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Feds monitizing debt...what's the result?


Makes me sick to think about what they have done, the position they have put us in. Eventually we will understand how much wealth has been siphoned out of our country by manipulating interest and inflating our currency which reduces its value.

Have we been robbed?


I have to hand it to Grayson on this. But why no follow up? We should all be demanding answers, although not sure we really want to see the carnage.

The federal reserve has never had to account for anything and never will. Maybe Ron Paul will start to demand some answers but he is in his 70s and i'm sure will die of natural causes ;) ;) soon.


Active member
Are you serious? "Printing money" is not going to fix anything, ever. It's just going to make every dollar you've ever saved or any pension you've earned worth less and less. There is no "chance to recover". The ultimate outcome will be default. The longer we extend and pretend and deny the worse it will ultimately be.
I agree with buying silver but I will never sell mine. If the price drops I buy more. Precious metals are a store of wealth and a way to transfer wealth to your kids, not an investment.
Have you looked at buying volumes and insider selling on wall street? Very few shares are actually being bought and insiders are selling shares as fast as they can without crashing prices. Insider selling vs insider buying has been multiple thousands and even 10s of thousands/1 for weeks and weeks.
You need to take off your rose colored glasses, stop watching cnbc and main stream media, and read zerohedge if you want to really know whats going on and more importantly, whats coming.

I would trade stagflation for the collapse of the world economy any day. I will say it over and over. There is no easy answer to fix what we are facing. The real answer is increasing domestic production of durable and consumable goods but that isn't something that happens overnight, it is something that takes decades to develop and foster. As to your interpretation of stock activity, I don't share your philosophy at all. As to silver, you have to understand that silver and gold have no more inherent value than the dollar does. We provide value for it not based upon its usefulness or utility but because we based currency upon it before we devalued the dollar. The only reason that is a problem is that people have more faith in gold. Its all a value circle-jerk.

The stock market will keep going up. Everyone will rejoice that their 401K is going up while unbeknown to them they will be getting poorer because the dollar will become more and more worthless. Once the currency war goes into full swing all countries will begin to devalue their currency to remain competitive as they are doing now. Eventually the fiat money system will collapse as paper money backed by nothing but debt becomes worthless. The price of commodities and physical gold and silver explodes. Hyperinflation ensues.

America cannot numerically pay off it's debt. Once China and the other countries abandon the dollar as the world's reserve currency and realize that American Treasury Bonds are Junk status the Fed will loose control. At that point it's anyone's guess. The days of corporate and social welfare will be over. A new system will arise from the ashes. Creative destruction at it's best.

Have a great day everybody. lol



100% agree see here: - http://www.usdebtclock.org/

Its impossible to pay it back, its roughly a 14 trillion dephisit, 180 thousand dollars per citizen roughly thereabouts.

And americans are getting older and sucking the welfare state clean,

britain has huge debt aswell.

what will it be like in 100 years, i have no idea, will america still be the superpower?

how can they be at he current rate of growth in developing economys and the growth in india and china

so theyre trying to get everything sealed in before theyre seen for what they are, bullies at the top of a pyramid scheme, they created!


Makes me sick to think about what they have done, the position they have put us in. .

A lot of the blame goes to the american people. Getting all fat and bloated and living on a bubble of false prosperity. Living well out of their means, racking up huge credit card debt trying to keep up with the neighbors. Then defaulting on all of their cards and mortgages, only after selling out all of their jobs to the lowest bidder their in exchange for shitty walmart jobs. Not to sound cliche but that is the cost of low prices, we did it to ourselves. CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME

Couple that with the mess on wall street and a few bad choices in politicians and you get us to were we are today.


Active member
A lot of the blame goes to the american people. Getting all fat and bloated and living on a bubble of false prosperity. Living well out of their means, racking up huge credit card debt trying to keep up with the neighbors. Then defaulting on all of their cards and mortgages, only after selling out all of their jobs to the lowest bidder their in exchange for shitty walmart jobs. Not to sound cliche but that is the cost of low prices, we did it to ourselves. CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME

Couple that with the mess on wall street and a few bad choices in politicians and you get us to were we are today.

