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Feds Raid Okemos Medical Marijuana Facility (MI)


Well-known member

Thursday, December 2,2010 Here come the Feds

The federal Drug Enforcement Agency cleans out a medical marijuana growing facility in Okemos

by Andy Balaskovitz [FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Thursday, Dec. 2 — The federal Drug Enforcement Agency has raided a medical marijuana grow facility in Okemos. The man leasing space at the facility says the plant numbers were within the state’s medical marijuana law.

Ryan Basore, owner of Capital City Caregivers at 2208 E. Michigan Ave., also leases the 3,000-square-foot industrial facility that was raided at 2360 Jolly Oak Road in Okemos on Tuesday. Basore said other tri-county police departments participated in the raid but not Ingham County or Meridian Township police.

Basore said the DEA “took everything,” including growing equipment, 40 plants and roughly $20,000 worth of plant nutrients. Six caregivers leasing facility space from Basore owned the plants.

As both a medical marijuana patient and a caregiver, Basore can legally possess up to 72 plants himself, he said. A patient may have 12 plants and a caregiver may have up to 60.

Basore said he believes the raid stemmed from a neighbor’s complaint about the growing operation.

Special Agent Rich Isaacson, a public information officer at the DEA’s Detroit branch, confirmed today that a federal search warrant was executed Tuesday night at the facility near the intersection of Okemos and Jolly roads.

He would not comment further on the raid because the case is under investigation.

However, he said the DEA does not differentiate between “medical marijuana and marijuana” when it comes to “large-scale drug trafficking groups.”

“That being said, people following state law will not be targeted,” Isaacson said. “We are not utilizing our resources on folks that are following state law.”

The DEA recognizes cannabis as a Schedule 1 drug, along with the likes of heroin, cocaine and ecstasy, claiming it has no medicinal use.

In 2008, 63 percent of Michigan voters disagreed and passed the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act as a state ballot initiative.

Basore expressed concern about not getting back confiscated plants and equipment. He said the DEA has kept confiscated items in raids that did result in arrests in other states where medical marijuana was also legal.

Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero, interim Lansing Police Chief Teresa Szymanski and State Reps. George Cushingberry Jr. and Fred Durhal Jr., both Detroit Democrats,' about the matter. He said they are all “upset.”

He said roughly 60 law enforcement vehicles were at the scene Tuesday night. Basore added that a black SUV had been staking out the site for about “three to four months.”

U.S. Federal Judge Joseph Scoville from Michigan’s Western District in Grand Rapids signed a search warrant Nov. 24 to seize a host of cannabis-related materials at Basore’s facility.

This incident is likely to draw the attention from groups who say the federal government is overstepping its boundaries when it comes to medical marijuana, which is allowed in 13 other states besides Michigan.

“We’ll see. It’s going to get interesting,” Basore said.

Basore is in the process of putting together a legal team to fight the case.


60 law enforcement vehicles for 40 plants!!?? Sounds like they got too much manpower. CUT THE DEFICET!!! LAY THEM OFF!!!


Well-known member
I had a friend murdered in Saginaw this weekend, the shooter is still free, but they can sure as fuck throw 60 cars at a garden. Real tough, guys.


This is BS on both fronts. Here is my theory on why I think so. I believe that the MI Law is not strong enough yet to allow proper protections for big operations like a Desp or Co Opp. The police know this & so do the Feds. 12 to 24 count plant growers in the safety of their home are not Prime targets due to the protections in the State Law. I believe any Grey areas in the law they will defiantly target. So The Cops and Feds are dicks for arresting Patients & harassing people for cannabis but I don't think putting up large scale grows in Mi is a very smart decision right now. Amendments need to be made to the Law First in order to make it stronger in favor of Desp & Co Opps. Just my 2 for what its worth.


You are right on point Canna. These guys are falling all over themselves to open dispensaries that are in no way covered under prop1. And after Ryan's interview about the Lansing ordinances last week it is obvious they will gladly throw other patients and caregivers under the bus to protect their operations... Ryan should have known he has been painting a target on his back, along with the rest of the dispensary crowd. They would be very wise to maintain a low profile, but so far they chose the opposite tact..


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
the 20K in nutrients is only because they are all EATING up the advanced nutrient marketing up there!

Sad shit, I hope they come out on top of this one.


Active member
warehouse for 40 plants? He was either growing some bushes or he got tipped off about the raid and got some plants out before they could hit him.


I have a question, why doesn't the FED's go after pharmacy's and Pharmacists, they're definitely DRUG DEALERS. Heck the way people are dying from pharmaceuticals, doctors should be investigated too, go raid them. This is not right, We The People have Rights, the FED's only have PRIVILEGES, We as a People can REVOKE the FED's Privileges, so start telling them to FUCK OFF or you'll cut their taxes. What you people don't realize is that these guys (elite) are playing for keeps, that's why it's so important to get this plant fully legalized, and not give it to big corporation, it's too important. It ain't bullshit that this plant Will save the world, and I'm sure you are seeing it if you live in a Liberty State. I'm fed up with this shit, every week these guys are busting dispensary's by setting them up even when the paper work is legit. Hell, they'll bust ya w/o a warrant, or at least one w/o a judge signature.

