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Feinstein again: Congress May Double Penalties For Pot Brownies!?!?!


(C) modified by flavoring or coloring the controlled substance with the intent to distribute, dispense, or sell the controlled substance to a person under 18 years of age.

How would they prove intent? So you can make edibles as long as you didnt intend to supply them to minors? Or rather, they can't prove you intended to?


‘(3) EXCEPTIONS- Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any controlled substance that--
‘(A) has been approved by the Secretary under section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 355), if the contents, marketing, and packaging of the controlled substance have not been altered from the form approved by the Secretary; or
‘(B) has been altered at the direction of a practitioner who is acting for a legitimate medical purpose in the usual course of professional practice.’.

Is this the govt trying to regulate edibles via federal law? or ban them?

can anyone explain this?


As if any of us would ever give one to a kid.

And if a kid got one, they'd get so high, they'd be uncomfortable, and it would be a turn-off.

a "kid" is anyone under 18...

i loved edibles back then, and fuck anybody who "wouldn't give one to a kid"

this is just a preview of the regulations that are soon to come... big business and big Pharma want a piece of the ganja pie, and they are not gonna let pot-brownies stand in their way.

so vote yes on prop 19, and get ready for your Pfizer or Merck Canna-Capsules!!!!!!!!

fuckin assholes


That's is one the most evil thing iv ever hear / read that Lady must be such a bitch in real life.......... I don't even know why this bill was even allowed to be adressed to the floor... she should not have the right trying to go behind the. State laws and go fedral but ...I hope the state of Cali will see that this lady does not care about the Well beging of Cali Residents and basically she does not care for the we'll beging of the USA and its voters... nevermind Us tokers



And how are school zones legitimate? Think of how much production is lost slowing down for those little bastards. Why not just teach them to stay the hell out of the road? Or build schools some where less traveled. where they are less likely to get in the way of the real world.

I'm sorry, but that's kinda the problem: You can't reliably teach children to be as cautious as they should be. And my guess of the lost productivity due to school zones is about 0.000001 percent, at most. You don't lose more than half a minute because you have to drive 10 or however many mph slower around a school, that's just bullshit.


New member
She is a typical politician, as well as a real live bitch, who cares nothing about anyone but herself getting relected. She wants to look cool and acts like she is for the legalization. Then to cover her old wrinkled ass she can say to those who criticize her, 'Oh, but look how I protected the kids from brownies.'
Basically she wants to have it both way, 'I support it, but I don't.'


New member
"I believe the Patriot Act is vital to the protection of the American people."
Dianne Feinstein, 2005

Feinstein will wheel and deal to push for grand goals like environmental conservation and decreasing gun violence. I'm not being sarcastic here. She does have genuine deeply held beliefs (that just happen to match the majority of Californians for the last half century).

However, individual liberties are of no concern to the Senator. If anyone gets trampled it's their fault for not obeying their betters.:bow:

Mr. Mountain

This is crazy! Next thing you know there will be a limit on how much butter I can buy at one time.

Edibles are not for children. Edibles are not marketed to children.

But in my opinion using packaging that mimics traditional candy packaging makes it look that way. I wish I never saw a "Kif Kat" bar or a "Stoners"

I don't think the people who made them had any intent to sell these to kids, but outside observers may not see it that way.

But regardless, DOUBLING penalties for edibles = insane.

Mr. M

rick shaw

I never heard any complaints about edibles until the knock-off candy bars/soda drinks.It was the corporations that owned the trademarks that got the ball rolling to get them busted and sued for copyright violations.Now the haters have picked this up as ammunition (they do not have a lot of good reasons,they are grasping).Now here is how I see it,if kids and simpletons are attracted to candy and cookies how about ganja broccoli,cauliflower or tomato juice.