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Feeding Everyday? QUESTIONS


In search of Genetics
I use larger pots 3gal pots. For Flowering. ( 1 Gallon for Veg need watered everyday just about)
They are still heavy the day after i water.

Either way Full Strength Nutes Every watering seems excessive.
I am wandering if a Full strength, then maybe half strength or just Cal Mag Low ppm watering. Every other day and a flush on fridays would work a little better.

Then Full feeding every day or every other day.

Anyone doing any kinda schedule like this.
when you say full strength....please elaborate? what kind of nutes are you using? miracle grow?

regardless.....if you find that your "full strength" formula is too excessive.....then.....well.....cut back concentration of your nutrients. in simpler terms, whatever you mix per gallon, put less per gal from now on. this remedies the problem of you needing to alternate feeds/flushes.


Active member
you mean you just transplanted to 3 gallon pots? when i transplant i water once until run off then let the roots just grow into the pot and drink as they need it i just lift them up every day feel the weight, you could probably not water them 2-3 days.. my :2cents:


In search of Genetics
My full strength is 500-600 ppm veg Floranova Grow / Cal Mag plus.
Flower is 800-1000 ppm Floranova Bloom/Cal Mag / Molasses.

My VEG/ Mums r in 1 gallon pots untill i decide on the keepers then to 3gal pots.
My clones are 16 oz cups for about a week then into 3 gal pots for 2 weeks veg.
Then to flower.

I was thinking of Watering VEG/mums.
Saturday 500-600 PPM FNG
Monday Cal Mag 250-300 PPM
Wednesday 500-600 PPM FNG
Friday 0 PPM


Basically same routine on Flowering.
Saturday 800-1000 PPM FNB
Monday Then 300 - 500 PPM Cal mag / Molasses.
Wednesday 800-1000 PPM FNB
Friday 0 PPM Flush
Does this sound like too much food?

well choice of nutrients/additive for flowering are good/safe choices in my opinion....so you have that about right.

however, we dont no shit about your conditions!!!!

for anyone to accurately answer your questions you need to at least provide pictures of the plants you speak of, describe their light source, amount of air being moved, temps(probably the most factoral to your ?) and other shit that i cant even think of. basically give us as many details and pictures as you can about your grow and we can give you a decently accurate answer. until then, your guess is as good as ours. im not trying to be a dick by any means, i do wish to help you with any subpar advice i could possible lend!, but your just asking questions that dont really let us answer them.


Active member
it sounds to me like you're over complicating things. You don't need to have every feeding so dramatically different. In fact if something went wrong it seems to me that it would be awfully hard to pin down what's wrong with your plants if you're giving them different feedings like that each time. Why don't you just give them consistent feedings. If you're worried that the full strength nutes will be too much (quite possibly will be), just make a compromise and feed them something in between each time. Then you can get a feel for if it's too much or not enough. Personally, I always start out light in veg (around EC .8-1) and wait for the plants to show me they're hungry. It's much easier to fix a hungry plant than a burned plant. If you want to flush them I'd say once a week should be plenty. :2cents: