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feeding schedules! any experience growers please help!

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Thanks again everyone! If you know any tips for beginner grower, please tell! Appreciate that!

With coco, build a good root mass in the pots before keeping the coco wet all the time. After u have a great root mass, u can water several times a day depending on plant size, etc..

In post #2 is a good standard for nutrient strength and ph. Quality base nutrients like u have at that strength are all u need for excellent quality plants.


What do you mean by saying build a good root mass? How should I do that?


How do you control your ph level? Im going to get still water with ph 5.8 but as far as I understand ph level will be higher after putting feed in it..


Use ph up or down but if using ro I think youll only need the up. Might wanna get the downas well to adjust if u make a mistake. All other kinds a ways.. silica .. citus acid blah blah but ph up $8 for a big ass bottle is cheap enough for me. Others will prob slam me saying theirs natural and cheaper ways but im just giving u the jist. Add it after nutrients shake and check ph . Some say wait for an amount of time to chk ph..but I dont roll like that. Peace and g luck.