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Feminized Seeds vs. Regular Seeds


i bought some endless sky a few months back, iv now got 2 mothers from the pack, iv just took my cuttings for my next run, will these defo not hermie? Or would i have to flower one of the cuttings first to see etc


Well-known member
funny the fems I had, were mens. one full male and one girl with balls


Not really natural selection would be left to nature and nothing to do with anyone and cannabis therefore would mostly be monoecious!! still I like a good drug plant from a genepool that has been selected for certain good traits via many mating methods.. so if its left to natural selection you will have intersexed individuals in a gene pool, so maybe its you fucking up a gene pool ?

I guess I should have elaborated...

Most things in life are male and female, cannabis is the same way. Call me a purist but any plant that goes intersex should be killed and never should be mated to make seeds, especially for sale to people. S1s and fem seeds are fuckin up the gene pool. It doesn't take any skill to force a plant to throw male flowers or have one pollinate itself...any grower can do that...true breeding uses males and not just any males, the best of the best. Those are harder to find than holy grail females...and if you think I have fucked up gene pool check my albums...


is easy to realise feminized seeds has totally fucked up genes, some do a better stabilization and some dont, for example last time i ordered a blueberry from copycat according to them its supposeed to be an indica,but i found out that most genotipes were mostly sativas.


Active member
In 5 or 10yr's down the Road are People going to be still smoking the same old Tired and Rehashed Strains of Today?? Most people I know want to smoke something new and Exciting. Now where do the Seed Makers go to Find the Elite Clones to Create their Femm seeds..Obviously,there is a Genuine need to maintain Real Genetics and Create new hybrids,Ibl's ect.I look at the whole Fem Seed business as another example of Corporate Greed..Just because you can do it, doesnt make it Right. I understand the usefulness of Fem Seeds, and the Market they cater Too. But don't Forget Real Breeding and Improving the plant we all Love..


In 5 or 10yr's down the Road are People going to be still smoking the same old Tired and Rehashed Strains of Today?? Most people I know want to smoke something new and Exciting. Now where do the Seed Makers go to Find the Elite Clones to Create their Femm seeds..Obviously,there is a Genuine need to maintain Real Genetics and Create new hybrids,Ibl's ect.I look at the whole Fem Seed business as another example of Corporate Greed..Just because you can do it, doesnt make it Right. I understand the usefulness of Fem Seeds, and the Market they cater Too. But don't Forget Real Breeding and Improving the plant we all Love..

I am no expert but I believe using s1 seeds can be used to improve breeding. it is a tool like many others.


Active member
There is a reason,or at least there could be shakiraloba.

When fems are made, a breeder stresses the plants to discover which of them are resistant to hermaphroditism under stress. When acceptable parents are found, fems are made. Its unlikely that the pheno that doesnt hermie easily is also the most potent pheno which theoretically one would want to use for a parent plant. So, plants that come from femmed seed are rarely as potent as the most potent pheno of the strain.

For example. Sensi star is generally potent and the fems are quite potent - more so than any other indica ive grown. But if you buy a pack of the regulars, in that pack will be a kick ass, head sweating pheno that will make every SS fem Paradise makes look like ditch weed.

If you want a good crop of consistent plants with reasonable potency, fems are great. If you're looking for the holy grail and that special one of a kind pheno, youll need to buy regular seeds.

Not sure I agree with you logic...

So far the most potent strain i've grown is a pineapple express plant from a fem seed....

Even stronger than the one Sour D female (thought was female anyway...had some ball sacs but no seeds) I was able to find..

Have 4 more sour d seedlings that are starting to show sex...so we'll see..

I mean...I only grew one seed but it literally is the best plant I've ever grown as far as overall potency/flavor/high not to mention its a fast vegger and clones easy...maybe I just got extremely lucky...I often think thats probably the case cause everybody I know that smokes it says its the best they've ever had......I just smile and tell em I'll pass the word along.

However it does throw a few nanners on the lower 1/3 of the plant but it never produces seeds....or if it does its literally like 1 seed per 2-3 oz's...

Anyway...I've read so many arguments on both sides of the coin...and its compelling on both sides alot of times...

From my experience and granted it is fairly limited...maybe grown from seed all the way through flower 30-40 different female plants..probably half were fems..I really couldn't tell one way or another if there was a difference in herm % and potency ect...

