the better of me, did a quick run through, whatever the hell that death is (It hasn't been anywhere near 30's since those pics, so it ain't frostbite) it's progressing bad & fast, whole thing has to come down tomorrow, though I'll probably just take the big ones first, I always take to much & then get in over my head trimming though, so I'll probably do that tomorrow as usual. I've got some trimming cucka bud ahead of me for a few days :( Oh well, at least I still have some good shit drying, and a few mini's still out- allthough the work crews are getting closer to those by the day! eyayyayaya harvest season is crazy, but I'm ALMOST there, can't wait to walk into my basement to check on my crop, lol.


Good luck argo...

It is interesting looking bud. Show us pics of how she looks trimmed, or maybe she's better for hash?


Boy do I feel like an idiot, it's friggin' nute burn! I don't know how I missed it, and of course when I snapped those pics I gave it more food, which is why it's worse! It sucks, all those dead spots are asking for mold, I'm probably going to loose at least 25% of it to mold, but I have decided to let it ride, I went there today with all intentions of cutting & trimming, but it really would have gone in the hash pile. On a side note, I've never seen such crystally stems, you could literally smoke the stems! Anyways, no more food for this girl, expensive lesson learned there :(

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