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filtering soil question


whats up, i have a 32 gal. trash can with x number gallons of organic soil which is also filled with mostly rain water. if i drained all this water and soil through a screen, do you think i would lose most of the nutrients? its got blood meal bone meal kelp limestone ewc perlite and peat moss


senior member
Yup, you will lose some, but your soil is unusable without drying it somehow. I had an outdoor tote partially fill with rain water last year. I drilled drain holes in the tote, turned the soil over a few times and had no further problems. I would get busy draining it, but wouldn't fret over lost nutrients, no biggy......scrappy


senior member
i never thought of draining by drilling holes, thanks.

In my case it was a 65 gallon tote filled with soil, so there was no way I could move it other than by the shovel, so drain holes it was. What happened was, the top came off in a big rainstorm, and it sat under a shed's eve so I got about a foot of water in it....scrappy