I do have a really nice looking mental floss (reg seed of course) that is finishing up and then I think 2 of the sour d seedlings I have are leaning towards being female...so hopefully one of them passes the pineapple as the best i've ever grown...
Nothing wrong with feminized seeds, or breeding/seed making if that's what you want to do, but some people go down that path instead of becoming a good/great cloner... not all, but some. I think that's a mistake.
Security issues. Only one growspace possible(unless you don't want to quit all social life). It is also security not to mess around with plants, that gets you fined more, if there is them more, but not yielding nothing. Police sees male plant as harmful as female plant. :tiphat:

Cuttings and growing them also requires another space if want done right.


Well-known member
For outdoor growers, regular seeds are almost a must. I just used up the last of my Fem Mix beans. I was lucky enough to have a pc grow where I was able to reverse one of them before going completely outdoors. At my outdoor spot, there's no way I'd be able to go out there and spray with CS as often as I would need to. I know there are other methods (stress) to create the fem seeds, but I'd rather just create f2, f3, etc. (or the polyhybrid equivalent of) from regular beans - let nature do its thing. For as long as I don't have a place to keep moms or do a feminized seed run, I won't be ordering feminized seeds.


from the future
For me it's just a story of consciousness.
In a few years I think femz will be past and history, as our sytem focus on money and not as humans who make it...

Vade retro money monsanto transgenesis and co, it's almost the end for you and your vices :ying:

So if noobs want femz, why don't they use pure clones? :laughing:
I guess I should have elaborated...

Most things in life are male and female, cannabis is the same way. Call me a purist but any plant that goes intersex should be killed and never should be mated to make seeds, especially for sale to people. S1s and fem seeds are fuckin up the gene pool. It doesn't take any skill to force a plant to throw male flowers or have one pollinate itself...any grower can do that...true breeding uses males and not just any males, the best of the best. Those are harder to find than holy grail females...and if you think I have fucked up gene pool check my albums...

Well pictures wont tell me about the genes but anyway... I agree with your purist view that anything intersex should be culled, that said for it applies to ANY breeding program M/F mating or F/F.. or even male to male! true breeding does not just use males, that there is nonsense... tell me how do you know your males are the best of the best? do you run tesst on them do you know they are def males? have labs confirmed this? do you reverse your males? what in your view does the male bring that the female doesn't? IMO shisters are shisters and WILL exploit cannabis for their gain and profit regardless of techs before shisters knew how to reverse they would hack using whatever they could in their closets.. do you feel that was more beneficial to the overall genepool? just because a "male" was used ?


I for one am kinda sick of people calling feminized seeds "unnatural" You do know female plants grow male parts in nature all the time right? These days breeders dont really "stress" the plant to make it grow balls. I heard they used to use all kinds of methods such as light stress, driving nails into the stalk and basically attacking the plant and fucking with it so bad that it thinks its life is coming to an end so it grows male parts to try and basically fuck itself so it can produce seeds and let its all female children live on. Now breeders simply spray collodial silver on the plants. My fathers friend is actually a collodial silver fanatic (not MJ related) he drinks the shit everyday and even feeds it to his animals and claims it builds the immune system so much he never gets sick and even makes IMO some far fetched claims that it cures cancer. I cut myself at his house and he sprayed some of the collodial silver water on my cut and he claimed it would make it heal much faster, I do think i noticed a difference and when I had poison ivy he sprayed it all over me and it seemed to take the itch a way instantly. I told him about how it is used in marijuana breeding and he was not surprised. He claims he feeds it to all his (non MJ) plants and it makes his plants very strong and diesease free. He does not really understand male and female cannabis plants but he told me the collodial silver would not stress the plant...so why it makes it grow male parts is unknown to me. But collodial silver is very easy to make and there are a couple threads on it. Friends of mine make fem seeds outdoors every year. Some people think it is so hard but it is pretty simple. And to everyone saying why not just use proven clones...the med states must be getting to your head. Not everyone has access to clones, some of us have to pick a nice mother and make clones ourself....


