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feeding wildlife


Active member
Pops said:
As man intrudes into the domain of wild animals, too much contact is inevitable. It can be fatal to both, as witnessed by the deaths of people in Cali who built houses in areas that cougars inhabit.
I hope the cougars killed those people.

daisy jane

RudolfTheRed said:
I hope the cougars killed those people.

You must have missed the thread titled "kitty kitty kitty". Someone on here (can't remember who) posted a picture of a mountain lion looking inside his house through a sliding glass door. The majority of the people in the thread said they would have killed the mountain lion given the chance.....absolutely despicable. People are constantly intruding on nature's wonders and get pissy whenever a predator is on their property. I got news for ya fellas, it is the animals land, you just live on it!

I absolutely love wildlife. But what I love the most is the fact that the animals are WILD. Don't be an idiot and don't feed the wildlife. It makes them less afraid of people and more willing to scrounge around your house.



^ that was Red, he said his friend took the pic, but that pic was old, I seen it years ago on the net


Never feed the animals or wildlife - that's great rule to remember either in outdoors or inner city.

Give the crackwhores a smoke (once), you'll be cleaning crackwhore stench off your front porch forever.

Wild animals are wild - no grocery stores, no food banks. Tough winter? Tough titties... Survival of the fittest - animals that is. We are human, and have a built in instinct to provide for our own.

Old bag next to me used to feed the birds - all winter. Now she's moved, and the poor little things won't leave, because they are sure she'll come out and give them handouts.

She used to feed stray cats too - my property reeks from cat piss, and I don't own one. Friggin feral cats are nasty...

Don't feed the animals (or crackwhores)...
While I agree it is not a good idea to randomly feed wild animals, or leave your trash where they can get it. I must confess I am a proud owner of several bird feeders, ive got suet (sp?) feeder, liquid feeders, and seed feeders. I should mention i also have plenty of trees and perrenial plants that make safe homes to all these birds. Birds are the only wildlife I feed as none of the critters around here seem to have problems feeding. Never seen a starvin critter out here. I enjoy nothing more than sitting on my front porch and smokkin a doobie and drinkin a cup of coffee with no noise but the chirp of birds happily feeding from my feeders and tending to their nests, its quite the center of activity, and sometimes amusing to watch.

P.S. I make 100% sure that they have food in them as i know they have come to expect it being there. Do you know what its like to watch a family of blue jays grow and change over the course of 3-5 years. You would be amzed at the survival rate and the numbers these babies put out every year.


Registered Med User
NOKUY said:
shit i eat bear....its not the point, and bears wont go near patches protected.

ever heard of dogs?

my dogs will keep all animals away...canines, bears, coyotes, fox, wolf., human...anything!...i cant think of an animal that would go near my property thru my dogs :confused:....and i dont have to kill anything.

yeah our dogs keep out the bears, not the birds though.

Shooting a mountain lion is like spitting in a native americans face. How could u shoot such a powerful and graceful creature?
When I was yung a mountain lion used to fallow me after I got off the bus almost the wholeway to my house(bout 2 miles) at first I was a little scared but I knew if I ran instincts would kick in so I just walked and dealed with it, got used to it and felt like I had a protector. Love mountain lions , the cubs used to play under the balcony of my grandmas house. I havent seen one in about 6 years accept a cub that was stuck in the road one night, fences on both side and it couldnt get out the road so I turned around and chased it(in the car) till the creek where it could get through the fence. love them cats.
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stoned agin ...
i always heard that for eg the birds if you start feedin em in the winter then stop putting out food that they may starve because food is so hard to find that theyll wait too long. so if you start up feedin in the winter, you should keep up the commitment. summers ok because theres always other food around.

i can't see them coming back again next winter and starvin, they'll check it out earlier and if no grub, search as usual.

and feedin big wild animals i dont agree with they shouldnt get too used to humans or theyll start hangin around and accidentally cause shit bein themselves.
buckeye-leaf said:
was fishing and this duck swam up to us friendly as can be he/she loved puffcorn :bigeye:

Ive found that ducks are quite fearless and always welcome a treat, although i look at this as a peace offering for the duck nor chasin me away. Really though i would suggest if it is a large water fowel like a goose or a swan do not feed them at all no matter what. They can become very agitated when you stop feeding them and it take a lot or wing strength to lift those big things off the ground. Being hit with their wings while they are snappin at you is not fun as i once saw my friends chased and taken to the ground by a goose.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
VanillaGueriila said:
Being hit with their wings while they are snappin at you is not fun as i once saw my friends chased and taken to the ground by a goose.
a friend of mine was goose hunting (I don't hunt goose as they mate for life) one day and came upon a sleeping goose near the edge of the lake, he put his gun down and crept over to it quietly (he is a native american) and pounced on it when he could. Rob said that goose had the strength of a man and fought him hard til the bitter end.......
Im with Nokuy....

I live in Africa and there are forever stories of wild animals being killed/poisoned etc because they now come more often into built up areas searching for easy/free meals.

Then you get the boneheads who call in police/wildlife who then have to remove the animal ( = high stress sometimes death) and release it somewhere else or in some cases rehabilitate it.

End of story: Wild animals should never be fed / left food etc It 'corrupts' their normal instincts and ultimately will do them far more harm then good.


Resident pissy old man
MickeyBlue42 said:
Im with Nokuy....

I live in Africa and there are forever stories of wild animals being killed/poisoned etc because they now come more often into built up areas searching for easy/free meals.

Then you get the boneheads who call in police/wildlife who then have to remove the animal ( = high stress sometimes death) and release it somewhere else or in some cases rehabilitate it.

End of story: Wild animals should never be fed / left food etc It 'corrupts' their normal instincts and ultimately will do them far more harm then good.

The same is true for crack whores!

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