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Feds monitizing debt...what's the result?


Active member
You say that as if raising taxes is a neutral way to fix economies without it's own set of problems...

How about return them to pre 2001 levels? No reason to lower taxes when simultaneously crying about the deficit. Not really a critique of you but more of the politicians who think that ending tax cuts is the end of the world.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Alarmist nonsense.
Monetizing debt increases inflation but can also increase demand and employment.

Alarmist nonsense to you, but this reads like Keynesian nonsense to me.

How can increased inflation with decreasing wages increase demand? How can people with less afford to buy more stuff that costs more?


How about return them to pre 2001 levels? No reason to lower taxes when simultaneously crying about the deficit. Not really a critique of you but more of the politicians who think that ending tax cuts is the end of the world.

If all entities which are supposed to pay taxes actually did so, that would be a start. But as long as it's rather easy for corporations to evade taxes (e.g. Google & Double Irish tax scheme) it's just the already stressed small/mid-size business and private households that would pay more if taxes were raised. I don't think that's a good idea.

Imo, 1st make all pay their dues then think about raising taxes.

Bloomberg Businessweek estimate that the U.S. government loses $60 billion a year in taxes from companies that use this technique (Double Irish).
Just for this one tax evasion scheme, think about it...


Ireland, Greece, Portugal are bankrupt.EU-countries like Hungary without the Euro are bankrupt.Spain has a high % of unemployment & the economy is still not going very well, but the government can still sell their bonds for a low %.

The Fed (Bernanke) in the US is printing US $ in an amount of 600 billion to keep the US export position at the highest level, but it is not helping the US economy at this moment.China is still exporting most of their goods to the US & Europe and not the other way.

Thanks to the FED you see the prices of raw materials like corn, soy or oil are rising, so food prices will also rise again.Probably in the near future you will see riots against the increase of food prices like in the beginning of 2008.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

Happy 7

The best indicator for a failing economy is that the Pentagon's budget shrinks. Hasn't happened in a long time. Business as usual. No need to worry.

Be happy! :wave:


Active member
The best indicator for a failing economy is that the Pentagon's budget shrinks. Hasn't happened in a long time. Business as usual. No need to worry.

Be happy! :wave:

Yup...and our military will save our asses! Thank GOD we have enough nukes to destroy everything on the planet! A pretty good reason to "keep us happy"? Ya think?

If China, or anyone else for that matter, were to "take us down" through economics or whatever...don't you think "the ugly greedy Americans" would destroy everyone? I do...and I would too. You fuck me over and think you're going to get away with it? Revenge is best served via nukes.

China no longer holds most of our debt...WE do. WTF? China can't touch us. We'd level the whole country.

Since we got nukes, we've never lost a war, we walked away because it got too costly. We've not ENDED wars either, we're "at the end of hostilities", leaving the door open to future LEGAL strikes.

I see a global society (very American in style) if we can get out of this, some austerity for Americans and westerners, but not too much real change.

A global currency based on the dollar (fiat of course), allowing us to continue to pass off our standard of living to others...but in the end, everyone benefiting some.

OR...this is the end of the ponzi. Nobody else to "expand the debt" into. The economy collapses, starvation ensues within days (just in time supply chain means no warehouses full of food), millions in the cities die of starvation or are killed while fleeing. We become agrarian again and a new cycle begins anew...the same mistakes (caused by greed) made again. During the bad times, until crops can be finished, times will be VERY tough, and only those who have prepared or already live "self sufficiently" will survive.

Something will have to trigger it though. I think an outbreak of something. Or radiation in the cities. Something has to keep us home for a worst case. Otherwise, people could be convinced to "work for nothing" until the system stabilizes.

But who the fuck knows...right? Anything is possible...

Happy 7

No, dude, I simply think that a country that can afford to spend most of it's tax money on questionable national security policies instead of investing that or at least parts of that tax money in a modern infrastructure, education, research, paying debts, etc. must still be a rich country.

A sum like $600B that elmanito mentions is what McChrystal's counterinsurgency program in Afghanistan alone would cost to pacify the afghan people.

The $60B tax evasion that Honkytonk mentions is laughable compared to the sums of wasted tax payer money that are routinely written off by the Pentagon and it's 'friends'.

The nukes you speak of, why does the US of A need to pay for thousands of them even though a couple of hundred are enough to rain down fire and brimstone on the whole world?

How can a country in financial troubles afford to feed the Beltway Bandits an ever increasing amount of tax money?

When they start cutting into Pentagon's budget, the last thing they'll do, then you know crisis is at hand.

But what I'm probably trying to say is that America needs to rethink how it spends it's money instead of printing new $$ to pay debt.


@ fatigues: Inflation caused by monetizing the debt via the printing press is a form of stealth taxation. People don't realize this shit. It takes away from your earned income like a tax (cuz your money is worth less) and most folks earned income is not going up or will seriously lag the inflation spikes. Neo-fuedalism is where the industialized world is going for those who make it through the fast approaching bottleneck.

The U.S. debt problem will be resolved either by a steep inflationary or deflationary period. Increasing taxation to the highs of the post WW2 levels will not resolve our debt hangover for at least 25 years with current spending steady for this time.

@ ibjamming: Leveling China with nukes is like pissing in the wind, the jet stream will bring that nastiness back to the u.s. nuclear winter for all.
What you left out is that it's not because Americans don't want to pay the taxes. It's because most of them cant! It doesn't help to much with most of the jobs overseas either, does it? The country is run by the wealthiest 1% of the population, guess how much taxes "they" pay? War on the middle class, there has never been a wider gap between the rich & the poor, in this nation's history, ever, not even the depression. We are headed for another revolution, in my opinion.

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