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Federal Reserve Audit Bill Overwhelmingly Passes The House

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor


This is awesome. The revolution may not be televised or violent, but the politicians are getting it, and this vote shows it. Even if it does not pass the senate


Federal Reserve Audit Bill Overwhelmingly Passes The House

WASHINGTON -- In a rare moment of bipartisanship, the House overwhelmingly passed a bill by Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) to audit the Federal Reserve.

The bill, which has 270 co-sponsors, passed 327 to 98. All but one Republican voted for it, along with 89 Democrats.

Paul teamed up with former Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) in 2010 to pass similar legislation that became part of the final Wall Street reform bill. But Paul has said new audit legislation is needed because the 2010 bill didn't go far enough. Specifically, he states on his website that the audit called for in the 2010 bill only focused on emergency credit programs and procedural issues, rather than on the substantive details of the lending transactions. The 2012 bill doesn't limit the focus of the audit.

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke recently told the House Financial Services Committee that he agrees with the "basic premise" that the Fed should be transparent, but raised concerns that Paul's bill doesn't exempt monetary policy and deliberations from its reach.

Not including an exemption on this point could create "a political dampening effect on the Federal Reserve's policy decisions," Bernanke warned.

But Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) pointed out that the House vote on the bill comes on the same day that the Washington Post reported that the New York Fed "did not communicate in key meetings with top regulators that British bank Barclays had admitted to Fed staffers that it was rigging LIBOR,” the index which sets interest rates worldwide.

"The Fed creates trillions of dollars out of nothing and gives it to banks. Congress is in the dark. The Fed sets the stage for the subprime meltdown. Congress is in the dark. The Fed takes a dive on LIBOR. Congress is in the dark. The Fed doesn’t tell regulators what is going on. Congress is in the dark," Kucinich shouted on the House floor, just before the vote.

"It is time for us to bring the Fed into the sunshine of accountability," he said.

Despite the broad support in the House, a senior Senate Democratic aide signaled the bill isn't likely to go anywhere in that chamber in the near future.

"Not this work period," the aide said about the Senate acting on the bill ahead of the month-long August recess. "Don’t know about September, but I doubt it."

aww fuck I just realized I put this in the cannabis law sectin and not tokers den. Mods can you move it instead of delete it please. much appreciated.


Active member
yup i watched it live,now on to the senate,im gonna e-mail them as soon as a get a chance,do not let this one slip by guys,this has to pass so the public knows how they are being robbed.




Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
That's awesome. Long time coming.

It will die in the Senate though. Reid won't let it come to the floor.

Bernanake's audit will most likely come in the form of rope and a light pole.


Active member
^I knew you would be watching bentom. :D

yer sir,its his signature legislation,now its still up in the air,but iif it turns out he has most of the senate behind this too,thats awsome and proves he CAN work with both sides of the isle as a president.
its pretty awsome watching his lifes work manifesting itself in one presidential run,and truly inspiring.
enough war enough deficets and enough police state,the future looks bright if we do our part.
i may even get a chance to vote for a constitutional conservative in my district this year,i have to do some research on the guy,but its a breath of fresh air in a heavily democratic state.im actually excited about voting.:woohoo:


Active member
i just e-mailed reid ! urging him to reconsider,and reminded him the people who know about this scam all vote and are spreading the word.

"Harry Reid vows Federal Transparency Act will never be voted on in the Senate"


Supporters of Rep. Ron Paul and sound monetary policy rejoiced online as they heard of the passage of H.R. 456, the Federal Transparency Act, on Wednesday. Their joy, however, was short-lived as within an hour of the bill passing word spread from the office of the Harry Reid. The Senate Majority Leader and Nevada Democrat has vowed the Federal Transparency Act will not be put to a vote in the Senate.

Harry Reid had previously expressed support for an audit of the Federal Reserve. Perhaps seeing the overwhelming support the H.R. 459 received in the House of Representatives made Reid wary of the Federal Transparency Act passing. H.R. 459 passed by a bipartisan vote of 327-98.

