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Finally..I'm Not Single Anymore!


Active member
there is a saying from a german actress (not literally translated)
she said women will hunt for a masculine man. then they will turn him into a pussy, lose interest and move on.

one ex-gf once told me she would be constantly "testing" me and most of the time i wouldnt even notice. one time i did tho, she said "youre sweating" and i was like "yeah, so?". Then she got that horny look and started grabbing my ass.

women are fucking crazy...

I find that disgusting

they like to play games, I find this very sad,
I am really not impressed by people

I can`t describe how i`m feeling, totally dissappointed with the world


its sotrue i had a g/f like that too, didn't smoke and drink.
I explicitly told her "listen i smoke weed every day, if you want to be with me youll have to buy the whole package" when we decided we'd try a relationship.

but guess what, after couple of months she started nagging about me being high all the time, me spending so much time with the plants etc etc....
keep in mind that was the sweetest and most understanding girl ive ever had, but nevertheless this shit would go down.

why do women always want to change their man? cant you accept someone like it is? i'd never try to change my girl and make her into sth she isnt....

seems to me most girls cant appreciate someone like he is they just see what they can mold that person into. Of course theres propably some exceptions (i hope!! or ill die alone) but i havent come across any of them yet.

but from a womans perspective they propably just see all that unused potential and think theyre doing a good thing for their man

it goes both ways pal. my best friend is a chick and she can smoke and drink with the best of 'em. shes seeing this guy she met in school. this guy is a conservative jockstrap, anyways he was cool with it at first (im guessing because shes a good looking girl), now all he talks about is "growing up" and trying to get her to do the same... its not about male or female, it comes down to that person.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
plenty of 'nice' women out there. just wish it were that simple.

edit...and if that was aimed at me Miss Blunted, reread...I'm not against relationships. I'm against traditional relationships that put restraints on the feelings and affection one is 'allowed' to feel for other humans.

I didn't mean you....just collectively from a few posts, actually a lot of them.

Randude...I meant decent, fitting, nice...a generalization of an acceptable woman.


ICMag Donor
Here is another thing.. Women need drama the way a man needs (you know what).

They love a new love and all of the excitement that comes with it (much like a man) but they also love to cry, when the whole thing goes down the shitter. They can cry to their friends, get sympathy (like money to them) and attention, and they have a competitive spirit... If her friend or sister cut off his thumbs she will want to cut something more important to make a good impression, to have that drama, to have the possibility of being on tv, who knows.

They are crazy.

Men seem to like drama also, all you have to do is look at some of the posts here at IC to see that, guys gooooo on and on about whos plants are bigger and better and who feeds what when! hehehe Its not just the ladies...

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
White Rabbit....you said there's a lot of reasons to hate women. Okay, I've been burned and used by men...even abused. I don't hate men, I have a lot of faith and optimism and the second you start to hate, you let yourself down. Lose hate period, it's worthless. Men know damn well what happens to the good women...they get screwed just like the good men do.

Negativity is counterproductive....that's how I see it. You don't have to...I don't despise your opinions either. I wouldn't consider you to be the same as any other man....that's called a fair shot.

I consider some of you guys here to be cool and nice, even if your women don't....so be nice, have some faith.


I can honestly say that the men here who are so against women and relationships are just bitter. And I bet the reason that you can't find a nice woman is YOU. Think about it.

I'll stand up for women...not all of them, but I'll be damned if you degenerates put every woman in the same classification.

Does the negativity ever stop here?

I have nothing against women but U can't tell me most women don't try to change the person there in a relationship with. I say "most" because I know that doesn't apply to all. Anyway relationships are good too I just prefer for them to only be one night, less restrictions that way. I just try to be a realist not an idealist.


I went out with one girl back in 2002 when I had my first real apartment to myself...of course I grew some lovely buds, right...well, one night I come home from work, crack a beer and roll me a nice jay and sit down at my computer. I check my email and I see this letter from someone named "Jacque Rabiet"...Jack Rabbit, I guess...the message simply stated my name and said that "they" knew I was growing cannabis and it would be wise to shut down my grow...I was totally spooked and scared of going to jail, so I tore down what I had but it was close to harvest time anyways..come to find out several days later it was my new girlfriend who sent the email..I'm a Scorpio, natural born detective, I had to find out who did it and I did...so guess what I did to her..I dumped her...you play a Scorp like that and you get the stinger baby..man was she pissed


Active member
White Rabbit....you said there's a lot of reasons to hate women. Okay, I've been burned and used by men...even abused. I don't hate men, I have a lot of faith and optimism and the second you start to hate, you let yourself down. Lose hate period, it's worthless. Men know damn well what happens to the good women...they get screwed just like the good men do.

Negativity is counterproductive....that's how I see it. You don't have to...I don't despise your opinions either. I wouldn't consider you to be the same as any other man....that's called a fair shot.

I consider some of you guys here to be cool and nice, even if your women don't....so be nice, have some faith.

thats actually very nice
and smart

you got me

i am definitively a negative nit-picker :)


I dont make my man change, he has to want to be the best person that he can be. its his choice.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I always tell PoopyTeaBags that no 2 people ever have to change for eachother...but compromising is bending to meet eachother halfway without having to compromise who you are.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Really? You don't think that a woman can be fair minded? That's a damn shame. And what I said, that's exactly how I look at things...I don't read relationship books, that's the best way to say what I see in relationships.

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