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Females Equal to Males in Math


Active member
men are generally better than women in math because women tend to use different parts of the brain more often, therefore women are for example more sensitive and have more compassion, and the part that men uses more helps us solve math problems... atleast that's what I've heard.


A foot without a sock...
Speaking about Columbus Day threads, didn't they also use to think the world was flat?

You need to get some new 'peers'.:tiphat:


Active member
Speaking about Columbus Day threads, didn't they also use to think the world was flat?

You need to get some new 'peers'.:tiphat:

lol NOO.. They didn't. It was an urban legend, believed by few.

Even the greeks knew the world was round. A greek had figured out the circumference (SPHERE!!!!) of the earth about 1700 years before Columbus.

They could also realize the fact that the earth was round because you see a mast first then the ship, as it approaches port. They knew it was curved.

But I get your point, and agree :tongue:
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sac beh

Well this thread turned out a bit strange didn't it.

By peers I meant people around my age that I have regular contact with, whose opinions on the topic I'm familiar with, not necessarily friends..


Well, imho, I believe the dynamic that use to drive this type of thinking has long gone by the way-side.

It's nurture, not nature any longer.The 'traditional' hunter/gatherer roles no longer apply. When given free reign (including those personally imposed self-limitations) any individual can flourish, especially women.


Active member
Well, imho, I believe the dynamic that use to drive this type of thinking has long gone by the way-side.

It's nurture, not nature any longer.The 'traditional' hunter/gatherer roles no longer apply. When given free reign (including those personally imposed self-limitations) any individual can flourish, especially women.

So you think both sex's brains are identical? Both are capable of doing the exact same things exactly the same? You don't believe in an innate advantage for either sex in certain areas?

Personally, I think we're all a lot more different than we think we are...or will admit. If we spent half as much effort and energy USING our differences constructively instead of constantly fighting against nature and becoming mediocre...we'd be much better off.

We make everything so damn complicated and difficult.


Yep, I'm fucking sick of this socialist "everyone is identical and has the same potential" bullshit today. Why can't we accept and embrace the fact that people are different, and use this to our advantage? Stockholders and CEO's does not care about your gender, only about profits - if you are good at what you do they will elect or hire you no matter if you're a gay transvestite or a happily married man.

sac beh

Yep, I'm fucking sick of this socialist "everyone is identical and has the same potential" bullshit today. Why can't we accept and embrace the fact that people are different, and use this to our advantage?

So are you saying this research is socialist? Or...? I don't get where your rage is coming from...

The science says females are equal to males in math ability. Nothing socialist or controversial here, unless (like I say in my original post) you bring assumptions about what gender roles should be to the table.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Although your hypothsis is correct the plain fact is we have missed the boat completely when it comes to teaching our kids . It matters not if a female excels in math the only thing that truly matters is what he/she may excel in altogether period and nurture those talents.. We treat everyone like a drone and this should stop. School is very boring..peace out Headband707


So you think both sex's brains are identical? Both are capable of doing the exact same things exactly the same? You don't believe in an innate advantage for either sex in certain areas?

Personally, I think we're all a lot more different than we think we are...or will admit. If we spent half as much effort and energy USING our differences constructively instead of constantly fighting against nature and becoming mediocre...we'd be much better off.

We make everything so damn complicated and difficult.

Not what I said at all.

All things being equal, it matters not how the task at hand gets done.While the method used may differ, the same level of success is attainable by either.
Are there differences? ofcourse, but differences don't exactly equate to better/worse as a zero sum.
The fact is, times have changed, while the ideology of many have not.
Synergy, not seperation, is the answer I guess is what I'm getting at.That goes for whomever, be it man or woman, is best for the task at hand.

Why should people be pidgeon-holed?


Active member
women are better at math. my ex had my finances figured out before i even got paid. she told me just how much i was in debt and her new wardrobe cost. i got a calculator and showed her the door


Active member
Although your hypothsis is correct the plain fact is we have missed the boat completely when it comes to teaching our kids . It matters not if a female excels in math the only thing that truly matters is what he/she may excel in altogether period and nurture those talents.. We treat everyone like a drone and this should stop. School is very boring..peace out Headband707

And we teach boys wrong. Boys don't like sitting still and listening, they learn by doing.

Not what I said at all.

