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finally got a treadmill

and it's about time..i'm about as obese as you can get but determined to start bein more active..no more excuses..tm is in livin room so all i have to do is get out of this recliner and get busy...did 1/10 of a mile..
Hey Fred I feel you on the out of shape, got that way a while back and the treadmill was a big part of how I turned it around.

Hey Fred,..Just make sure you start slow. I would start at 1.0 to 1.5 miles per hour. At first it seems fast enough, but as the muscles warm up it begins to feel very slow. Time to bump the speed .5 or so.

Try to stay on the machine at least 15 to 20 minutes at a time even if you are moving slow. You will be surprised how fast your endurance improves.
Hey Fred I feel you on the out of shape, got that way a while back and the treadmill was a big part of how I turned it around.

Hey Fred,..Just make sure you start slow. I would start at 1.0 to 1.5 miles per hour. At first it seems fast enough, but as the muscles warm up it begins to feel very slow. Time to bump the speed .5 or so.

Try to stay on the machine at least 15 to 20 minutes at a time even if you are moving slow. You will be surprised how fast your endurance improves.
thanks tolkin...did 1/5 mile at 2mph this mornin=6 minutes
3/10 of a mile this evenin...got the tm turned so i can watch tv or listen to music on internet..total of 1/2 mile today..maybe i can do 1 mile 2mor.
EXCELLENT! ... now you are cooking! Don't you just love that surge you get when you begin to break a sweat? Keep it up, brother you are on your way.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
best of luck

best of luck

best of luck loosin the weight bro. soon you will be up to 20mph 2-3hrs a day like her... just run run run.


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Good work man! If you really want to see fat melt off, you ought to try doing some intervals. Just go as hard as you can for 15 seconds, then walk at a leisurely pace for 1 minute. Try that for 15-20 minutes. :) When you get good you can start jogging instead of walking.

Trimming out empty carbs (baked potatoes, pop, french fries, etc) and alcohol will also make a huge difference.

Happy trails!
Good work man! If you really want to see fat melt off, you ought to try doing some intervals. Just go as hard as you can for 15 seconds, then walk at a leisurely pace for 1 minute. Try that for 15-20 minutes. :) When you get good you can start jogging instead of walking.

Trimming out empty carbs (baked potatoes, pop, french fries, etc) and alcohol will also make a huge difference.

Happy trails!
crake,i've actually had my diet under control for a couple weeks now...whole foods and only drink decaf or water.
20 minutes for 43/100 of mile before coffee, and after big glass of water this a.m...also did stretches to prevent soreness in back of legs..was so much easier today


You might wanna try getting some 1.5 or 2 liter bottles and fill with sand for a nice light pair of weights. Strength exercises are a must as we age. Great to knock out as many as you can during commercials. Good Workouts!
You might wanna try getting some 1.5 or 2 liter bottles and fill with sand for a nice light pair of weights. Strength exercises are a must as we age. Great to knock out as many as you can during commercials. Good Workouts!
thanks for the suggestion poina.


May your race always be in your favor
Glad to see there are some many healthy people on the mag. I don't have a treadmill. What I do have is a Great Dane and a Standard Poodle that have to be exercised daily. So in the morning after coffee and a bowl, we go out and play fetch, and chase the geese for a half hour, then we go for the daily walk of a mile to a mile and a half. If one walks fast enough its amazing how your BP will go down not to mention feeling way better. So KUDOS to all that are trying.
too cold for outdoors?
primary reason i got the tm is cause otherwise i have to get in my car and drive to the park,etc,in order to walk...hated that..i'll do some hikin but will pick my spots....got it positioned to where i can watch tv or listen to music on internet while walkin...like it a lot better than i thought i would..
Glad to see there are some many healthy people on the mag. I don't have a treadmill. What I do have is a Great Dane and a Standard Poodle that have to be exercised daily. So in the morning after coffee and a bowl, we go out and play fetch, and chase the geese for a half hour, then we go for the daily walk of a mile to a mile and a half. If one walks fast enough its amazing how your BP will go down not to mention feeling way better. So KUDOS to all that are trying.
went to dr today and bp is 135/95...got to go on meds for a while..


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
you may want to try this when doing car errands...start keeping track of your average car trip length,when i figured out around 80% or more of my trips were two miles or less is when i decided to ditch the car for good,just doing some of your day to day stuff saves big bucks on gas and gets you good exercise,and carrying your groceries home will have you thinking about what you buy....