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Federal Reserve Audit Bill Overwhelmingly Passes The House


weed fiend
And still no one has offered a good reason why the fed should operate completely in the dark.

Nah, more like nobody's placating your obsessions.

Lots of bullshit about Paul Ryan doing rails with Ron Paul or some other unrelated nonsense...
Compared to your 100% worthless noise - Ryan's want's to audit the Fed, he cosponsored the bill for christ sake. I don't give a fuck what you personally think.


Active member
I had a funny thought yesterday. Remember those old "pyramid schemes" back in thebdwy. They we banned. Atheist the "pyramid scheme part" . I. Thai kin that BBC the reason they did this was not to protect people frown them. But to keep people frown noticing the "grand pyramid schemes that These archons are running"


weed fiend
what would those be?

All the pete/repeat, for starters.

i wouldn't trust anyone's motivations who is against transparency.
Well let's see, Hank Paulsen said the equivalent would bankrupt any private bank subject to subsequent bailout. So Hank bailed out the whole show.

Speaking of transparency, your argument suffers from lack of it. Auditing the Fed amounts to politicizing laws that dumb ass lawmakers can't repeal because Americans aren't dumb enough to imagine dumb ass lawmakers are bankers.

They'd simply make monetary policy as ineffective as Congress itself. < There's your transparency.


Game Bred
A whole lot if dumbass in that statement...
But it makes total sense. We cant audit the fed because banks operate on trust and if we knew what they were doing we obviously would not trust 'm.

"hoping mad"
Care to give an example?
Maybe its like your imaginary "gay slur"?


weed fiend
... and if we knew what they were doing we obviously would not trust 'm.

That's just your screwy world-view talking. Congress is one of the most ineffective bodies on the planet. GOPers are on public record for more than three decades admitting they'll break what they fail to lead.

"hoping mad"
Care to give an example?
Sure thing pal, like when you counter references to "end the fed" with "HE WANTS TO AUDIT THE FED!!!!" You're just adding to the bullshit.

Ron's book "END THE FED" sunk his chances as president (yeah right) as much or more than his so-called "news letters", lol.

I've mentioned this several times and you've yet to acknowledge Ron penned "END THE FED". Maybe it's just one of Ron's ghostwriters?:tumbleweed:

"Audit" is just the Public version, not unlike "We don't believe that idiot from Missouri who thinks rape victims don't get pregnant."

Their own platform says, "bullshit!"

You have the gall to mention "transparency" when an entire cabal operates covertly (excepting the times they fuck up and admit the truth.)


Game Bred
That's just your screwy world-view talking.
yeah your right it's just my wonky world view...
of corse if we audit the fed we wont lose any trust in them.
they operate on the up and up.

Congress is one of the most ineffective bodies on the planet.

ohh i wish this were true!!!

both parties are on public record for more than three decades admitting they'll break what they fail to lead.

Sure thing pal, like when you counter references to "end the fed" with "HE WANTS TO AUDIT THE FED!!!!" You're just adding to the bullshit.
the bill is to audit.
when the bill is to end then we have that conversation...
this aint the RP thread ;)
Ron's book "END THE FED" sunk his chances as president (yeah right) as much or more than his so-called "news letters", lol.

I've mentioned this several times and you've yet to acknowledge Ron penned "END THE FED". Maybe it's just one of Ron's ghostwriters?:tumbleweed:

not the right thread...
but just for kicks..
i hereby acknowledge that Dr. Ron Paul authored the new york times best seller "end the fed"
now what?
why does that need acknowledgment?

"Audit" is just the Public version,
au·dit/ˈôdit/Noun: An official inspection of an individual's or organization's accounts, typically by an independent body.

Verb: Conduct an official financial examination of (an individual's or organization's accounts).
end/end/Noun: A final part of something, esp. a period of time, an activity, or a story.

Verb: Come or bring to a final point; finish.

not unlike "We don't believe that idiot from Missouri who thinks rape victims don't get pregnant."

Their own platform says, "bullshit!"
i realize as a staunch partisan you must view everything through that prism
not everyone is a partisan cheergirl...
for instance:
Paul Ryan supports the audit of the fed. he also supported the bailouts.
i see dichotomy
i dont support it
see i cant stand the very idea of robmney/ryden

You have the gall to mention "transparency" when an entire cabal operates covertly (excepting the times they fuck up and admit the truth.)
which cabal is that?
the entire united states federal gub?
or are you flying your dems good reps bad flag again?

the fed is only operating in our nations best interest. there is absolutely NOTHING for them to hide!
i believe this with all my heart thats why i dont mind an audit.


New member
We have been suffering economic crises like the current housing crisis and international banking crisis. Should we put the blame on Federal Reserve? Many Americans are not happy with the workings or indeed existence of the Federal reserve. The country's central bank is somehow helpful in setting financial policy and figuring out the costs of extending credit for banks. Though, the House of Representatives approved a bill that would authorize Congress to audit the Fed. Here is the source: Federal Reserve.

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