All things being equal, it matters not how the task at hand gets done.While the method used may differ, the same level of success is attainable by either.
Are there differences? ofcourse, but differences don't exactly equate to better/worse as a zero sum.
The fact is, times have changed, while the ideology of many have not.
Synergy, not seperation, is the answer I guess is what I'm getting at.That goes for whomever, be it man or woman, is best for the task at hand.

Why should people be pidgeon-holed?

But it DOES matter. Why send someone in to stumble around when someone else is a natural at it? In some things you WON'T get the same level of success. I know it's "not nice" to talk gender/race and smarts...so I'll go in another direction.

Women ARE more nurturing. Men ARE more aggressive. So we SHOULD be pigeon holed. We bring down the "system", we lower the standards too much, to give "everyone an equal chance"...even though, for some things, there shouldn't BE an equal chance.

I guess it's me...I'm tired of seeing the incompetence out there. I see "professionals" and I'm teaching THEM? Why? Because someone wanted in to that profession who couldn't meet the standards...so the standards were lowered so much that ANY idiot can "do it"...but really can't.

Times AND ideology have changed my friend...they've both changed. My "old fashioned" ideology of...you don't work in the garden, you don't eat...sure has changed.

There is no synergy in quotas...only negativity.


And we teach boys wrong. Boys don't like sitting still and listening, they learn by doing.

But it DOES matter. Why send someone in to stumble around when someone else is a natural at it? In some things you WON'T get the same level of success. I know it's "not nice" to talk gender/race and smarts...so I'll go in another direction.

Women ARE more nurturing. Men ARE more aggressive. So we SHOULD be pigeon holed. We bring down the "system", we lower the standards too much, to give "everyone an equal chance"...even though, for some things, there shouldn't BE an equal chance.

I guess it's me...I'm tired of seeing the incompetence out there. I see "professionals" and I'm teaching THEM? Why? Because someone wanted in to that profession who couldn't meet the standards...so the standards were lowered so much that ANY idiot can "do it"...but really can't.

Times AND ideology have changed my friend...they've both changed. My "old fashioned" ideology of...you don't work in the garden, you don't eat...sure has changed.

There is no synergy in quotas...only negativity.

Nobody, and I mean nobody is more old-fashioned than I, depression era up-bringing no less.

I understand what your saying, but my point is there are tasks that women can do equally as well, or better, than a man.I've seen it with my own two eyes.Yes, even physical tasks.I once saw my grandfather's sister (great aunt) pull a well-rooted, sapling from the ground, just as you or I would have, maybe with greater ease.Granted, she was from a different time and place, but definitely a precursor of things to come.

I digress.

My point is, when utilizing team members who are adept at those given tasks, everybody wins, regardless of the preconceived stereotypes or positions normally held.

It's a brave new world, friend, for better or worse depending on who you ask I suppose.

Your comparison isn't an entirely fair one, work-place vs. actual life, which is what I'm referring to. Apples to oranges.

Ozzie & Harriet don't live here anymore.


Active member
women are better at math . wanna get your finances straight? get a new girlfriend and supply her with all documents.if she leaves your in financial ruin


So are you saying this research is socialist? Or...? I don't get where your rage is coming from...

The science says females are equal to males in math ability. Nothing socialist or controversial here, unless (like I say in my original post) you bring assumptions about what gender roles should be to the table.

I live in a socialist state, the concept of equality and anonymity is very strong here, your kids are simply not allowed to be bad at math and exceptional in arts&craft. If your kids are, the doc will prescribe them ritalin, and if they don't improve, they have some sort of unknown disorder. If you're not average at everything, you're sick!

sac beh

I live in a socialist state, the concept of equality and anonymity is very strong here, your kids are simply not allowed to be bad at math and exceptional in arts&craft. If your kids are, the doc will prescribe them ritalin, and if they don't improve, they have some sort of unknown disorder. If you're not average at everything, you're sick!


There's a difference between both genders having the same potential to excel at math or another discipline (what this study is saying), and people being forced to pursue certain displines (more of a political issue). So I think the science is very anti-"socialist" (as you describe it) in this respect, in that it shows that the genders both posses the potential, and that individuals allowed to pursue their desired disciplines would express a wide range of abilities beyond what the social/political norms would predict.


3rd-Eye Jedi
i bet much of the difference between the capacities of man and woman actualized in the past were byproducts of being raised in a chauvinist society