ARMs were a concoction of the banking industry to capitalize on the subprime mortgage market. So was it their fault for signing a mortgage that they didn't fully understand? Sure. But the real blame is the banking industry.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
I think you might find the true debt around the 200 trillion mark for US.

An impossible sum. But China might be a bit irked if their loans aint payed back...


Active member
I think you might find the true debt around the 200 trillion mark for US.

An impossible sum. But China might be a bit irked if their loans aint payed back...

Especially since their growth is predicated on our success... I mean hell look at what happened to Brazil when it tried to maintain growth through a worldwide economic slowdown... It destroyed their economy. China wont call debts if it threatens their economy, simply the truth.


Active member
When an economy, or a currency collapses it is ugly. Witness Iceland and the Kronar... It got so bad that ALL of the McDonald's there had to close..they couldn't afford to buy the hamburger patties. The American public has been reigning in their debt for a year or two now, has our Government done the same? All they can do is spend more. The cure WILL BE PAINFUL, but the alternative would be CATASTROPHIC!! Spending must be slashed across the board, period. Tax breaks must end. Our debt needs to be paid off. It is so far gone now that it is no longer a Republican or Democrat problem. We need serious answers if we are to preserve this Republic of ours, or else face what Benjamin Franklin thought may happen after the founding fathers had given it to us. It heartens me to see so many of our community realize the fix we are in. We CAN salvage our Republic, but it needs to begin now. Pray for us all.....


Active member
It heartens me to see so many of our community realize the fix we are in. We CAN salvage our Republic, but it needs to begin now. Pray for us all.....

I can foresee the scenario where we lose our Republic. Once our currency crashes and we no longer produce enough they(the new world) will tell us what's what. We'll finally be taking orders and paybacks are hell.


I would trade stagflation for the collapse of the world economy any day. ...... As to your interpretation of stock activity, I don't share your philosophy at all.

Let me say first that much of what you say is true, you just haven't thought it all the way through yet.
It doesn't matter that you would prefer stagflation over collapse. You say that like you have some control over what happens. You don't!
As far as the stock market goes, it's not "my interpretation" or "philosphy", it's a fact. It's the way it is. Do a little research on recent mutual fund outflows and buying and selling volumes and insider selling volumes. Facts are facts my friend and your wishes can't change them.


In plain terms, the US is now a country in which…

•EVERYONE knows that the Wall Street banks KNOWINGLY engaged in fraud (Citibank executives confirmed this under oath), predatory lending, and other felonies and NOT ONE executive has been charged with a criminal act.

•There is clear evidence that elements of the Financial Crisis were intentionally induced by key players in order to wipe out their competitors (you know who I’m talking about).

•The head of our central bank has LIED under oath about monetizing the debt (among other things)… and walks free.

•Our Secretary of the Treasury KNOWINGLY chose to hand out as much public money to Wall Street in exchange for what he and everyone else knew were worthless garbage assets. Again, no charges.

•Our President increased troop levels for wars EVERYONE knows were started under false pretences (and continued policies of torture!?!?!) and WON the Nobel Peace Prize

Let’s face it… if an alien came down from outer space and compared the US to other countries, it’d think we were just another 3rd world country that somehow managed to get bigger than the others. We’ve got the same levels of corruption, fraud, and lies, combined with the same looting, indebtedness, and crumbling infrastructure.

In plain terms, this is the beginning of the end. When an entire country’s economy is based on imaginary math, accounting gimmicks, and ideas that don’t even make sense on paper (let alone in reality) you know that economy will collapse.

Look at the reaction to QE 2. Even the most bullish idiot knows deep down that nothing good will come out of it. QE 1 failed. QE 2 will as well. Not one person has a single doubt about this. Sure, they might smile and say it’s great on TV (or in their op-ed columns) because their job or political pressure requires them to do so, however, their eyes tell the whole story. Not one of them looks confident or composed… they all look exhausted, strung out, and terrified. They should be, they know what’s at stake (EVERYTHING).

