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Fed raids? A past thing? whoo hooo


Active member
I wonder how this will affect San Diego. If the criminals running the S.D. government and police departments can't get the feds to do their dirty work, they may have to quit persecuting MMJ patients.



Original Editor of ICMagazine
Nice promise, let's hope that he can produce this one in reality...Just this one little step if taken properly will do a lot to shore up the waning credibility of our new president. If not taken, an entire segment of the population will turn against the new guy. Much as I like Obama, he needs to really present CHANGE as promised. So much of what I see is a rerun of failed Clinton policies, and failed former Clintonites packing his cabinet and appointed workforce.


IMO this is the best news we've ever had in the struggle for fairness in the war on cannabis users. Sure, we're not at full legalization yet, but this is an obvious first step.

This is the first time in my life that I actually trust the Federal government to do the right thing for the people. It's also the first progressive/populist government in modern history. The founding fathers would be so proud.

Progress and change are really here! Savor it, but don't get complacent.


Payaso, Clinton's problem was that he was not a progressive, and he was far too conservative for my tastes. Obama is a genuine progressive/populist, something this country has never had. I can't wait to see where our country is in 4 years. It's going to be beautiful!


Wow are you serious!!!! this should be headline news around CA. I am sooo happy to hear this as it means we can all get back to our lives and not have to worry bout the man with an Ak47 bustin down our door!!. Yeah rejoice!!!...just hope its true

sir $moka lot

New member
this will be a great victory for the mmj cause, and the way i see it happening from here on out is that every single state will have some kind of mmj provision very very soon. within a few years prolly, not to mention IF Ammiano can get full legalization passed in cali then all the other states will see how it works and rush to legalize there as well....lets hope!!

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
Oh man this is awesome!!!

The new attorney general was pretty staunchly anti-cannabis, so I am really thrilled to hear he will be carrying out Obama's policy rather than being left to implement his own.

Celebration rips for sure!!



Pharmacan, I'm curious to see what happens in SD as well. The last round of delivery service stings they did seemed to b carried out without the help of the DEA and it sounds like police are leaning heavily on the reasoning that the delivey guys weren't acual caregivers. It seems the caregiver rationale could likewise be used against any dispenseries that open up in SD now that the DEA has been reigned in. Any thoughts?

Kola Radical

Unbelievable. This is HUGE!

I am starting my mail order weed website right now. Colorado Med Users Only of course.

Wooooo Friggin' Hooooo!


Active member
Time for all you Obama bashers and shit talkers to eat your words... And for me to say.... I TOLD U SO!!!!!

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
well, if it works out thats awsome for ou guys over there...
I was beginning to feel like the who had the truest thing to say where obama is concerned
"meet the new boss-same as the old boss" but lets hope he will prove me wrong eh. i spose he needs a tad more time lol
be lucky ppl

Kola Radical

Barack is Da Prez!

Best Prez Ever... or since JFK anyway!

Lincoln freed the slaves... Barack FREED THE WEED!


Time for all you Obama bashers and shit talkers to eat your words... And for me to say.... I TOLD U SO!!!!!

WOOHOO. The federal government is no longer going to usurp state lawz!! ZOMG! This is something that we should definitely be celebrating in the most free country in the world!!


New member
:joint: Hey Now! :smoke:

Good news for sure .... but CAMP :angrymod: will take time to de-escalate their efforts :beat-dead. .....

:wink: Time to chill and watch the change take place! :woohoo:

Be Careful!

Keep On Growin' :canabis: