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Few Questions

I have some lowryders and two of them are in a pot really close together. I know the roots get tangled and what not and I let them go on like this to long now i don't wanna bother them whats the worst that can happen? Also it is basically a seed run. For example say lowryder male is 2 inchs tall and Lowryder female is 7inchs tall will the offspring stay small?


Active member
No plants have grown together for awhile in the wild it doesn't really phase them I wouldn't worry about it. They don't get separate root space all that much naturally. They usually just mesh together... example:

Offspring will have a wide range of height until you really stabilize a certain pheno...on this run you're bound to get a fair amount of variety in the seeds. small, mid size, larger... wide, narrow, branchy or not.. etc


don't worry a stunted plant will produce normal ospring (can't spell lol). The stunting only effects that particular plant, this being said many autos have "micro" phenos that will stay short.


Active member
that sucks,if I knew that sooner I would have kept my other male for pollen instead of killing his ass,the one I kept is a brute incomparison to the recently deceased. But I could have had more pollen for a future projects.Oh well there's alway's next time.