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Fed up with soil


Active member
I went the Super Soil method this round and far and away my easiest grow yet.


this oil slick on the surface, does it shimmer like oil or does it look white? if it looks white look closer does it look like a buncha little microscopic critters swimming in the water and clumping together?

I would describe it as more like an oil slick but it does have a slight white tinge to it. I've pulled samples out in a cup numerous times and looked at it under a scope and I've never noticed anything alive but I can pick out particles suspended in the water.

I just changed it out early this morning since I'll be busy the next few days so I wanted to get it out of the way. The res had 36 hours on it so I took a picture of the old water and new.

When it gets cloudy the plants still drink the same amount and the ph stays stable so it doesn't appear to be any negative side effects, yet. The visible roots look good, too. I think I can rule out my water also because a couple of days ago I set up my flood table in my veg area and that water is still crystal clear. So I have something going on in the root zone or something.

Anyways, here is before and after picture.

New Water

36 Hour Water

Edit: I'm adding a picture of my res while it's running for reference.

New and Bubbling


I went the Super Soil method this round and far and away my easiest grow yet.

Are you going to reuse it? The last couple of years I've just been shaking the root ball apart and keeping all the soil that dislodges and then I mix it half and half with new stuff. I then re-amend the soil like I would new and I haven't noticed any difference. It sure saved the amount of waste I had to lug back out of the room!


Active member
EZ, not sure on the recycling. I may do that for 1 last grow, as I'm moving at some point here.

That looks like microbial life. You have a bubbler, right? The micro-life is micro as in microscopic. You will not see anything.


EZ, not sure on the recycling. I may do that for 1 last grow, as I'm moving at some point here.

That looks like microbial life. You have a bubbler, right? The micro-life is micro as in microscopic. You will not see anything.

I looked at it under a 30x scope and didn't see anything but they are obviously more microscopic than that. lol If there is something alive they are some very hardy little bastards because I've used bleach, physan 20 and H202 while trying to figure this out.

I've also used numerous forms of bubbling. 6w and 18w air pump as well as a waterfall effect from a water pump. At this point I figure I'm just going to have to ride this grow out and hope that I don't have the same issue on the next run. :)


You got me thinking rrog so I went and checked out my notes. When I was using the 18w air pump with four air stones was the worst my res got. After 48 hours you couldn't see the bottom and I had foam building up on the edges. If this is something alive I wonder if all that air was feeding it and causing it to thrive? Just a thought.

I guess what baffles me is the plants look so damn good even with this issue but that might not be the case if I wasn't changing out the res.

Another thing I was pondering is when I veged this batch it was pretty hot and my water temps were in the mid to high 70's so maybe I caused a problem and carried it over. This is the reason I started using H202 and bleach as a preventative.

Right now winter is finally setting in and both my reservoirs are steady at 67-68 degrees.

I hope in 6 months I'm not starting a new thread "Fed up with hydro". :D


Active member
The air keeps things aerobic, and your plants like it because these microbes are the natural companions of plants.

Bleach, etc is only temporary and when it's gone all air that we breathe has these microbes, so your res is quickly re-inoculated.

When these points came together in my mind years ago, I saw the light and decided that if the microbes were unavoidable, and they were there to assist my plant, why am I fighting this thing?

Anyway, sorry for the hijack

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