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Filters in Joints/Blunts


New member
After studying in Holland, I always roll Js with a small piece of cardboard paper w/ an accordian fold on the inside of the rounded filter. I put the filter or "roach" on the left end of the paper and then put the herb on the paper to the right of the filter. Then, I use the filter as a guide and fold the paper up around the filter and begin to rock or twist the paper around the filter working my way up the joint. When it's all said and done I get a nice cone shaped joint with a filter. It's MUCH better because you don't have to worry about the burning your fingers or getting stuff in your mouth.

Another benfefit w/ this method is that you can roll the paper inside out and burn off a bunch of extra paper.

Here's a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouZUSUN9WuI I'm American so I don't put tobacco in mine.


weed fiend
Yeah, I like the inside-out method. As far as burning fingers, the callouses on my right thumb and forefinger are thick enough to smell burn before I feel it.:)


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
One of our fine members has an animated gif of Thor in his sig. Thor grinds some bug, rolls a joint and tamps a cardboard filter with his Hammer. Thor puffs and flies through the air. Then he ferks a chicken.

I forget the wrap brand, I think they've got cardboard strips in the pack. Pretty handy.

:biglaugh: I love that Thor gif.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
in a pinch, the very inside tab of the top part of a cigarette box will do, and it's a lot more uniform and easier to rip than trying to take a strip from a larger piece of cardboard :tiphat:

Yep lol. That's what we use to always use. I learned this from my Dutch friends that I went to HS with in Singapore. I would come back to the states during the summers and all the American kids were blown away by the cardboard filter and nicely rolled cone joints (spliffs).

Don't get me wrong. I'm all about the red white and blue, but most Americans don't know how to roll joints. Sorry guys. :wave:

Nothing worse than passing around a joint with no filter and slobber all over it.


New member
I learned this from my Dutch friends ... most Americans don't know how to roll joints.

Nothing worse than passing around a joint with no filter and slobber all over it.

The Dutch roll great Js, minus the tobacco. That's where I learned and I feel the same way. Joints w/o filters are nowhere near as good. And the slobber is gross!


weed fiend
Yep lol. That's what we use to always use. I learned this from my Dutch friends that I went to HS with in Singapore. I would come back to the states during the summers and all the American kids were blown away by the cardboard filter and nicely rolled cone joints (spliffs).

I remember in 1982, a coworker said he was worried about his little brother. Apparently lil' bro was growing dreds and listening to Marley. The funniest thing he said was, "Mang, he roll all his sh!t in one joint." My other (nosy) buddy was listening in and said, "That's a SPLIFF, man!"

Don't get me wrong. I'm all about the red white and blue, but most Americans don't know how to roll joints. Sorry guys. :wave:
I need to practice on the taper roll. I used to be all about rolling cigs but the taper is much tougher.

Nothing worse than passing around a joint with no filter and slobber all over it.
I had a school mate that lipped joints terribly. He never had a g/f but apparently thought saliva would be a nice condiment when chicks were in the session. I took a look at the nasty tip and pretended to toke while I looked over me shoulder. Then I told a big lie that prevented my from smoking any more, lol. I bet that fucker doesn't have to snuff roaches. He prolly just waits for the south half to dry out. Disgusting!

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