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Feds tell ebay to stop sales of high times

Feds tell ebay to stop sales of high times

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Buzz kill: Crozet man finds eBay yanks High Times

Super Bowl Sunday left Crozet resident Fred Carwile “frustrated and angry,” he says. And not because the Saints won.

That was the day he discovered that his sales listings for back-issues of High Times magazine, which he’s sold for years on eBay, had been yanked without warning.

Further infuriating Carwile: He claims that two different eBay customer service reps told him the marijuana-oriented mags were pulled at the request of the federal government.

“The federal government cannot ban books,” says Carwile, who notes that the cannabis culture magazine is sold at Barnes and Noble and countless convenience stores across the nation. “They’re pressuring a business to ban books.”

EBay insists it’s always been company policy to prohibit sales of items that “encourage, promote, facilitate, or instruct others to engage in illegal activities,” according to Anne Kott with APCO Worldwide, a PR firm.

Yet medical marijuana is legal in California, where eBay is based, and in 13 other states.

“Even though there might be states that allow it, eBay probably goes under federal law,” posits Kott, though the publicist-for-hire remains unable to explain the sudden enforcement of eBay policy against High Times, of which there were 600 completed transactions in just the past 30 days.

“I’m not an authorized spokesperson for eBay,” says Kott, who had not responded by press time to a reporter’s question about Carwile’s claim that the federal government had asked eBay to pull the plug on High Times— or about which federal entity might have such an alleged request.

“I’ve sold hundreds of these over the year, and then to say it violates policy, to me, it’s hypocrisy,” says another top-rated power seller, Garcia Santana, in Northern California. “This is selective discrimination. It’s sold in every state.”

Santana finds it suspicious that the listings were pulled during the middle of the Super Bowl, “when they must have thought nobody was paying attention.” And he has his own theory about the timing: “the same time Meg Whitman is running for governor.”

Whitman is the former eBay CEO and billionaire now vying for the Republican nomination to succeed the term-limited incumbent, Arnold Schwarzenegger. The state, which already allows medical marijuana sales, may have an initiative on the ballot in November to legalize and tax the plant, but Whitman has said that she’s “100% not in favor of legalizing marijuana for any reason.”

Neither quasi-eBay-spokesperson Kott nor Whitman’s campaign had responded by press time to a reporter’s questions about whether there was any connection between Whitman’s campaign and eBay’s High Times purge, but the policy has clear implications for a seller like Santana.

“I’m disabled,” says Santana, who also sells classic issues of Rolling Stone and Mad magazine. “These High Times are highly collectible,” he says. “I broke my back a few years ago, and this is how I make my living.”

Despite sodomy laws still on the books in several states, including Virginia, eBay still allows the sale of hardcore gay sex magazines— plus sex toys and bondage equipment in its adults-only area. “Yet,” says Santana, “they pull this mainstream magazine.”

Rap music, the lyrics of which often refer to violence, homophobia, and smoking “blunts,” aka thick marijuana cigarettes, remains readily available on eBay— as do early discs of “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,” a song widely believed to celebrate the use of LSD. “Are they going to ban the Beatles?” Santana wonders.

“We’ve been censored before in other countries,” says High Times executive editor Dan Skye. “I’ve never seen anything like this. It kind of came out of nowhere.”

Civil liberties authority John Whitehead says that eBay is free to set policies about what it sells, but the founder of the nonprofit Rutherford Institute is troubled about the allegation of official involvement in a ban.

“If they’re doing it at the urging of the government,” says Whitehead, “there’s your lawsuit.”

For Carwile— a high-volume, high-service “Power Seller” who also moves magazines featuring naked women— it’s the ban on a legal product that’s so bothersome. He points out that drug paraphernalia, such as a High Times “tobacco” grinder, is still available. And an eBay search for rolling papers turns up nearly 900 results.

That’s a lot of hand-rolled tobacco.

“I used to sell antiques, but this was more profitable,” says Carwile. “High Times is about 10 percent of my sales. It’s just a few dollars lost to me, but I feel the concept behind it alarming.”

High Times editor Skye wonders whether there’s a new “sheriff” at eBay. “This,” he says, “is kind of like a stone age— forgive the pun— mentality.”

I find this appaling many folks relied on these sales for income you can find hightimes just about anyware. Is it me or is the fed trying to bury the Legalaztion of marijuana.

by Lisa Provence

published 4:41pm Monday Feb 15, 2010

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Active member
Holy Crap! This goes against everything I stand for... Free Speech, legal cannabis, etc.

Looks like it's time to boycott E-bay, AND their associated businesses...

Can someone come up with a list of E-bay bizes?

I know Paypal is one of them. Guess I can't boycott that... :(


Active member
I guess that shitbay should ban 90% of all music Cd's sold on their site in that case. Everybody knows that a great deal of music has been made under the influence of marijuana. They should pull all those illegally made devil CD's off of the shelves.