Active member
I for one am kinda sick of people calling feminized seeds "unnatural" You do know female plants grow male parts in nature all the time right? These days breeders dont really "stress" the plant to make it grow balls. I heard they used to use all kinds of methods such as light stress, driving nails into the stalk and basically attacking the plant and fucking with it so bad that it thinks its life is coming to an end so it grows male parts to try and basically fuck itself so it can produce seeds and let its all female children live on. Now breeders simply spray collodial silver on the plants. My fathers friend is actually a collodial silver fanatic (not MJ related) he drinks the shit everyday and even feeds it to his animals and claims it builds the immune system so much he never gets sick and even makes IMO some far fetched claims that it cures cancer. I cut myself at his house and he sprayed some of the collodial silver water on my cut and he claimed it would make it heal much faster, I do think i noticed a difference and when I had poison ivy he sprayed it all over me and it seemed to take the itch a way instantly. I told him about how it is used in marijuana breeding and he was not surprised. He claims he feeds it to all his (non MJ) plants and it makes his plants very strong and diesease free. He does not really understand male and female cannabis plants but he told me the collodial silver would not stress the plant...so why it makes it grow male parts is unknown to me. But collodial silver is very easy to make and there are a couple threads on it. Friends of mine make fem seeds outdoors every year. Some people think it is so hard but it is pretty simple. And to everyone saying why not just use proven clones...the med states must be getting to your head. Not everyone has access to clones, some of us have to pick a nice mother and make clones ourself....

Indeed .. making clones "ourself" is a great way to go. Find a keeper, keep it for years.

It's easy, with a little practice, cheap, provides consistent, flawless quality and is a hell of lot easier in the bigger picture than creating a breeding/seed program.


Active member
Security issues. Only one growspace possible(unless you don't want to quit all social life). It is also security not to mess around with plants, that gets you fined more, if there is them more, but not yielding nothing. Police sees male plant as harmful as female plant. :tiphat:

Cuttings and growing them also requires another space if want done right.

Can't tell if you are agreeing or disagreeing!? Regardless, those are all good considerations ... there are more too. A cloner can be run under a very low power flouro in a tiny space and produces almost no heat and no odor. If you're clever about it, you can keep a perpetual flowering room rolling non-stop with perfectly uniform quality females.

Running from seed, even feminized, adds to grow/veg time and results in a lot more variabily in quality, yield and even flowering period.

Effective seed breeding programs get you into a lot more issues/resources than that usually; and you're right about male plants, cops don't care if they got balls.

I think some people just see cloning as difficult, when it's not at all.

Again, nothing wrong with breeding, a lot of growers love doing it, but if you want a fast, consistent, high output flower room with limited resources; can't beat cloning keepers.


Well pictures wont tell me about the genes but anyway... I agree with your purist view that anything intersex should be culled, that said for it applies to ANY breeding program M/F mating or F/F.. or even male to male! true breeding does not just use males, that there is nonsense... tell me how do you know your males are the best of the best? do you run tesst on them do you know they are def males? have labs confirmed this? do you reverse your males? what in your view does the male bring that the female doesn't? IMO shisters are shisters and WILL exploit cannabis for their gain and profit regardless of techs before shisters knew how to reverse they would hack using whatever they could in their closets.. do you feel that was more beneficial to the overall genepool? just because a "male" was used ?

For what purpose are you breeding towards? My purpose for crossing is taking the best male, meaning the one that does not flower in veg, yields heavy and smells great, just to name a few traits...and then crossing him to the best females I have. I don't sell seeds, I give em away or use em for myself so I really don't care about what people wanna buy or do. What I am trying to say is that in order to keep the gene pool clean, we as growers need to NOT use S1 and hermie genetics. There is a place for these seeds...in bird feed. :)

True Breeding...I am going to use dogs as an example. Do female dogs mate with female dogs? Do we reverse them so they can mate to make all female dogs? Is that the same with male dogs? Do we mate male dogs with male dogs to make all male dogs? Please find me someone that does this. Dog breeders take the best and biggest dogs they have and breed them. Selection is based on different aspects. This is why the same breed of dogs from different breeders have different looks but still have the general look of the breed. When my brother chooses a male pit to breed with, he looks at size, shape, color and demeanor. When I choose a male plant to breed with, I look at size, shape, smell, yield and resistance. I wouldn't use a hermie male just like I wouldn't use a hermie female. I am not saying intersex traits do not exist in nature...hell there are humans with both parts...but think if they start making babies, wouldn't that be a little weird, a little un-natural?

How do I know my males are males? Because I have been growing long enough to know what one is suppose to look like. I am not going to get into a pissing contest over different opinions on how to breed because basically that's what it is, opinions. Each person thinks they know how or their way is the right way to do it and quite frankly I don't want to argue it. I gave my opinion on the matter, take as you want.