Enjoy this last little burst of enthusiasm while it lasts. The end game has begun. There’s a reason it’s called “extend and pretend,” it’s because it doesn’t STOP what’s coming… it only pushes it back a while.

How long do we have? 6 months? A year? 2 years? I don't know, but you better get prepared.


Active member
Lol you have never been to a third world country have you? As to the financial crisis, you are right, fraud was committed and people should be in jail. However, the buying back of troubled assets and bank bailout were a no brainer, they had to happen for the global economy to continue to function. As to increasing troop levels, we had to do something in Iraq to enable us to pull out and it worked but I am unsure how you think the Afghan war was started under false pretenses.


Lol you have never been to a third world country have you? As to the financial crisis, you are right, fraud was committed and people should be in jail. However, the buying back of troubled assets and bank bailout were a no brainer, they had to happen for the global economy to continue to function. As to increasing troop levels, we had to do something in Iraq to enable us to pull out and it worked but I am unsure how you think the Afghan war was started under false pretenses.

Not sure who exactly you're addressing. Nice to know we've "pulled out" of Iraq. Still over 50k us troops there as well as 10000 private contractors. According to the brookings institution it costs us 390,000 $ per year per troop but no problem, the fed has an almost unlimited supply of ink and paper so we have all the money we need.
As far as afghanistan goes, there are plenty of reasonable people who think 9/11 was carried out by or at least allowed to happen by elements within the US government. Who knows? If you think it was a plot carried out by Osamabin Laden then after spending trillions of dollars, we still haven't killed or arrested him, have we? Afghanistan is now ruled by a corrupt dictator instead of religious nutjobs but hey, he's OUR corrupt dictator. We still have thousands of troops there in the longest running US war of all time.
The bank bailouts were a no brainer? Maybe to people with no brain. Let the taxpayers shoulder the losses while the bankers pay themselves hundreds of millions in bonuses. Sweet gig if you're one of the bankers.Wait and see what they pay themselves in bonuses this year.
I could go on and on, but it's interesting how you don't respond rationally when your points are disputed, you just move on to new ones.


Active member
Not sure who exactly you're addressing. Nice to know we've "pulled out" of Iraq. Still over 50k us troops there as well as 10000 private contractors. According to the brookings institution it costs us 390,000 $ per year per troop but no problem, the fed has an almost unlimited supply of ink and paper so we have all the money we need.
As far as afghanistan goes, there are plenty of reasonable people who think 9/11 was carried out by or at least allowed to happen by elements within the US government. Who knows? If you think it was a plot carried out by Osamabin Laden then after spending trillions of dollars, we still haven't killed or arrested him, have we? Afghanistan is now ruled by a corrupt dictator instead of religious nutjobs but hey, he's OUR corrupt dictator. We still have thousands of troops there in the longest running US war of all time.
The bank bailouts were a no brainer? Maybe to people with no brain. Let the taxpayers shoulder the losses while the bankers pay themselves hundreds of millions in bonuses. Sweet gig if you're one of the bankers.Wait and see what they pay themselves in bonuses this year.
I could go on and on, but it's interesting how you don't respond rationally when your points are disputed, you just move on to new ones.

