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Feminized Four Strain Test Run


Trichome Taste Tester
ICMag Donor
Final Report - Chemmy Jones

3 Phenos:

Big CJN Bud:

Cut Shot:



Scale Tally:
3.3, 2.4, 1.9, 2.1

Potency 8.2
Taste 7.4

Chemmy Jones wants to be a tall plant that makes large firm buds that are covered in trichs. The smells range from chemmy-floral to medicine-spice. Outstanding yield potential with a serious stone is how I would describe this strain.

My keeper is the big budded monster you see above. Her smell is an acrid medicine/floral backed with a heavy dank. The smoke is thick and hangs like a deep fog in the air. Her potency is such that you can feel yourself getting higher AS you hit it. The head bake just keeps coming as the buzz pushes you harder into the chair.

This one wins the top potency of the grow, and 1st runner up for Best in Grow.

Tester Comments:

Damn good medicine
Head spinner
True Dank
Thick taste with a big kick



Trichome Taste Tester
ICMag Donor
Final Thoughts

If you are looking for great colors and super sweet tastes - I recommend Purple Cheddar.

If you are looking for high yield with a stone that smacks - I recommend Chemmy Jones.

If you are looking for unbelievable taste with a good buzz - I recommend Cream Cheese.

All three strains yielded keepers worthy of further testing.

On Test Scores:
I use at least 5 experienced testers for every evaluation. Their scores are averaged and comments compiled for all reviews.

On the Future:
My three keepers will go into a “winners run”, where all the information acquired will be applied to max out the plants.

This was my first run using all individuals instead of rows of phenotypes. It is a lot more work to maintain positive identification throughout the process and the data gathering and compiling can get tedious. However the quantity and quality of the data has me convinced to do future test runs in a similar fashion.

I want to thank CSG for releasing these genetics and hosting this forum.

I also thank everyone who participated in the thread. Your encouragement was certainly appreciated.

As always, your comments and questions are welcome.

AK, another great grow full of invaluable info.
So now I guess i'll have to pop my chemmy jones seeds (hahaha)

Thanks a million, OG


Active member
sweet grow show! those cheese cross's really are showing off the uk cheese clone!! i can spot her from a mile away! bet those buds smelll and taste lovely!

later and happy smoking :joint:


ICMag Donor
man hats of to you aerokrafter

you done me proud again
thank you so much for the time you take to post and take notes,pics etc and evalute the whole thing on such a profesional level

amazing pics
cream cheese looks delicous
you can see both parents in the pic you posted

i love me the chemy jones, one of favourites from my camp (reg and fem versions)

purple cheddar love it myself
you really do get great combos of purple cheese buds

thanks again bro



Trichome Taste Tester
ICMag Donor
Thanx all for the kind words.

These were a pleasure to grow. The mix of the different phenos provided a rainbow of opportunities.

I continue to consistently find outstanding individuals in every pack of Connoisseur gear. For the price of their beans, and the great promos they run, I would say you get great value from CSG.

Value is not always about price, but these are bargains by any measure.

On Cali-O:

The subject of my CLO shots turned into my keeper. Testers gave it a potency of 7.5 and taste of 8.1. Deep sweet orange flavor that has a snap on the exhale. The buzz is a little light compared to heavy hitters, but the face smack and pleasant glow buzz remain a delight.

Thank you all once again for your interest.
