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FHM Top 100 Sexiest women 2010

Gert Lush

Active member
Who the hell is Cheryl Cole?
Some 3rd rate Geordie bint that was married to some twat of a footballer (as in soccer) before Simon Cowell promoted her to UK gutter-press "sweetheart".
I suppose you'll be asking what a "Geordie bint" is next.... ;)

Most of the girls are still drinking Similac! Where are the middle aged beautiful women!

Though, since the list seems to rank Lilly Allen (ffs) and Britney (ffffffs) above Giselle Bundchen and Billie Piper, I think we can safely assume that they are an even bigger bunch of wankers than what you first thought.


Well-known member
don't know who wrote this list, but i bet i could troll through the Thai porn sites & put most of these to shame...:moon:

Gert Lush

Active member
ha so britney spears at #4 oookaay lmao. who runs this shit?
I think it's this guy...


stoned agin ...
i looked up a pic of this cheryl cole, she's cute but the waitress at the local a&w has her beat, ehhh ...

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