Less troops in Iraq is better than more troops in Iraq. What was his choice? Leave and let the country spiral into chaos? I don't see an alternative to stabilizing the country to the point at which it could take care of itself. As far as 9/11 being a government conspiracy, I doubt it considering the cost to military personal and infrastructure and the evidence I have seen. As to our Afghan policy, no one wants those corrupt people in power except them. To say that relations are strained is an understatement but we can't go in there and take him out, we have to let democracy work and let their system do the work it was intended to do, let the people decide their fate. What have I not responded to? I don't know enough about your insider selling points to make a decision yet on your hypotheses. And what do you think would have happened if we had allowed 70% of the largest banks in the world fail? COMPLETE AND UTTER MARKET ILLIQUIDITY. Banks would be unable and unwilling to loan to one another on short term loans which is what makes international banking work. Every company that depends on short term payday loans to float their businesses would close their doors. If you truly think that there was another option I am not sure we have anything more to talk about because to have done anything short of bail the banks out would have destroyed the world economy. Do I think they should have had strings attached so that they wouldn't have used them to buy other banks out instead of increasing market liquidity as the loans were originally intended? Yes. Do I think that there is a problem with paying executive bankers who are extremely profitable? No. They didn't pay the bankers lowballing subprime mortgage backed securities. Most of them were already gone when shit hit the fan. Was it publicly kosher to pay out the normal yearly bonuses when they just got bailed out as an industry? No but it is the way that investment banks work, you get a salary and bonuses based upon performance.


The Tri Guy
when a currency is devalued, the goods it exports become cheaper on the world markets. This increases the influx of foriegn currencies, reduces the trade deficit by making imports more expensive while underpinning exports, and improves profitability of domestic companies thereby improving taxation to be collected. So since the economies of various countries are needing a shot in the arm right now, it seems a popular tactic, however when you do this at the same time as everyone else is doing it, where is the advantage going to come from?


Active member
World economies were tied together years ago to help prevent another world war... They believed that no country would try to destroy another for fear of collapsing themselves in the process. This assumes that a country, or group of people actually care. However, we have seen that some leaders (Iran, N. Korea) and some groups of people (Taliban, Al-Queda) quite frankly do not care. They may even use the ensuing chaos to further their cause. Most, if not all, countries that are facing huge financial difficulties are doing so because of 1) world economic recession.. 2) the burden of workers pensions.

In my mind, pensions are one of the biggest 'Ponzi' like schemes ever created (this includes the U.S. social security system). It assumes that you will always have more income than outflow. What happens when unemployment goes up? Couple that with the fact that when the S.S. system was instituted, a mans life averaged only 57 years...They NEVER thought we would live long enough to COLLECT!!

Serious reform on many fronts is needed. If steps are not taken, look at what is happening in Greece, Iceland, Spain and perhaps the UK. For God's sake, even the French get it...Why do you think they voted to raise the retirement age? If Washington DC does not choose to do the right things, all the riots, economic instability, and the potential collapse of our currency will be at hand.

As Robbie stated at the end of his post, we had all better prepare for the worst and hope for the best


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
9/11 government conspiracy? No. Military/industrial/corporate conspiracy involving certain high members of the executive? Absolutely!

No-one has been charged with 9/11. Osama Bin Laden has never been charged with the crime.

Here in Australia union leader of Victoria, Kevin Bracken bravely stood up for 9/11 truth. He went on live radio and was made out to be a loony. This backfired on the media and turns out he is strongly supported in the community. Now the mass media are doing their best to ignore him and keep on the good fight in Afghanistan. He stands on the SCIENCE. The public are according to a Herald Sun poll 73% behind him and his views. The PM called his ideas "stupid and wrong"....

The cold war was over, arms sales were flagging, a new millenium free of fear and the shadow of immenent death was also over... until that day.

Without 9/11 there would have been no support for these wars. It is these wars which have bankrupted both financially and morally the USA. That and waterboarding peaceful goat herders...


Jesse Ventura did a show on Wall Street (Conspiracy Theory)

The show is DEAD ON...more accurate than all mainstream media combined...


Explains how the staged & orchestrated events surrounding the collapse of the US financial system was brought about on purpose by an elite group of insiders, ceos and executives who continue to rape and pillage the wealth of the country which will only destroy our currency & economy...


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Jesse Ventura did a show on Wall Street (Conspiracy Theory)

The show is DEAD ON...more accurate than all mainstream media combined...


Explains how the staged & orchestrated events surrounding the collapse of the US financial system was brought about on purpose by an elite group of insiders, ceos and executives who continue to rape and pillage the wealth of the country which will only destroy our currency & economy...

i thought it was pretty good....