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Federal agents bust Denver grows via store sales

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If you do use your own car, don't have your grow house registered to the same address where your grow is. (consider changing your address on your license and insurance to another address from your grow)

This does nothing to help you, leo can find any property linked to you via utility records easily. Having multiple addresses would make you look like a more interesting target if anything.


Active member
This does nothing to help you, leo can find any property linked to you via utility records easily. Having multiple addresses would make you look like a more interesting if anything.

It certainly helped me and provided peace of mind. When i had my grow, nothing was in my name, so there were no records. Even if the car is in ones name, the grow is not, how will they find records?

All im trying to say is the more security layers you have, the less chance of being busted.


It certainly helped me and provided peace of mind. When i had my grow, nothing was in my name, so there were no records. Even if the car is in ones name, the grow is not, how will they find records?

Dude, you got busted by your landlord for a stinky rental grow ... something must have been in your name.


I was once buying some stuff from a local hydro shop, i had my mate around the corner and i was going to jump into the boot with the stuff and burn off (making sure i wasnt followed)

When i was talking to the guy about bigger lights, he looked at me funny picked up the phone held it in the air one second then put it back down.

It was like sign language for their listening.

I got my shit, walked down the side street tied my shoelace to check for tails ran round the corner and into the boot.

Lols, kids.


Active member
Dude, you got busted by your landlord for a stinky rental grow ... something must have been in your name.

First off, maybe you should not speak on something you have no knowledge of. if you had read my story, you would know that me being busted had NOTHING to do with records being in my name. Next time read the thread thoroughly.

I know your trying to score points and win this debate, but to bring up my post about being busted shows how immature and naive you are.

Owl Mirror

Active member
They found more than 200 pot plants, more than $400,000 in cash, guns and another controlled substance.

When the President and Attorney General said they would not waste resources in Medical Marijuana States, going after the patients, they also said that wouldn't deter them from going after those operating outside the bounds of the state medical marijuana program.
Why is anyone surprised at this bust ?

I can't see any reason someone operating within the guidelines of CO law would have on hand: more than 200 pot plants, more than $400,000 in cash, guns and another controlled substance.

These guys weren't supplying the medical marijuana community, they were trying to cash in on others suffering. It's a shame the medical marijuana community will now get a black mark against it with the public thinking all participants have $400,000 in cash, guns and other drugs too.

OK, I'm done, go ahead and flame me, call me 'the enemy' and make false claims about my character.


I love my life
When the President and Attorney General said they would not waste resources in Medical Marijuana States, going after the patients, they also said that wouldn't deter them from going after those operating outside the bounds of the state medical marijuana program.
Why is anyone surprised at this bust ?

I can't see any reason someone operating within the guidelines of CO law would have on hand: more than 200 pot plants, more than $400,000 in cash, guns and another controlled substance.

These guys weren't supplying the medical marijuana community, they were trying to cash in on others suffering. It's a shame the medical marijuana community will now get a black mark against it with the public thinking all participants have $400,000 in cash, guns and other drugs too.

OK, I'm done, go ahead and flame me, call me 'the enemy' and make false claims about my character.

Why do they need to be imprisioned? Why where they not helping? What fact lets us know they were evil? Is it better to pay for their prison cell or health care for the poor?

I don't own guns or use other controlled substances but I drink and smoke weed. I have friends who own guns and I have to admit some people I know may eat mushrooms or drop acid.

Where is the danger in these guys or the black mark. Who cares "that everyone will think everyone has $400K"

Why do you hate people that have the ability to produce? No claims about your character here, just A LOT of unanswered questions.

Peace, :joint:


The 'other controlled substance' may have been prescribed. The news wires only report what is perceived as 'bad' or will generate support from there base reader demographics.

And why the hell should a grower not be allowed to own a firearm? I want to protect my family, my home and my investment. That doesn't make me a criminal.

As for the money, not everyone wants to be reported on by their financial institution to be scrutinized by any agency that wants to 'look into matters a little deeper'.
I say buy gold and stash it in the fish tank.


It certainly helped me and provided peace of mind. When i had my grow, nothing was in my name, so there were no records. Even if the car is in ones name, the grow is not, how will they find records?

All im trying to say is the more security layers you have, the less chance of being busted.

If your grow wasn't in your name why did you go down with the ship? When your landlord wanted in you didn't think, "huh maybe I should shut this down, or stay away and see what happens"

Owl Mirror

Active member
Simply because i speak of the reality of the current situation in America, I am now seemingly desiring everyone who grows marijuana in prison, according to Hydrosun.
If this malicious rumor were true, that would make me an enemy of this forum and each member.

Through lies, slanderous innuendo, my character has now been damaged among this community. How can I defend myself against false charges made by some anonymous person on a public forum? I can't.

He continues to make Straw Man charges against my character, then compels me to prove him wrong. Similar to Sarah Palin's rumor about Obama palling around with terrorists.

