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FEDS Thump On Montana

Hey there Bobo. Awhile back we were talking about Diane Sands, well, she is definetly one of us man. In fact she's one of the coolest reps we have, she is trying to get Governors from all med states to ask the Feds to take cannabis off schedule 1.

To clear up which of our reps and senators we should support I'll list exactly how they voted on SB 423.
DAVE WANZENRIED is running for governor and he is the clear choice for us.

Anyhow here is how the House voted:
Y Ankney,Dan

Y Arntzen,Elsie
Y Bangerter,Liz
N Barret,Dick
Y Beck,Bill
N Belcourt,Tony
Y Bennet, Gerald (Jerry)
N Bennet,Bryce
Y Berry,Tom
Y Blasdel,Mark
Y Blyton,Joanne
Y Boland,Carlie
Y Brodehl,Randy
Y Burnett,Tom
Y Clark,Christy
Y Connell,Pat
Y Cook,Rob
Y Court,Virginia
Y Cuffe,Mike
N Driscoll,Robyn
Y Edmunds,Champ
Y Ehli,Ron
Y Esp,John
Y Evans, Lila Walter
Y Fitzpatrick,Steve
Y Flynn,Kelly
N Furey,Timothy
Y Gibson,Steve
Y Greef,Edward
Y Hale,Alan
N Hands,Betsy
Y Hansen,Kris
N Harris,Bill
Y Hendrick,Gordon
N Hill, Ellie this woman is badass
Y Hiner,Cynthia
Y Hollandsworth,Roy
N Hollenbaugh,Galen
Y Hoven,Brian
Y Howard,David
N Hunter,Chuck
Y Ingraham,Pat
Y Kary,Douglas
N Kennedy,Dan
N Kerns, Krayton
Y Klock, Harry
Y Knox,James
Y Knudsen,Austin
Y Lavin,Steve
Y Loney,Cleve
Y MacDonald,Margie
Y MacLaren,Gary
N Malek,Sue
Y McChesney,Bill
N McClaffery,Edie
Y McGillvray,Tom
Y McNally,Mary
Y McNiven,Jonathan
Y McNutt,Walter
Y Mehlhoff,Bob
Y Menahan,Mike
Y Mad Marijuana Mike Milburn
N Miller,Mike
Y More,Mike
N Noonan, Pat
Y O'Hara,Jesse
N O'Neil,Jerry
Y Osmundson,Ryan
Y Pease-Lopez,Carolyn
N Peterson,Ken
N Phillips, Mike
N Price, Jean
Y Randall,Lee
Y Read, Joe
Y Regier,Keith
Y Reichner,Scott
N Reinhart,Michele
Y Roberts,Don
Y Rosendale,Matthew
Y Salomon,Daniel
N Sands,Diane
Y Schmidt,Trudi
N Sesso, Jon
Y Skattum,Dan
N Skees,Derek
Y Small,Sterling ( I bet it is)
Y Smith,Frank
Y Smith,Cary
N Squires, Carolyn
Y Stahl, Wayne
N Swanson,Kathy
Y Taylor,Janna
Y Vance,Gordon
Y Wagner,Bob
Y Washburn,Ted
Y Welborn, Jeff
N Williams,Kathleen
N Wilmer,Franke
Y Yates, Max

Maybe I'll post up the senate later fingers hurt. Three Bills have also been introduce to the US Congress that would help medical cannabis patients and providers I'm sure that info is up on Icmag somewhere.
thanks for that, rocky. I would say Diane Sands is a bit Schizo.. Her original proposal was not as bad as 423, but pretty restrictive, including the bullshit 2 doc thing. She was on the interim committee that put out the 423 nightmare, i didn't hear any complaints or boycott from her? Yet as you say she just added her name to re-schedule. A friend of hers is a good friend of mine and on that list you posted (voted N, duh or wouldn't be a friend) says she has taken a beating for her work on 423. I was surprised she voted N. I'll lay off :)

Dave Wanzenreid is a great guy and would definitely make a good Gov. He needs all the support we can give.
Judge Reynolds has the hearing next week to put the injunction on 423. BIG ONE.
that didn't sound right about Sands voting N. So I just took a look. On the 3rd reading on April 28 in the House this is what I found rocky-
Y Sands, Diane

She's back on my shit lite list! :spanky:


There are die hard Obama supporters that say the president has nothing to do with how the attorney general operates. If that were true then we would not have a problem rounding up illegals and sending them home. Obama said that the war on drugs is a failure. But we spend more now on the failed war and have more people in jails and prisons than ever before. I think all of this is political wrangling. He will use his attorney general as the bad cop up until the 2012 elections then he will play good cop step in and feed us a trinket to make himself look like a hero. All the while conspiring to take the industry away from dirty old hippies and turn it over to big pharmacies that know how to manage a commodity and investments. His investments.
Bobo, I'm not really sure where you're looking man. I got that list from Big Sky Patient Care in Four Corners and have seen it at other stores...I believe it may have been published by MTCIA. Doesn't make sense to me to bash someone who voted our way and is spearheading the move to reschedule.

