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Feedback on my ideas for a (semi)stealth micro box


New member
Hey all,

Just recently started planning for my first growing attempt. I have some ideas in mind, and any suggestions or shoot-downs would be appreciated. This is going to have to be sorta stealthy, due to my current living situation. I also want to be able to pick up the whole operation and move it via my car if need be - so for that reason I've decided on a rubbermaid grow.

I found a 32 gallon Sterilite at Wally World - which I'm hoping to use by itself - no stacking. The dimensions of the tote are 29"x19"x19". I'm thinking I'll grow some kind of dwarf variety - and probably still use a training system - because with the lights mounted I'll probably be down to ~16" from the bottom of the lights to the base of the tote. I'm thinking of using about 8 23 watt CFLs, because that's what I have lying around and they're probably all I could manage in the small space.

For ventilation, I want to use a single PC case fan with a makeshift carbon scrubber as an exhaust in the back of the box, near the top. I'll put a larger intake hole at the bottom with a PVC elbow to help trap some of the light.

So my specific questions are:
1. Is one PC fan going to be enough to cool this space w/ the kind of wattage I'm planning on using?
2. What strains should I be looking at for this type of setup? autoflowering?
3. How should I best mount the lights so I can still have access to the plants? I was thinking I could mount two power strips on the underside of the lid, probably horizontally to maximize my vertical growing space. Then maybe run the cords out of the back of the box?

So what else am I missing? It's definitely not the ideal setup, but I want to keep all the shady looking business back behind the bin, and keep it looking like a boring storage tote from the front.



1. it depends how much the carbon scrubber gonna block of the out-take fan, and how cold is the place the grow room is in, u probably better double the intake size compared to the out take fan dimensions, also depends how much heat ur lamps give.

2. I'd say some auto-flowers will be great for this scale some can get as low as 6"

3. does ur your lamp look like? it depends on that

if u can post some pics of ur box and lights/fans it would be better, best of luck!

mad librettist

Active member
Is the lid flat?

I bet your lights take more than 3" in actual reality. You could plan to go between them maybe?

Are you going to use soil?


- Make a couple different design set ups and wee what will have the most benefit.
- some people like to use lights mounted in a straight line and other people like to keep bulbs in a shape (ex. square, etc)
- Mound them or dangle them? i say mount, imo
- as for the pc fan, look up the serial and model number with google and try to get the specs of what the fan can produce for air movement.
- beginner? soil? hydro? i personally think soil seems cheaper to learn with until the basics are established

AS FOR THE CAR... find out how long a car battery can power your box and buy the battery for back up......
incase you make the move... dont really wanna have a 22hour+ dark cycle if you have to ditch the closet!

Mounting the lights.... i got an idea... just play with me....

Multi Socket power Strip and use Bolts and Nuts to help mount to the side othe the container, You can use more then one Strip Cord

This is a light socket that can plug straight into the socket and can be found at lowes and just about anywhere.

you and mount a couple strips around the box if need be, and with the bolts, can easly slide the whole thing and remove so you can do your plant maintenance and then simplt slide it back into the tub on the bolts. NO WIRING require... one bulb goes out the other stay lit and no need for wire:dance013:


also, to train the plant, if you make a screen, make it attached to the PLANTS container, so if you need to pull a plant out, you will be able too because once it is tangled in the screen harvest is when you untangle....lol... and i can also try the Tie-Down-Sog method, more like horizontal growing, litterally, only let the buds grow tall... lol


New member
Thanks for the replies...

I like the idea of plugging lights directly into the power strip. For the size of the container and the number of small-wattage floros I'm working with, I'll probably end up using 2 power strips. I don't quite get the whole bolts/nuts idea...but it got me thinking, what about using velcro tape on the sides of the container and back of the power strips? That way when I need to access the plants I can just remove the lid, peel off the power strips and hang them over the side while I go to work. My only concern would be whether the velcro is strong enough to hold everything up.

My biggest worries right now are smell and light leaks. I'm thinking I'll use that micro carbon scrubber made of net pots, activated charcoal, and pantyhose. Then attach that to the back of a strong PC fan (havent' bought one yet...any ideas for cfm rating?) and have it pull through to exhaust (the filter would be inside the tub, fan outside).

Also, does anybody know how much this sterilite is going to glow if I don't paint the interior? They come in matte blue or brown...

For varieties I'm leaning towards red or white dwarf. I'm looking for something mostly indica, autoflowering, and dwarf - and those seem to fit the bill. Any other recommendations?
Thanks for the replies...

I like the idea of plugging lights directly into the power strip. For the size of the container and the number of small-wattage floros I'm working with, I'll probably end up using 2 power strips. I don't quite get the whole bolts/nuts idea...but it got me thinking, what about using velcro tape on the sides of the container and back of the power strips? That way when I need to access the plants I can just remove the lid, peel off the power strips and hang them over the side while I go to work. My only concern would be whether the velcro is strong enough to hold everything up.

My biggest worries right now are smell and light leaks. I'm thinking I'll use that micro carbon scrubber made of net pots, activated charcoal, and pantyhose. Then attach that to the back of a strong PC fan (havent' bought one yet...any ideas for cfm rating?) and have it pull through to exhaust (the filter would be inside the tub, fan outside).

Also, does anybody know how much this sterilite is going to glow if I don't paint the interior? They come in matte blue or brown...

For varieties I'm leaning towards red or white dwarf. I'm looking for something mostly indica, autoflowering, and dwarf - and those seem to fit the bill. Any other recommendations?

get two, find something to put between them as a spacer and then attach your carbon filter. or maybe one would do. but you should buy two just in case...it's not just about pulling through the carbon filter, but also about pulling out the heat, so a good airflow is a must. advice: stacking fans increases the pressure at which they pull air while keeping cfm the same, while putting fans side by side increases cfm and keeps pressure the same as just one fan.

your cab will really be glowin if you don't paint it, i'm pretty sure. make sure you get paint made for adhering to plastic. krylon fusion i believe is what they have at wally world for that.

autoflowers are a good idea with such little space, i have about the same amount and i have my plants LST'd and they're still in the lights...i have to make some more vertical space. there's also a cabinet at walmart for $30 that is like 20x14x32 (lwh) that i'm going to get for my flowering space/next cab...you may want to look into it. i find it in the hardware department...


New member
Another quick question...

How manageable is the smell going to be for 2-3 plants? The strains I'm looking at are mostly indicas - Red Dwarf, White Dwarf, Lowryder #2, LSD...I'm guessing they're all pretty heavy on the stink.

Will a single carbon scrubber be enough to completely mask the smell of 2 - 3 plants? I really don't want to dump any more money on an air purifier or ionizer if I don't have to.

But I am worried about the smell in my apartment....
Another quick question...

How manageable is the smell going to be for 2-3 plants? The strains I'm looking at are mostly indicas - Red Dwarf, White Dwarf, Lowryder #2, LSD...I'm guessing they're all pretty heavy on the stink.

Will a single carbon scrubber be enough to completely mask the smell of 2 - 3 plants? I really don't want to dump any more money on an air purifier or ionizer if I don't have to.

But I am worried about the smell in my apartment....
they will reek to high heaven in full flower. a single carbon scrubber will do it, but since you're oigng to be using PC fans they either have to be really strong fans or the carbon layer has to be thin but with lots of surface area.

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