Ron Paul supporters have already begun to get active online, sharing the contact information to Harry Reid's office. One supporter called his office instantly, claiming that he would be encouraging his friends to vote Harry Reid out of office.

The contact information being shared is the following:

Email: http://www.reid.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm

Carson City
600 East William Street, #304
Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: 775-882-7343 / Fax: 775-883-1980

Las Vegas
Lloyd D. George Building
333 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Suite 8016
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone: 702-388-5020 / Fax: 702-388-5030

Bruce R. Thompson Courthouse and Federal Building
400 South Virginia Street, Suite 902
Reno, NV 89501
Phone: 775-686-5750 / Fax: 775-686-5757

Rural Nevada
If you live in Esmeralda, Lincoln, or Nye Counties:
Phone: 702-388-5020 / Fax: 702-388-5030
If you live in Churchill, Douglas, Elko, Eureka, Humboldt, Lander, Lyon, Mineral, Pershing, Storey or White Pine County:
Phone: 775-686-5750 / Fax: 775-686-5757

522 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3542 / Fax: 202-224-7327
Toll Free for Nevadans: 1-866-SEN-REID (736-7343) – Restricted to calls originating from area codes 775 and 702

Reid Newsroom
Sen. Reid’s Nevada Press Office 202-224-9521 (for inquiries from Nevada media)
Senate Democratic Policy and Communications Center 202-224-2939
I believe Harry Reid should face the charge of TREASON for the manner in which he runs the Senate. seriously. That's the Peoples business he refuses to act on. What form of leadership does inaction represent? He's a HACK! Sixty-some measures passed by the House, many "jobs bills", and he won't bring them to a vote for fear "his" Senators would face re-election difficulties if forced to DO THEIR JOBS! Somebody take my soapbox away.


Here's is a good video I caught earlier today. It's nice to see congress actually do something.

D- Rep Kucinich adressing congress on Paul Bill.

It is sad to see only about half of the dems in the house voted yes. I also find it strange that most republicans voted for it because all the audit or threat of one will do is drive the financial sectors into fear mode and we all know what that will do.
Just remember this baby was Paul's, a libertarian under the cover of a republican party, and Alan Grayson's, a progressive liberal who lost his seat soon after but is predicted to win it back. And without the 90 something dems supporting it this bill wouldn't of even got to go on to the senate.
This is very important. This is actual bi-partisanship working. And if Obama and Reid and the senate dems choose to kill this bill they will suffer greatly on the state levels and some on the national level.
I know my Independent guy Bernie Sanders will be voting yes. Let's hope a pair or a lone republican doesn't break off and kill the super majority in the senate if most dems vote yes.
It took 96 years to even get to this. Sad thing is I imagine many Americans are just clueless on the issue itself and the consequences that will follow either decision.
If this passes we will definitely see economic chaos and an early single or double recession in the short-run because many sectors both private and public who live off the fed and federal money, this includes the pentagon and the military and of course the private military complex as a whole, but in the long-run this is by far the best thing for our country and it will be the start of taking back our government from the corporate powers that control it.
Or, it might not pass.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^well this is really interesting because this is the one thing the Tea party and OWS kids agree on. audit the fed. If this bill does not pass we might actually see a third party form based on ending plutocracy.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I believe Harry Reid should face the charge of TREASON for the manner in which he runs the Senate. seriously. That's the Peoples business he refuses to act on. What form of leadership does inaction represent? He's a HACK! Sixty-some measures passed by the House, many "jobs bills", and he won't bring them to a vote for fear "his" Senators would face re-election difficulties if forced to DO THEIR JOBS! Somebody take my soapbox away.

^Exactly. the only reason he keeps winning is because he wont let any more city expansion happen in vegas and he keeps the property value from dropping more. also the other choice was Sharon Angle. I mean God damn talk about poor choices.
Hey Hash, do ya think the reason we get these "poor choices" from the Repubs is because it doesn't matter to them WHO wins because the end result will be the same? I mean America spent six months of the past primary season telling the Republican party that we REALLY wanted someone other than Romney to run against obama, lookie what we got...their choice. IMO Romney IS a better choice than obama...but not what I can vote for without holding my nose.

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