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Finally did it :)


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Can see the pics now bro :good:
Nice setup mate and good use of the space that you've got :D
Shame about #10 :( but you can't win them all and I'm 100% positive that you'll find a keeper or 2 in the girls that you do get :tiphat:
puff puff pass
:smoke out:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Mornin everybody :wave:

Thanx for lookin in Dr nuggs :thank you:

Thanx B00m , yeah i think 9 outa 10 ain't bad . should still see some dank i'm sure :dance013:

well , todays not much better than yesterday ..... ain't least nothings broken .... yet . but i had to take the wifey to the ER this morning , stubborn witch waits till she can't breath before she gets checked out :wallbash:
shes got chronic bronchitus & a pulled muscle from coughing . they got her on meds & it looks like i'm playin nurse maid for a couple days .... oh well such is life .

so lets hope this day gets better ..... the Sour defenatly helped last night though :)

oh shit , i almost forgot .... Happy Halloween to all you gouls & goblins out there :)
gotta go get some candy for the local rugrats :pumpkin:

well have a great day guys & mi'lady & we'll catch ya all later :wave:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Hope the wife is doing a lot better mate that shit hurts like a mother fracker


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Mornin everybody :wave:

Hope the wife is doing a lot better mate that shit hurts like a mother fracker

yeah your right boom , have had it happen a few times myself . they gave her dilaudin for the pain but shes afraid of pain meds so it just sits here but i'm sure if it gets too bad , she'll take it .
Thanx for the well wishes :thank you:

not much to say or show about the garden today , things are just chuggin along . I did pull #10 from her RR & it had the seed casing & a 1" long tail but just never grew past that point :dunno:

have a good day guys , will talk at ya's later


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
weekly update 11/6

weekly update 11/6

good afternoon DG & knights :wave:

well its time for the weekly update & pic session .Not much to report really , they're just chuggin along , growth has been fantastic to say the least . All 9 seem very uniform in their growth , no real differences in the plants yet , they all look the same even though there's 3 different strains . 4 & 5 have caught up like i thought they would :)
heres a shot of them under the lights....


& some close ups ....in pic 2 the 2 on the left are # 4 & 5 in pic 3 there the 2 on the top of the pic , there catching up every day :)






I have a shot of 2 of the moms i just transplanted last night .... ones a beisel & the other is a B8 ....

& I even got a pic of my Garden guard dog ... she hangs around the cave with me but seems to dissapear when i light up , not much of a smoker i guess lol

Well thats pretty much it for this week guys . by next week they'll be in the veg cabinet under the 150 watt HPS & should really start to take off then , may even have to transplant them into the 1/2 gallon buckets . we'll see .

Have a great night guys & Lady DG , we'll see ya all during the week .

:thank you::wave:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
go little babies go!

Looking swell d-buds

Thanx for lookin in guys ,Yeah a little boring .... kinda like watchin the grass grow ....

But thats exactly what we're doin ..... :plant grow:

Thanx guys , have a great night & see ya all soon :wave::thank you:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
:D They are coming along nicely bruz :good:
Give them enough root space and watch them redefine Hybrid Vigour for ya ;)
Nice looking guard dog too :D
:smoke out:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Mornin everybody :wave:

They are coming along nicely bruz
Give them enough root space and watch them redefine Hybrid Vigour for ya
Nice looking guard dog too

Thanx b00m , Thanx for lookin in .

yeah they're in 4" nursery pots now & will go into half gallon pots next till they veg for a few weeks .

The dog , yeah shes my buddy , never leaves my side :)

Well guys , just put a deposit on another residence . moving into a bigger space which will give me a bigger grow room :jump::jump:
Its going to be alot more secure for me too (absentie landlord ) .
This will not effect my dutch grown gear at all cuz they're still vegging but will screw up my perpetual a little bit , maybe 2 weeks difference but thats not a big deal . but the Biesels i have in flower now will have to come down about 2 weeks premature . prolly wind up in the hash collection bags in the freezer unless they produce huge in the next 3 weeks . The biesels that were supposed to go in next week will have to be trimmed down & kept in veg for awhile till the new room is set up . I dunno , i'll get it figured out ,not that big of a deal .

Well guys & m'lady , Have a great day & i'll catch ya all later :wave:

Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
A new room ? Oh boy :jump: Sux when ya have to take any thing premature :shucks: Sounds like you have a plan for a great comeback though :good:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
A new room ? Oh boy Sux when ya have to take any thing premature Sounds like you have a plan for a great comeback though

Hell yeah G , i have 4 ready to go in now that will have to be kept trimmed back till i move , just put 16 clones in cups to veg & 9 of DG's gear in veg ..... i'll be fine after the move :) just not sure how i'm gonna set it up though ...... ahhh i'll get it put together .
yeah sux about the 4 i have in now but .... its not the first time somethings had to come down early & problly not the last time either .