We need to tell the FED's as WE THE PEOPLE that you're fired, you've done a really bad job w/ this supposed War on Drugs, haven't protect our borders, disregarded the Constitution, the CIA is allowing the Drug Cartel/ Mexican Government to smuggle drugs, these drug cartels basically own small border towns bullying sheriffs to stay away from the Rio Grande (http://24ahead.com/blog/archives/004622.html, http://www.dailybulletin.com/ci_3430815?source=most_emailed), while the We The People have to go through Border Patrol Checkpoints in the same town where the sheriff makes profit for arresting nonviolent citizens. And finally, you haven't listened to our plea about legalization of at least cannabis, if not all drugs, to eliminate a black market, eliminate violence, and profit can be made from this beautiful plant.

Please research Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Michael Badnarik, and Peter Schiff

Please watch The Secret of Oz


Active member
wow 60 fucking cop cars for a GROW!! jesus if some body in the hood started firing an ak47 into the air there wouldnt even be 60 cops responding...sounds to me like bored cops needing money so they all teamed up and raided a dispensary.

the money behind this is just plain retarded...the cops seized 20k. i bet it cost 50-100k just for the operation...so the taxpayers are effective losing thousands and thousands of dollars for these steroid popping DEA agents to go around killing PLANTS.

fucking sad the DEA is...they need to be wiped off the face of the earth they are utterly useless...send all those pussies to the mexican border instead of harassing medical marijuana patients!!!


New member
There needs to be more coverage of this. Regardless of your stance on the overall marijuana issue one thing is clear, a slap to freedom and democracy has occurred. We're being lied to and our peaceful will as a public by use of ballot is no longer respected by our government. (Obama's pledge not to peruse these cases and a bill passed by the people at a rate of 68% passage.)

Not only that but it's now obvious with the multiple moratoriums and this incident our officials have no interest in an economic recovery in Mid-Michigan. If they did they'd realize that at no time in history has an opportunity presented it's self creating sum 40 entirely new and independent business in this area in under 2yrs time. and during dismal economic times no less when others are closing up. Topping that news, this has been able to occur without a penny in public funds, subsidies, tax breaks, or incentives of any kind, strictly the private sector at work, and we're going to penalize it.


New member
Look a little deeper it's the war, not the battle that counts.

Look a little deeper it's the war, not the battle that counts.

You are right on point Canna. These guys are falling all over themselves to open dispensaries that are in no way covered under prop1. And after Ryan's interview about the Lansing ordinances last week it is obvious they will gladly throw other patients and caregivers under the bus to protect their operations... Ryan should have known he has been painting a target on his back, along with the rest of the dispensary crowd. They would be very wise to maintain a low profile, but so far they chose the opposite tact..

I applaud Ryan for painting that target and taking the risk. If he hadn't done so this would be just another "dirt bag drug dealer busted" type of story with no coverage. By being out front and keeping a clean and open image and involved in local politics this incident is now able to become a rallying cry for our area. One that even has our Mayor and local legislators behind him now.

I don't necessarily agree with Ryan's comments in the past that do appear to be of self interest and a potential of throwing other patients and smaller operations under the bus. However I do understand they may also only really be part of the necessary chess game right now. He has to appear to the public he doesn't support the un regulated explosion of the business in the area to appear moderate, win over, and calm those opposed to any legalization.

Xiggi StarrdusT

New member
I fucking hate police. To be a cop is to be a douche bag. If you think about it there probably isnt one person who is a good cop good judge or good politician. Only people with power trippin egos and have the utmost hatred for the rest of the people on earth who dont think the same way as them want to be cops judges politicians. Why cant someone with kindness and compassion ever be a cop or judge. The point of being a cop is to serve and protect. Not to harass and annoy. people who want to be politician and cops need to have compassion and caring to do their job instead they do the opposite. i say do away with them all. Anyone who wants to take medicine from sick and dying patients should have a bullet be putt through their head. And im not talking about all u flat brim hat wearing mofos who arent even sick having medical cards. You are a disgrace to medi patients every where. You might as well be slaping the faces of the dying and sick if you are one of those cool little stoner fucks with ur medi card, U make all programs in every state look bad and is what is keeping the rest of the worlds sick and dying people from getting medical marijuana. All you people who are perfectly fine and feel the need to be cool with your card, Fuck Off your not that sick and you give medical marijuana a bad rap. BITCHES.

Xiggi StarrdusT

New member
Medical Marijuana if for sick and dying people. Not people who think they are cool cause the have a medi card and want to make quick cash and feep their egos.


Such horrible news...hope all goes well...fucking assholes...cant believe 3000 sq feet for 40? something aint making sense to me...viva la revolution...peace n puffs


New member
It seems as though they were within the legal parameters of the law...It was 6 caregivers growspace? not a dispensary. With only 40 plants you would think it was all spoken for by qualified patients. There must be an underlying issue as to why the Feds raided this particular operation.


i forgot what channel i was watching, but i guess their is a new show coming on about grow ops being busted by the dea. this is sad. im prop215 but still would of like the presure to be taken off of us if the prop19 would have passed. really the dea deosnt care if your under or over the limit on plant count or city or state laws. the see it as they get paid more for every bust.

this is going to be a year were they are going to paint an ugly picture and say how bad mj is. here is my city their has already ben shootings over stupid people who grow mj. these people dont live on the safest side of the block and grew plants outside that past their 5 foot fence and wonder why they got robed.

i wish your state the best of luck and just stay under the raidar and you should be fine.