I may be wrong on this but she authored HB68 which would have allowed us to grow more plants and hold more weight. I Googled her about 2 weeks ago and I couldn't find any dirt on her. You're going to have to clear up your sources for me man. A friend telling you she sucks could just be a personal thing and we have absolutely no time for it man.

Please clear this up for all of when you get a chance Bobo...always good hearing from ya man. Any word on petitions?? I'm gonna call the MTCIA on Monday and sign up to be a district or county captain to facilitate the signature gathering progress....let you know how it goes.

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Rocky I see some discrepancy in 2 votes not sure exactly why. On 4/27 it looks like she voted N on the conference committee vote. But on 4/28 on 2nd and 3rd readings (I believe the one that REALLY counts, she voted Y.
go to Mt. Legislature, bills, 2001 session, enter SB 423 here is a link may work

Petitions are in the hands of the AG. He cannot prevent them from being put out, but could use the full 30 days he has to let us have them which would be July 5. Hopefully anyone interested in gathering petitions sigs, or just volunteering to be assisting has registered with MTCIA or MT NORML. ESPECIALLY needed are volunteers in outlying areas outside Missoula, Butte, Helena, Billings, IE the more rural the better.
Well Bobo, I'm gonna have to look into Diane Sands a bit more... I cant vote for her anyway.

I've been in contact with MTCIA and MT NORML and I'll go anywhere in this state they need me. Jason Christ even emailed me...I told him what a fuck he is, that he should retire and leave our state in shame.
Dumb Fuck thinks he's Montana's version of Marc Emery...not even close.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Wow i just skimmed through this thread. Keep up the fight and good luck. Seems like the feds dont want cannabis grown in Big Sky Country
"The state is truly relying on guardian angels coming forward" Judge Reynolds.

He is troubled by major parts of the law and is unsure whether to get his red pen out and strike down portions of the law or throw out the whole thing. The state has already conceded on the advertising ban, unannounced searches, and the 25 patient limit on doctors.

Hey Hey Bobo looks like we're gonna win this thing...

Gonna party like its 1999 when it happens.

Yeah rocky, gonna UNLEASH HELL ASAP. Just over at Miss R's house yesterday (our Field General) sez the War Plan is pretty much set statewide. Sounds like we will have good coverage with County and District Captains ready to get it on. She is most optimistic :whee: Noteries are still needed to certify each person signing every petition has been provided info. re what this repeal entails. (The notary will certify each petition, which could range from one signature to pages, depending on who gathered them, i.e. one person gathering many down to one individual signature.)
Oh and the State is already backpedaling on a few of the many BS components such as the Ad Ban, the patient per doc number, and the open invite for the narcs to do home invasions. Asked Goetz if that would satisfy... Na, said Goetz, we want the whole thing gone. As the late great Randy Savage would say.. OH YEAH!!


Active member
Thank god. I have diabetes and need to find a doctor that recognizes the benefits of cannabis on diabetes, if I hope to keep my card. I really believe it helps me, cannabis. Before now, I was very reluctant to even try to renew it next year; mostly due to some absurd rules mentioned above.
If there were 100 of me in this state the petition drive would be over.

If each patient were to donate 2 dollars Goetz would be paid.

If each caregiver got 10 people to sign the petition the drive would be over.

I keep getting emails from MTCIA stating that we are NOT on track to get the number of sigs required to get the old law back until we vote. They are also telling me that Goetz is owed 60,000 bucks and unless he is paid our lawsuit which will be going to the Montana Supreme Court is in serious jeopardy.

I have donated over 100 dollars and more than 50 hours of my time and it seems as though my fellow Montanans are too lazy to get off the fucking couch.

I am extremely pissed off at the apathy, ignorance or just plain laziness. I'm going back to busting my balls for a living so I can be in position to buy some land in California. This entire mess should be ridiculously easy for us to take care of, I don't want Montanans as my neighbors if they are unable to get this petition issue resolved.

When it comes to MMJ how fucking lazy can you be if you can't sign your name or donate two fucking dollars.




Damn bro, That was a serious rant, So whats going on over there now? Is it just all but completely outlawed or what?
They failed to collect enough signatures to overturn the current law. They did manage to get enough signatures to get it back on the ballot in 2012. You can be damn sure the feds will be back right before it to clean up the very few stores still operating. I'm moving...like many in the business that already have.


Active member


Same Shite, Different Day. SNAFU.

[Thanks, President Obama, A.G. Holder, Drug Czar Kerlikowske, DEA Chief Leonhart, et. al. for reminding every citizen in the USA that you are a bunch of jack-booted goose-stepping corporatist fascists.]

~~ THank you for posting that David! I thought it needed bumped! monkey5

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