And what about movies that mention marijuana? They should pull those too.

Actually, a search for marijuana on ebay gives this:

7,565 results found for marijuana

That's 7,565 forbidden and illegal products and listings that they need to pull right away.



Freedom Fighter
The Feds are banning books now???
Here is the next step!!


This thing makes no sense whatsoever.

Maybe it's eBay's boycott against those phony bud ads?


And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

I'd ROFL if it weren't so sad.


Active member
I hear if this Meg Whitman gets elected she will undo all the cannabis laws we've passed in California and turn us back into Conservativeland...

A BIG boycott of e-bay and all the media covering it could change things...


Ugh, and the beat goes on...

This ebay bitch, Whitman (sorry Walt), she makes millions, er, billions, through the sale of everything and then goes on to say, she's 100% not in favor of legalizing, no matter who is sick or how strong the cartels run off it's profits? WTF? What is it to her? What harm, what utility is it, to keep 'acting' like normal people don't enjoy marijuana without grave consequences? God how I'd love to know how and who all benefits from jailing smokers. That bitch should be shot, and the nazi, er feds enacting this should burn. But really guys, can't we all just get along?


Freedom Fighter
I hear if this Meg Whitman gets elected she will undo all the cannabis laws we've passed in California and turn us back into Conservativeland...

A BIG boycott of e-bay and all the media covering it could change things...

Here is another li'l fact about this bitch....
Meg Whitman, the 2010 GOP gubernatorial candidate who was CEO of eBay at the time of the magazine's study, was cited in the report as representative of an exclusive executive group with "worse than spotty" voting records. The magazine could not find a voter registration for Whitman, who didn't register even after being notified by the magazine, the report said.
The Chronicle reported last year that Whitman, an Atherton resident, registered in San Mateo County in 2002 as a decline-to-state voter and registered as a Republican in 2007. The billionaire businesswoman did not vote in more than half the federal, state and local elections after she registered to vote in the county, records show.



Just Call me Urkle!!
WOW!!!! THAT'S RIDICULOUS!! Really sucks cuz I like to buy my grow gear from them but now I have to find somewhere else...by the way FUCK WHITMAN!! I'm making shirts!


Active member
UPDATE: Please read post #16. I will do some more checking and see what is listed tomorrow. Someone else sent me a message saying many items like the book I previously showed below are not listed through Ebay in the US. I still see cannabis growing dvds and other cannabis related items but maybe they will be removed.

I'll start by saying I am no lover or supporter of Meg and will vote against her if she makes the ballot.

I do think we may need more information before talking about boycotts here. I'm not saying the original article is wrong only that that we may not know both sides or all the facts. If you go to Ebay and look around I don't think this crackdown is as bad as we have been led to believe by this article. I might be wrong since I have no personal knowledge nor any inside friends to consult. Take a look for yourself. Search on the word Cannabis if you want a lot of hits.

A few of the cannabis related things I found on Ebay today. These screen shots were taken during the hour before making this post.

Ebay's own search completion feature

Some High Times
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El Toker

I live in a world were in most places for bizzare and irrational reasons cannabis is illegal. If I tried to boycott every business that had a policy of not promoting illegal drug use, life would become very uncomfortable and very boring very quickly.



those are new listings that is why you see them

ebay has not caught them yet and it doesn't look like they added the keywords to the filters yet so they can't be listed.

we will see if they add them to the filters or not


Active member

Let me know when the Molotov cocktails start flying.

Psssh. Who am I kidding, the average American is too busy eating there mayo soaked hamburgers while watching american idol. No one cares about this kind of shit anymore.

And who am i to talk. Im an armchair anarchist ever since my son was born. Is American Idol on tonite?


cant stop wont stop
yeah i dont know if i could go as far to boycott ebay just yet - they have a lot of great deals, and lots of ppl make a living selling there.

one thing interesting about this article was the part about that **** meg whitman. sounds like a dangerous bitch, i do have faith in the people to never let her into office - with billions of dollars in her pockets tho i fear some scandal could arise.. keep an eye out on that shit guys!!

Shut up meg


Active member
I do find it hard to believe that the gov't ordered this crackdown. That sounds like an excuse. In my long lifetime I don't think I've ever seen the US gov't ban any book or magazine. Others have, but not the US gov't.

You won't believe the books I've seen available at book shows...

My guess is it was a corporate decision. Let's see if we can make this decision backfire bigtime!

The Phoenix

Risen From The Ashes
Sad thing is this Meg Whitman lady is slamming the airwaves in SoCal with her California is broken and we need government to focus on jobs campaign. You cant watch TV for a couple hours without coming accross one of her adds.

I never heard of her before, but after here add campaign, see is a household name. She worries me with her slick TV adds.

Voters beware, and do your homework on this one.

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