I'll do my thing, you do your thing. If you wanna grow S1s and hermies and fem seeds, go right ahead, Im not going to tell you what do, every person has the right to do what they want. I only ask that you please keep your "pollen" away from my garden. Thank you :)
For what purpose are you breeding towards? My purpose for crossing is taking the best male, meaning the one that does not flower in veg, yields heavy and smells great, just to name a few traits...and then crossing him to the best females I have. I don't sell seeds, I give em away or use em for myself so I really don't care about what people wanna buy or do. What I am trying to say is that in order to keep the gene pool clean, we as growers need to NOT use S1 and hermie genetics. There is a place for these seeds...in bird feed. :)

True Breeding...I am going to use dogs as an example. Do female dogs mate with female dogs? Do we reverse them so they can mate to make all female dogs? Is that the same with male dogs? Do we mate male dogs with male dogs to make all male dogs? Please find me someone that does this. Dog breeders take the best and biggest dogs they have and breed them. Selection is based on different aspects. This is why the same breed of dogs from different breeders have different looks but still have the general look of the breed. When my brother chooses a male pit to breed with, he looks at size, shape, color and demeanor. When I choose a male plant to breed with, I look at size, shape, smell, yield and resistance. I wouldn't use a hermie male just like I wouldn't use a hermie female. I am not saying intersex traits do not exist in nature...hell there are humans with both parts...but think if they start making babies, wouldn't that be a little weird, a little un-natural?

How do I know my males are males? Because I have been growing long enough to know what one is suppose to look like. I am not going to get into a pissing contest over different opinions on how to breed because basically that's what it is, opinions. Each person thinks they know how or their way is the right way to do it and quite frankly I don't want to argue it. I gave my opinion on the matter, take as you want.

I'll do my thing, you do your thing. If you wanna grow S1s and hermies and fem seeds, go right ahead, Im not going to tell you what do, every person has the right to do what they want. I only ask that you please keep your "pollen" away from my garden. Thank you :)

you seem confused, just because something reverse does NOT make it intersex...

and with your analogy and applied to humans say you had a kid dying it needed a blood tansfusion, you gonna say no because its not how it works in nature? jeez... too many holes to pick at.....
Can't tell if you are agreeing or disagreeing!?
What, I am not against them, but I don't praise them to skies, isn't that enough? :) I use myself Females because limitations in space. Been cloning enough during my grow career and it is not the issue. Space is and keeping clones during summertime when not home 2 months. There is no one to take care of them.
Variety is also somewhat plus. I get easily bored just smoking same strain very fast. BUT if there would be enough space, I would go clone way from REG seeds unless strain is only femmed like SLH, then clones from fem would just have to do.

This is just how I roll, everyone should make their decisions what and how to grow on their own. :tiphat:


this debate has been around for years , there's nothing wrong with female seeds if made correctly .

who uses them depends on the situation , i've grown regular seeds , auto's , femmed and keep mothers from clone only strains.
i've reversed plants myself and had excellent results and will shortly be starting a test grow for another member using femmed seeds.


D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
My 2 cents isnt really just opinion. Since 2000, ive grown probabaly 50 or more packs of fems from every major company 30 odd strains.. Ive grown probably 125 or more regular packs of seeds from every major breeder since 98.

With regaurds to hermaphroditsm, ive found fems in general to be far more resistant than regular seeds. Many of my grows are outdoors where stressers are common. Its rare to pop 10 regular seeds from any breeder and not find 1/2 dozen seeds in a lb of weed. The parent plants for fems have been tested to reveal that they are more resistant than their sister plants to hermie. If you plant 10 regs, its likely that one of the plants is more suceptable to stress than others. Sexually, fems are consistently more stable.

Ive grown many packs of potent smoke from femmed seeds. But its really the luck of the draw for the breeder. If the plant that is nanner resistant and a good candidate for femminization is also very potent then the offspring will be too. But its likely not to be the most potent pheno as well.

One has to be careful purchasing fems. Ive found the best companies to be the ones that have been doing it for a while and the worst to be new commers. I wouldnt buy a feemmed seed from Mr. Nice simply because he doenst like femmed seeds, has refused to make them and his heart isnt in it which results in crap weed. Sensi seeds, Sagmartha and other top companaies were purist at heart and disapproved of the fem movement but now want to jump in to grab the profits. Until theyve had time to work with their lines they will be infrerior
