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FDA Approves New MMJ Study


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FDA Approves New PTSD Study with Medical Marijuana

The Santa Cruz Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies just received permission from the FDA to study the effects of cannabis on posttraumatic stress disorder.

By David Jay Brown

Several months ago, I reported on how the Santa Cruz Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) was beginning the first experimental sessions in their second MDMA study on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

PTSD is an extremely difficult medical condition to treat, and it currently effects around 7.8 percent of Americans. It is caused by exposure to dangerous and highly stressful situations, which can result in lasting symptoms that include disturbing flashbacks, distressful emotions, panic attacks, and nightmares.

On April 28th the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) accepted MAPS' protocol design for their study of cannabis as a treatment for symptoms of PTSD in war veterans. This approval from the FDA represents another important step forward in PTSD research, although there is still a major hurdle to overcome before the research can actually begin. The FDA stated that MAPS’ current protocol successfully addresses all of their concerns, as long as the researchers can obtain cannabis for the study.

Living here in Santa Cruz, with medical cannabis dispensaries popping up like fast food restaurants, you’d think that access to marijuana would be the easy part. However, there is only one place to legally obtain cannabis for a medical study in the U.S.--from the government itself, which has had an unconstitutional monopoly on the plant for research purposes since 1968. So, in order to obtain cannabis for the PTSD study, yet another government review process needs to take place.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse/Public Health Service (NIDA/PHS) also has to approve the cannabis/PTSD study before it can begin. Although the FDA has repeatedly demonstrated its willingness to evaluate studies on the basis of scientific merit, NIDA/PHS appears to continually position politics over science, and has consequently blocked medical marijuana studies from moving forward.

“This redundant review, which may take another year or more, is required solely because NIDA has a monopoly on the supply of marijuana for research. NIDA/PHS must review and accept the protocol before allowing us to purchase marijuana from NIDA. This process is biased from the start, since NIDA’s mission does not include exploring the potential beneficial uses of marijuana,” said MAPS Director of Communications Brad Burge.

MAPS has been trying for years to continue their medical marijuana vaporizer research, and although the FDA has approved that next study as well, the DEA has prevented them from conducting it by not allowing the researchers to obtain the necessary cannabis. (For more information about this, see the in-depth article that I wrote for High Times on the subject: www.maps.org/media/view/crop_blockers/) There is concern that this could happen again with the PTSD study that was just approved by the FDA.

According to Burge, many U.S. veterans already use medical marijuana to deal with their symptoms of PTSD. “MAPS is seeking to conduct the first clinical trial testing the use of the smoked or vaporized marijuana plant in PTSD patients. Now PHS/NIDA will decide if MAPS can obtain marijuana for 50 suffering veterans,” said Burge.

To find out more about MAPS, or to make a contribution to help further medical cannabis and psychedelic drug therapy research, see: www.maps.org

I recently edited the annual MAPS theme bulletin, which was dedicated to psychedelics and the mind/body connection. The online edition is available here:



I don't understand the discrepancy here, with one section of government saying its okay to test and another saying its not. Do the FDA and the NIDA not ultimately report to the same mucky-muck? Is this purposely contradictory? Strange to me.


It does work. Its nice to finally see some actual gubmint approved research, since the VA has approved MMJ for use by vets in med legal state there might even be some progress.


Active member
At first I thought cool, it's really about time they studied this. Then I read, "Now PHS/NIDA will decide if MAPS can obtain marijuana for 50 suffering veterans,” said Burge.

50?. A year long study based on that small sample? Whereas I think they claimed something like 7.8% of the population suffers from some sort of PTSD. And then they can draw valid scientific conclusions from that small sample? Maybe I'm or misreading it or reading into it. If not I think it's junk science and might just be used to further support federal bullshit.


Yeah it's good but sucks! "Sure you can do the research, but no were not supplying the product, and if you get the product in any other way your breaking the law" fu@#ed up if you ask me, but hopefully in time this will be resolved......Hopefully! Sooner the better as I deal with A bad case of ptsd and wish they would hurry on this cause these pills suck ass and don't work, they cause more problems then they fix. not to mention its synthedic crap. Man I could use a fat joint right now, got a month to go,hehe!!!...soon enough!

Love,peace,and pot

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
I don't understand the discrepancy here, with one section of government saying its okay to test and another saying its not. Do the FDA and the NIDA not ultimately report to the same mucky-muck? Is this purposely contradictory? Strange to me.

It means that the government is way too big and has way too many dumb fuck bureaucracies.


NIDA has come right out and said they're not going to approve anything that might show the positive effects of weed. There's a reason all our good news comes out of the UK these days.


And to think that these people in other countries are pissed about having an autocratic society.

Silly rabbit, bloated government is for sheeple.
Irony of the day: the US government doesn't know how many intelligence agencies it has.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
400 people own the majority of the wealth, which means they own the majority of the private sector; and private sector owns the government. therefore about 400 people decide what is right for about 300 million. that seems more like a monarchy with a decorative royal court of billionaires, rather than a democracy.


Active member
Plutocracy, to be precise. But you're right, HZ.

Exactly the reason why my initial excitement about the government beginning to look into medical properties gave way to the realization that the only reason to do so would be to pave the way for BIG PHARMA to make big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ after the studies prove what we've know all along.

Of course, once that occurs, growing the plant would once again be illegal in the med. states, because of the "superior" pharmaceutical product available.

That way, the plutocracy can maintain the WOD as a way to control those who would oppose them and make even more money off of it while they're at it.

I know I'm a downer, but I've given a serious re-think to a move to CA or CO. The plant, imho, will never be adopted by the haves and have mores that are in power. Only to those who are counter to what they stand for.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^that's what boycott's and civil disobedience are for. dont buy from big pharma and always grow your own. dont let them have there way. big pharma and big government can go fuck themselves.


yeaa zepp and then that cocksucker rothschild and his queen hold most the rest. my girl and i were talking the other day bout how they were force feeding that royal wedding shit down peoples throats in the msm and she had this idea that its just introducing peeps to that dullard who's in line to be the "king". so that when shit hits the fan and we "run out of money" the good ol queen can swoop in and bail out the Virginia Company and it'll just be one step closer to their one world crap.

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