Thanx for stoppin in Galahad , hope everythings going smoothly for you too . good luck brother . :)


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Evenin everybody :wave:

Hows everybody at the round table these days ? hope everybodys doing Ok .... That includes you DG .

just thought i'd drop in & tell ya all the good news , I kinda decided how my new room is going to be set up . I bought a 4' x 8' x 6 1/2' Dark room tent today , should be here by the 17th . bought some more 6" ducting also but whatever . I'm going to set up the 4 x 8 tent for my flower room with the 400's for now , the 600;s will have to wait a bit till cash start rollin in again & i make sure my ventilation can handle the extra heat cuz its going to be in a 2nd floor bedroom . I do have a 12k btu window banger for the summer but theres going to be alot going on in the room . I'm also going to have a 4' x4' x6' tent that my buddies lending me for vegging , gonna set that up with a 400 watt MH if i can find one cheap enough . then my wardrobe box for clones & seedlings plus my new Mom box ...... as i said theres going to be ALOT going on in that room :)

I'm stoked about getting in there & getting it set up ..... just not stoked about moving everything . but it is what it is .
I think the hardest part about getting this room set up is getting 3 new 20 amp circuits up to the second floor from the basement ..... shouldn't be to bad if the pipe chase is open , but i doubt it , its an older house . i'll get it figured out . :)

DG's girls are doing great .... i've got 4 nodes on 7 of the plants so far ..... 4 & 5 are still behind 1 node . I gave them all their 3rd feeding today . gonna have to tip one upside down to see how the roots are expanding in the coco cups . i'll wait till i get at least 5 nodes before i top them all then they'll get put into the half gallon nursery pots to grow untill i can sex them . then they get put into their final 2 gallon pots to grow out the dankness :) can't wait to see them in flower :jump::jump:

well everybody .... have a great night & i'll catch ya all another time :wave:


Active member
Very nice man! Love the ingenuity. Will anxiously be awaiting new setup. Good luck on the move. "War is hell and moving is a close second." Some fridge magnet said. Upgrade tho is what it sounds like.



Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Very nice man! Love the ingenuity. Will anxiously be awaiting new setup. Good luck on the move. "War is hell and moving is a close second." Some fridge magnet said. Upgrade tho is what it sounds like.


Thanx for looking in Carlos . I hope to keep it interesting enough for everybody & yeah moving Sux ... big time . but at least i have setting up a bigger room to look forward to .:)

updates & pics tomorrow gang ..... see ya then :)


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
evenin everybody :wave:

sorry I missed the weekly update yesterday , have been real busy with the new place . getting it cleaned & painted so we can move in .

All 9 plants are lookin fantastic & growing like nobodys business :) I don't really have time right now for a pic update but i will ASAP . They're in the veg cabinet under the 150 hps now , haven't transplanted them yet , gonna give them another week before I do . let them grow abit more .

I hope DG & all the knights are doing good .

Well gang its been along day & I still have a few things to do , but i just wanted to stop in so ya'll didn't think i ditched ya . I will be back soon with pics & a progress report on the 9 little ones .

Have a great night gang , see ya all later in the week :wave:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
:wave: Wondered what happened to ya :chin: :D
Hope the missus is doing a whole lot better than how she was doing mate :tiphat:
Looking forward to seeing how they are doing for ya under the 150 ;)
:plant grow:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Wondered what happened to ya
Hope the missus is doing a whole lot better than how she was doing mate
Looking forward to seeing how they are doing for ya under the 150

Thanx for looking in b00m , the wife is feelin pretty good (untill we start moving boxes ) but still not up to par , so i've been taking most of the load off her , as much as she'll let me anyways :)

yeah they seem to love the bigger light so far , i've got one with some weird leaves on the bottom , not sure whats going on with it , never seen leaves like this before , its only 1 so i dunno , will show ya's when i get pics up later in the week .

well guys its been a long few days & its not over yet . i'm exhausted already .
Have a great night guys i'll get back to ya all soon :)


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Evenin everybody :wave:

Still no pics yet . sorry . If the SC plants are calmag hogs , i think i have 3 of them , cuz theres 3 plants with signs of a cal def. they all seem like they could use a stronger feed now , so their next feed i'll up the A & B & up the calmag from 2ml to 4 ml per gallon . should be tomorrow night for feeding time . I topped them all tonight while checking on them , thats probably the only training they'll get , i want to just let these grow out to see their growth characturistics for the next time . I mainly use a scrog net & want to see if they stretch enough to be put in a net . its amazing how uniform they are for being 3 different strains . I need to get pics up for you guys ..... let me see if i can snag the camera from the ol'lady .

I got my tent yesterday & got the new room cleaned out today, power ran from the basement up to the 2nd floor I brought up 4 - 20 amp circuits (2 runs of 12-3 rx ) & just hooked up 2 for now . i'll leave the other 2 for future use . I got the window blocked off & my vents put out for exhausting my tent & veg box . Got the tent set up & tomorrow I'll get a better idea of how the rooms gonna be set . gotta get my veg box , my mom box , a work table & my rez for the blumats put in there , man its gonna be tight :) gonna be nice to have a little more flowering room than before , defenatly gotta get the 600's ordered soon . sorry for the rambling guys , just thinkin out loud i guess :)

Have a great night guys , DG i hope your doing better . catch ya all later with an update . :wave:

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