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Finally did it :)


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Have an appointment to see them on saturday . The one sounds like it might have possibilities !!! I'm hoping :biggrin:

Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
Kool!!!!!!!!!! Ya know Im looking to move right? I don't need much space. And I'm 1 hellova security guard :D


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor

Wish you were closer .... i'd share a space with ya !! :biggrin:

< have ya seen my avatar ? securitys not much of a problem when they see me comin & going :biggrin:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
:jawdrop: Farking Hell Bruz :yoinks: Straight up killing it in here mate, those Mag99s just have dankness dripping off of them, Well Done Mate :good:
Crinkles for the win ;)


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Sorry for the lack of updates guys :(
i'll get some more slab pics soon ... they're filling out nicely :)

heres my cindy leaning KQR ....shes at 21 days & starting to fill out nicely . i had to get into the flower room to tie down the 2 mag #4's i have in the back cuz the stretch is pretty much over I had a few tops leaning againt the cooltubes !!! they were to big to pull out & get pics of with chancing breaking a branch or 2 , so i'll get some lights off pics of them in the room .

KQR #6 pineapple cindy




I'll get back to ya all soon with more .

Yup Milo .... kqr #6


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Yeah she is .... 3rd asked me the same thing cuz his cindy leaner is the same way . its the G13 leaners that are a dark green .... probably why your askin .... you did say all yours were G13 dominant right ?
plus she might be a little lighter in the green cuz shes a hog when it comes to feeding !!! i'm at 1.9 EC to keep the mags happy but shes askin for more !!!

someday I'll get to the point where i can monocrop a tray full so 1 strains not getting to little or to much juice . but with poppin seeds & finding moms ... i'm gonna have a few runs with different strains in the tray .
the next 2 runs are all set for monocropping . i'll have 4 big LT's in 3 gallon smarties & the other side will be 12 BF in small pots on the slabs ... 12/12 from clone . :dance013:

Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
Yes my g13 leaners are a lot darker for sure. The 1 kqr lady I had before was like yours and knocked up to boot with a like pheno male :D I was thinking I may be going a little heave on some of the nutes but I took a gander at a nute calculator and Im actually running a bit low :chin: Gonna start with some amendments in a few days so everything is about to change. You use rhizotonic right? 5 mls per gallon I think is what I used before. Sound about right?


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Yeah .... the only 2 things from the canna line i'm still using is the rhizo & cannazyme ... cuz they both work very well !! you've seen my rootballs .... a ton of clean white roots !!! cuz of the rhizo & zyme :)
Rhizo i use up to 20ml during the veg from clone to 4 weeks veg .... from there is where i start tapering off .
Then i use 10ml during the first 2 to 3 weeks of flower .I stop after the stretch is over & if there a stretchy strain like sativas .... i use maybe 5ml cuz of my headroom . not that it slows down the stretch ... but i don't need it helping either :)
the zyme is just the opposite ... i use it light in veg & build up during flower & heavy with it on the flush .
Rhizo is ...
20ml from clone till flower
5 to 10 ml during the stretch & stop after its done stretching .
once the plant has reverted to bud set ... the roots basicly are done growing .
& the zyme is ...
5ml in veg
10ml first 4 weeks of flower
25ml weeks 5 to 7
50ml during the flush

i cut the plants down , let the pots set till completely dry ,
clean out the main root mass after its dries out ... sift the coco through a colander & my coco is ready to reuse .



Was drilled into my head years ago that if concentrate during the veg on growing your roots more than the plants themselves they'll pay you back 10 fold in health & vigor !!!
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Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
:yoinks: 20 seems a lil high but maybe not. I would have to dig back but for some reason I was thinking I went 3 on seedlings and then 5 up till flower then none from the flip :dunno: I'll just have to do some reading in my old thread and see.

Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
mmmmmk I was wrong. started at 5 bumped to 10 after first up pot and 20 by 6 weeks. Even found a quote from DG " 10 ml is perfect, every watering/feeding at this stage.
Watch them explode! "


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Yeah i tend to use a heavy feeding with the rhizo ... it makes a difference :)

Even found a quote from DG " 10 ml is perfect, every watering/feeding at this stage.
Watch them explode! "
some people like to adjust their feeds ... others like a consistant mix . i was taught to adjust as the plant progresses . like lucas with maxibloom .... 1tsp per gallon from clone till harvest ???? how the hell can that work ??? but guys are getting killer harvests with it . .... dunno :)

Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
My rhizo should be here tuesday. Kinda late in the game for this run but can't hurt. I'll have it for the clone run. Also ordered some olives cloning solution (not clone gel) to soak the rr plugs in. Never tried it or even read about it. Just thought I would give it a try.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
could use the rhizo for soakin the RR's . it is a little expensive to use as much as i do though .

Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
That is what I did before. The olives is only 10 bux a quart. If it don't help or speed things along, no big loss. Rhizo works I know but is costly. Think I'll reserve it for rooted plants and not waste it on a crap shoot :D


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Yeah once your up & running you don't mind spending the extra for good stuff .... but starting back up you gotta be thrifty with the expenses . BTDT :)

got the 4 laughing tigers transplanted into 1 gallons tonight , they'll stay in them for a couple weeks to concentrate on rooting . then they'll go into the 3 gallon smarties to finish veg then flowered . i've got about 6 weeks before that happens & i have a feeling i'm going to be training & trimming the shit out of these so they don't get to big .


should only be a few more days before i see roots on the brainfreeze & then i can get them in the little pots to put on the slabs . i think i'm going to run 12 of them in flower .... they'll have about 2 weeks veg before going in ... but i don't think they stretch like the LT's .
theres 3 rows in the tray of rooting cuts 1 row of BF #1 1 row of BF #2 & 1 row of LT ... 6 of each


thats about it for tonight guys .... i'll get back to ya all later with pics of the flower room . can never seem to get in right before lights on & ya can't see them well under the HPS .

Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
getting set up will break ya quick. I'm about a grand in and need to drop another grand still. This fucking job I have takes up to much of my time. I could save a little cash with diy stuff but not a lot. Hell I saved a good chunk on my veg light. Think I got 35 bux in a 2x4, 512 watt t8. I can get buy on what I have but a good scrubber,fan, more lights, bigger space, heating and cooling and the list goes on lol

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