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FEDS Demand County Records


Bong Smoking News Hound
someone did make a post regarding the U.N. making a statement, regarding the new bills that passed in America?


Active member
I think a lot of the blame for this goes to the Sheriff (who tried to do right) since he was boasting about this program on TV, in magazines, on the Net, everywhere! That is exactly what the Feds don't want, bigtime publicity for marijuana growing. Just like with Eddy Lepp, the more publicity you generate, the more attention you get from the Feds...


Bong Smoking News Hound
I think a lot of the blame for this goes to the Sheriff (who tried to do right) since he was boasting about this program on TV, in magazines, on the Net, everywhere! That is exactly what the Feds don't want, bigtime publicity for marijuana growing. Just like with Eddy Lepp, the more publicity you generate, the more attention you get from the Feds...

Exactly. We know this in US. its Keep your mouth shut or go to Jail. Dont follow Orders, go to jail, pay us money!

US is not FREE SPEACH, anyone who comes out PUBLICLY is very much at Risk at being watched by big brother.

Especially Crusaders like us. Bet your ass Overgrow went down due to US funding, not Canada! Due to its popularity from USA.

High Profile = trouble for them if you end up in court.... they want everything swept under the rug. And it seems the rest of the world follows.


Freedom Fighter
I cant see the Feds going after a bunch of small grows, as much a I see them going after the Sherriff for conspericy charges. Try and scare other agencies into doing nothing to legitimize the MMJ Movement.


If i read this correctly, they have subpoenaed the numbers, fiscal statistics.
It sounds as if they want records related to the revenue from sales of permits.
Those records should consist of money received and how it was allocated.

Those records should not contain information about individuals who bought permits.

Since the program has been discontinued, i see no reason for information about individuals who bought the permits to be retained by any agency in the county. Such information would now be obsolete, and should be, if not already discarded.

If your county officials have retained obsolete information, such as names and addresses of those who bought a permit, and furthermore, if they release such obsolete information to a federal court, they need to be sued, disqualified from holding office, and replaced with people who are competent enough to protect law abiding people from a corrupt federal government.

I can understand fiscal records being kept..
Income from the sale of permits and how that income was disbursed/allocated...
fiscal records should never contain names and addresses of those who once participated
in a now obsolete program, but could contain the names and addresses of people/companies your county purchased supplies from.

Then comes the question, are your county officials right for the job?
Will they say "This is what you get, nothing more!" ?
Are they going to crack and break down under pressure from the federal government, forgetting that they are elected to represent the people and truly outrank federal agents on the county level?

A sheriff should be able to tell a fed "go fuck yourself" and the fed say "yes sir, how many times sir", and it is your sheriff's job to exercise that authority. If he isnt, replace him with someone who will. Replace him with someone with the balls to deputize members of the citizens 2nd amendment militia, etc..

Remember the sheriff who ran FEMA out of town after they kept cutting phone lines?
He did is job, and every other sheriff in the nation should be doing their jobs...
Protecting and Serving the people, not the court.

Sorry for the long rant, but the constitution does delegate jurisdiction to the states.