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Fermented plant extracts


Alchemical Botanist
heya organicterra what parts of the dandelions did you use? Petals, stems, roots? Entire thing? TIA



A neighbor is going to cut down this giant cardoon plant (it's about 8' tall and about that big across). Other than composting know any other value to using this plant like you do nettle or comfrey?

I had another question about comfrey tea. Most of the information that I've found online is from England where growing comfrey by organic gardeners and farmers is more common than not.

In several blog postings, forums, etc. I've seen it mentioned that when you've allowed the comfrey to sit in the barrel of water for several weeks that the comfrey is almost completely broken down with very little leaf material intact.

Or am I misreading these posts?



The leaf stems and unopened flower heads are edible as are the roots, and they are excellent sources of potassium and magnesium, and also contain calcium and iron. I couldn't find anything about using it as a nutrient source for plants.

Also, CC didn't you say something in a post the other day about a place in Portland to get neem and karanja? Or am I mistaken?

Amber Trich

Active member
comfrey leaf does disintegrate really fast so i would believe that CC2U. i mulch my gardens with it and it seems to melt right in.

since you already have some, go dilute some and foliar spray to any plants you can spare( could even be veggies or other plants than cannabis at first) let us know how it goes. id go for the yarrow first.

Success! I diluted 1 dropperful(30 drops) of yarrow tincture into 2oz of water and sprayed it on a ganja plant in a 4 inch pot... absolutely no problem. The solution was strong enough to smell both the alcohol and herb. I wanted to see what it would do to mites and eggs but they rinsed right away maybe the alcohol dislodged the eggs.. Im going to keep trying it maybe try to go stronger just to see what causes a burn.
heya organicterra what parts of the dandelions did you use? Petals, stems, roots? Entire thing? TIA
I actually used the whole thing including some roots.
I only needed like 3 or 4 dandelions because I made it in an 8 oz salsa container.
Next time I'll try seperating the parts like jaykush recommends.

I'm also making a lavender and rosemary FPE now for a mite spray.

Could anyone suggest how long I should let it sit before using?


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
A neighbor is going to cut down this giant cardoon plant (it's about 8' tall and about that big across). Other than composting know any other value to using this plant like you do nettle or comfrey?

i googled it and it looks like a artichoke or something, anyways the leaves look like great mulch material.

I had another question about comfrey tea. Most of the information that I've found online is from England where growing comfrey by organic gardeners and farmers is more common than not.

In several blog postings, forums, etc. I've seen it mentioned that when you've allowed the comfrey to sit in the barrel of water for several weeks that the comfrey is almost completely broken down with very little leaf material intact.

Or am I misreading these posts?

actually this happens with all of the plant material we use. ive had some extracts that i just left going for learning purposes, i have some that are 2 years old. after a few months the leaf matter is almost completely broken down. at the bottom is a thin layer of something, not 100% sure what but its far less than what went in(looks like a thin layer of soil almost). im assuming that the rest of the material was broken down into its base components and turned into a soluble state.

I'm also making a lavender and rosemary FPE now for a mite spray.

Could anyone suggest how long I should let it sit before using?

the instructions are posted many times, its 24-48 hours depending on temperature, the hotter it is the faster its done.
the instructions are posted many times, its 24-48 hours depending on temperature, the hotter it is the faster its done.
muchos gracias

I have a couple yarrow plants growing also. They are showing first signs of flower.
What is the best parts/method for the yarrow extract?

I searched (feebly at best) but didn't find anything specific to a yarrow extract.


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i googled it and it looks like a artichoke or something, anyways the leaves look like great mulch material.
Yes, same family as artichoke, and cardoons are edible (barely). Best preparation is to blanch multiple times, then bread and deep fry (can't go wrong with fried plants). They grow gigantic down here and are basically considered an ornamental... unless you are a hippy chef and get off on charging people to eat odd foods.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
I have a couple yarrow plants growing also. They are showing first signs of flower.
What is the best parts/method for the yarrow extract?

wait until the blooms just open, then cut the stalks with blooms on them to a few inches above ground level. they will resprout and give your more harvests. in time the plants will get bigger and youll be able to harvest leaf material quite often.


Alchemical Botanist
thanks for the dandelion info Jay

organicterra so it seems like the mix you made should be suitable, if not quite as specific, as having the parts separated out.

AmberTrich thanks for reporting back with that information.

CC2 more expensive than gold. Is it me or do those prices seem a tad high?


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
fuck i need to start making green yarrow essential oils and sell it for 500$ a oz.



What I can't figure out is what you would do with it? Human consumption?

<shakes head>


Alchemical Botanist
I got some presents recently. :dance013: Here they are. Going to use them for mulching and FPE along with dandelions now, and other cool plants.

Thanks again to all contributors :thank you:




I got some presents recently. :dance013: Here they are. Going to use them for mulching and FPE along with dandelions now, and other cool plants.

Thanks again to all contributors :thank you:

Nice start! Wait until about the end of July. You should be amazed with the amount of plant material you'll be able to harvest even on your first cut.
