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finally making the switch to vert!


zor, it really depended on the strains ran, but when i was dialed in with the strains i know well, i averaged just about .75 grms/wt. best run in my last flat box was around 1150 grms from 2x600's. i can already tell a HUGE difference in the overall yeild with the right strains put in at the right hieght. the retired moms i put in are doing great (just a few to many tops)and filling the walls nicely, but the clones from the same moms that were put in allot smaller are stuggleing to get to the trellis. my plan for the next runs is to run only 1 or 2 strains at a time, fimmed, and put into flower at about 15-25'' depending on the strain. i have a good amount of knowledge on my ecsd, biesel, special haze. i know the growth patterns and nuances of these genetics and i'm confident in saying that vert will improve the overall yield. the cindy#4 is looking like shes like the vert as well, but i never ran her flat so i have no comparison. i've been at this for quite some time trying many different methods and i'm really impressed with the vert so far and dont see myself being dissapointed. many thanks to all the vert pioneers because everthing i'm doing is just something other have already done and mastered. the wealth of info here is priceless, and the growers are top notch. you wont have any issues finding help and info for your switch zor.
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wat up vert crew! just a little update. things rolling along very nicely at day 23 and i'm estaticly reporting my cindy may just be the one im looking for. she is really packing on the weight and keeping up with my ww which is stucterly finished around day 35-42 and just packs on crystals from then on. the smell on the cindy is out of this world for day 23, strait rotten tropical fruit. also has great structer and loves the vert. i think she could be exactly the one i was searching for, yaman! from the looks of her, im thinking around 50 days give or take. hoping for the best.
also, being a strain junky, i had to pop a few more beans before our next order. i ended up germing 4 bogglegums, 3 lui13's, and 2 each of nebula and jackthe ripper (thought i had cracked the ripper and neb, so was stoked when i saw them in the collection). i'm gonna be overloade with moms here for a while. got some selecting to do, haha. can never have to many strains to choose from i guess.
also, how late in flower do you guys continue defoliating? been taking a few big fans every time i'm tending to the girls, but they still have a good amount to be removed and my time is thin hence the little bit at a time. most of my strains are still in the early stages (ww and cindy are the onle ones far ahead) and are still 50+ days from harvest. thanks in advance for any advice.
gonna get some pics for you guys in the next few days (trying to get a good camera also).


ohhh this is GUNNA BE SO GOOD!
lets hope so brotha. looking like im gonna need it soon. things have turned upside down for me in the last couple weeks. first thing was i found out im going to need another stomach surgery that will have me outta commission for a few weeks. then i hit a big deer with my vehicle messing it up pretty good and rendering it undriveable. the next morning i get the icing on the the cake when i get an email from my boss telling me that we are closing mutiple locations and mine is top on the list. another victom of our failing economy. i have been offered a co-management postion at another location, but would have to take a pay cut. the other location is also almost 80 miles round trip 6 days a week which really adds up in fuel cost and maintenance. after running the numbers, it just doesnt make sense for me to take the other job. with the paycut and the extra cost along with the discussion i had with the boss on other locations futer helped me with my decision. this company has been in business for over 100 years and is in real jepordy of closing all locations for good. my location has by in businass for over 25 years and the first of the year the door will be closed. its a real sad time we live in. fortunatly for me, my construction and management skills should get me another decent gig (i may have to travel again though), but others at my business will not be as lucky. i feel sorry for the people that wont have any oppertunities when the doors close.

on to a quick update; things rolling mostly good. i did find a new pest i've never had a problem with (even though i treat regularly, think they came from my boy who has had them), thrips. i think i caught them early enough and with a dose of neem and then azamax, i havent seen any. also had 2 hermies show, 1 ecsd x special haze/calikush and 1 special haze x special haze/calikush. both culled. other than the few minor bumps, it's going good and i'm def looking at and improved overall yield. took some pics with the phone, but they really dont do justice and dont even want to post them. you guys deserve some good pics, so i will make it a priority to get some good ones with the camera in the next week or so. the cindy i was talking about a few psots ago is disgusting! if the smoke is as good as the smell, stucter, and speed, she's gonna be around for a while! :tiphat:

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