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F'ing Bugs man


Can't stand bugs. what a useless form of life. Just went out for a cig, soon as I opened the front door, some kind of flying insect came cruising in.. went straight for the brightest light source. which in my place is one of those lamps that that have a bowl shaped reflector pointing up towards the ceiling and use a halogen bulb... the kind of bulbs that you can't touch because the oil from you fingers can make them explode...

Anyways the bug, like the mindless useless creature that it is...flys straight into the bulb... start to hear some crackling and then see a nice puff of smoke. so had to turn off the lamp, let it cool down a while and clean it off.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
We got to have them.

Im a little worried that we dont seem to be able to have honeybees here anymore. Berry growers are having to bring them in- rent them. A neighbor bought 2 hives 2 years ago and all the bees in both hives died or left or something. He's back to renting bees.

Thats really a bad thing. What could possibly be going on to kill all of the honeybees.




Talk about a useless form of life...Have you spoken to any of your neighbors lately?Useless humans


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Can't stand bugs. what a useless form of life. Just went out for a cig, soon as I opened the front door, some kind of flying insect came cruising in..
bugs are here to stay, you on the other hand can stop smoking to eliminate that problem.


Can't stand bugs. what a useless form of life. Just went out for a cig, soon as I opened the front door, some kind of flying insect came cruising in.. went straight for the brightest light source. which in my place is one of those lamps that that have a bowl shaped reflector pointing up towards the ceiling and use a halogen bulb... the kind of bulbs that you can't touch because the oil from you fingers can make them explode...

Insects are an esstential part of our ecosystem. Like fungus they consume debry and keep this planet healthy. Humans on the other hand pollute, destroy, and in general bring an unbalancing effect to every environment they come into contact with.


Green Mujaheed
Indeed ! Insects are a crucial part of our environment. Would all bugs suddenly disappear, it wouldn't take much time for us to follow.

Irie !


I agree we need them to keep the world turning!

WTF though.....this summer has been really bad for bugs. Worse than I can remember in years! Flies....the green bottle flies worse this year than ever. You would think I had dead bodies in the backyard for them to flock to.


I agree we need them to keep the world turning!

WTF though.....this summer has been really bad for bugs. Worse than I can remember in years! Flies....the green bottle flies worse this year than ever. You would think I had dead bodies in the backyard for them to flock to.

Not sure about where you live, but due to our above average temperatures certain insect populations around here have exploded including mosquitos. Which means more food for bats, which means more guano, which means food for our favorite plants. :D


Active member
We got to have them.

Im a little worried that we dont seem to be able to have honeybees here anymore. Berry growers are having to bring them in- rent them. A neighbor bought 2 hives 2 years ago and all the bees in both hives died or left or something. He's back to renting bees.

Thats really a bad thing. What could possibly be going on to kill all of the honeybees.

He can have mine! Lol I have a hive that has self sustained for a few years, they won't go away lol. As for bugs, they are cool. Unless they are spider mites! Would the world end if they became extinct?!


He can have mine! Lol I have a hive that has self sustained for a few years, they won't go away lol. As for bugs, they are cool. Unless they are spider mites! Would the world end if they became extinct?!

Spider mites provide food for other insects. Just another part of the chain of life. The reason we hate them so much as indoor growers is b/c we provide the perfect environment for them to thrive with little to no predation. In the wild mites are more likely to spread out and in result thin their own populations out. The plants can cope with the damage being done , whereas indoor, food for mites is limited to the number of plants you have indoors. Populations grow quickly and conditions get crowded, resulting in them overwhelming your plant.


Not sure about where you live, but due to our above average temperatures certain insect populations around here have exploded including mosquito's. Which means more food for bats, which means more guano, which means food for our favorite plants. :D

Well send some bats my way will ya! I got a million fuckin flies and squitor's for them!

Yes very hot where I am warmest June on record and 100% humidity!


Cannabrex Formulator
Hate to break it to ya folks, but arthropods rule this planet....they outweigh all vertebrates, have been here long before us (and any mammals for that matter) and will be here long after we are gone.

And remember everyone....yer never more than 5 feet from a spider....anywhere in the world outside of the polar circles (and hermatically sealded clean rooms).


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
f*cking b*starding c*nting litte mosquito TWATS!

right on the corner of me f*cking eyebrow........b*stard!


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