I've asked the moderator for assistance from these false charges with no contact or results. I can only imagine they must believe these lies themselves, since they are allowed to continue.

I'll be staying away from this site for the foreseeable future. Makes no sense to remain, seeing as I'm being portrayed as each of you're enemy, FALSELY.

Been fun while it lasted, unfortunately my presence has now been unfairly tainted and I see no reason to remain an active member. See you around !


Anyone frequenting a hydro shop should obviously take steps to avoid being followed etc here are some common sense precautions:

Don't use your own car

If you do use your own car, don't have your grow house registered to the same address where your grow is. (consider changing your address on your license and insurance to another address from your grow)

Have a friend drive you.

NEVER go directly from the hydro shop to your grow spot...go shopping, visit a friend, go to Home depot, run some errands, etc.


Good stuff, and pretty much sums up how I handle it.

Car is registered out of state where I last attended school. Thankfully that state allows for mail in renewals.

If not using my car I use a friend as a pick up for stuff to break up the frequency at which I visit the store.

I never ever buy more than a reasonable amount per trip. Keeping the packaging carried to my car/ride to a minimum.

I always go out to eat or go to Home Depot or PetCo after visiting the Hydro Store. I also use back roads to go home so that I can easily tell if a tail is present.

I never for one second think I can mention marijuana in the hydro store. I assume everyone to be listening to what I say carefully and only refer to either indoor plants, or tomatoes in particular. I am careful when referring to anything, and assume that a single misstep will make them adhere to their policy of one slip and you never come back to any location they run, or worse yet one slip leads the cops to my grow.

I think before I speak and before I even head to the store I do not just go there to "browse" instead going with a purpose and intent and focusing on what I need before I even enter.



I love my life
Simply because i speak of the reality of the current situation in America, I am now seemingly desiring everyone who grows marijuana in prison, according to Hydrosun.
If this malicious rumor were true, that would make me an enemy of this forum and each member.

Through lies, slanderous innuendo, my character has now been damaged among this community. How can I defend myself against false charges made by some anonymous person on a public forum? I can't.

He continues to make Straw Man charges against my character, then compels me to prove him wrong. Similar to Sarah Palin's rumor about Obama palling around with terrorists.

I've asked the moderator for assistance from these false charges with no contact or results. I can only imagine they must believe these lies themselves, since they are allowed to continue.

I'll be staying away from this site for the foreseeable future. Makes no sense to remain, seeing as I'm being portrayed as each of you're enemy, FALSELY.

Been fun while it lasted, unfortunately my presence has now been unfairly tainted and I see no reason to remain an active member. See you around !

Now who said double posting in multiple threads was a bad idea? I will not repost the exact same thing as I wrote in "Why is MMJ so expensive?" I'll just add this little pearl from the universe of a lunatic (mine, see my location has always been mostly in my head). Here is what the universe gave me....

Thanks hes mt most hated internet person of almost all time. I am glad his chump ass is leaving. Thanks

It made me smile and want to share, but I would still like it if you just stayed and said you wanted each and everyone of us to be free to grow and sell.

It is never too late to choose freedom.

Peace, :joint:


Active member
shit like this makes me sick....i'm good friends with the owner of my grow store and he's been in operation for over 20 years and has never had a problem. Being in a big city might help a little but the whole thing is just sickening! WTF....dont the police have better things to do?

One of my best friends is a cop in high crime area of chicago and they wont arrest anyone that has small amouts of mj or even crack. They just take it away and dump it later. To many other crimes going on to waste time on small time drugs. MJ to them is a joke. Then you hear about cops sitting around looking for growers and it makes me fucking sick.

I get kids overdosing on pills all the time typically stealing them from their parents....WTF
Simply because i speak of the reality of the current situation in America, I am now seemingly desiring everyone who grows marijuana in prison, according to Hydrosun.
If this malicious rumor were true, that would make me an enemy of this forum and each member.

Through lies, slanderous innuendo, my character has now been damaged among this community. How can I defend myself against false charges made by some anonymous person on a public forum? I can't.

He continues to make Straw Man charges against my character, then compels me to prove him wrong. Similar to Sarah Palin's rumor about Obama palling around with terrorists.

I've asked the moderator for assistance from these false charges with no contact or results. I can only imagine they must believe these lies themselves, since they are allowed to continue.

I'll be staying away from this site for the foreseeable future. Makes no sense to remain, seeing as I'm being portrayed as each of you're enemy, FALSELY.

Been fun while it lasted, unfortunately my presence has now been unfairly tainted and I see no reason to remain an active member. See you around !
Don't let the door hitcha where the good lord splitcha.

Owl Mirror

Active member
Don't let the door hitcha where the good lord splitcha.

I've been a member since 2005, you showed up this past September and you think you have standing to tell me what to do?
I guess you are just a child who has no reasoning skills or can think for yourself but, rely on following others lead.

I can see this web forum will go down hill, populated by folks like you.
It's too bad, something that Gypsy built can be torn down by loud mouth children with no respect for others.
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