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FBI shuts down online poker in the US...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
What I've been trying to say was this:

Sit at a real table and make some real money.

Poker still exists and certainly fills coffers in this country.

You don't need to do everything on line... yet.

I'd rather have the benefit of reading my opponent than playing in my boxers.

Guest 18340

"Following the high-profile arrests of several online gambling executives traveling in the U.S., in September 2006 (right before the mid-term U.S. elections), the UIGEA bill was floored by Republican congressmen who cited moral reasoning for its necessity."
Taken from here;http://www.gamblingplanet.org/legality_main.php
In the U.S. it's always about "morals" when they need to justify making something illegal that really shouldn't be illegal. (MJ, prostitution, Gay marriage, to name a few...)


For the 'Land of the free', they sure seem to have no problem putting a limit on those freedoms based on moral bullshit.


Me and my lady are arranging a hold'em tournament/BBQ at our house tonight. I'll bet the same thing is happening all over the country...

Madrus Rose

post 69
here's an inside look , funny because this Aussie "boy-genius" who helped the big three Poker sites set up their payment & banking schemes , just recently suspected he got ratted out by Poker Stars or Full Tilt, that he was in the US in Vegas ...so on that tip the Feds busted him in Vegas ....but facing jail time he turned around & ratted them out :

No honor among young rich or old thieves ...

Meet The Boy Genius Who Just Took Down The Online Poker Industry


Dashiell Bennett | Apr. 15, 2011, 3:08 PM | 97,566 | 88

There Are 20-Year-Old Kids Who Have Never Seen The Red Wings Miss The PlayoffsAmericans Are Now More Addicted To Gambling Than AlcoholThe FBI Seizes The Three Biggest U.S. Poker Websites

The internet is still coming to grips with the huge online gambling bust that just took down the U.S.'s three biggest online poker sites.

But Australia's Courier-Mail newspaper already has the scoop on the one man who may have single-handedly built the online industry ... then handed it to the U.S. government on a platter.

According to this story, Daniel Tzvetkoff was a young Australian entrepreneur who set up the payment processing schemes used by the biggest poker sites to handle their (mostly illegal) transactions.

He is described by those who know him as a "boy wonder" and "genius" who started his first company at 13 and knew all the intricacies of e-commerce.

He made Full Tilt Poker and Poker Stars millions of dollars — and made as much as $150,000 a day for himself — but then got even more greedy and started taking their. They sued him, accusing Tzvetkoff of taking more than $100 million of their money.

Then last April, Tzvetkoff was arrested in Las Vegas and charged with the same crimes those sites' founders were charged with today: money laundering, bank fraud, wire fraud. As an Australian citizen with a lot of cash, he was considered a flight risk and denied bail.

Then after a "secret" meeting with prosecutors last August, he was suddenly out on bail. And now his former colleagues are the ones facing serious prison time.

Daniel Tzvetkoff knows the operations of these poker sites inside and out. It was knowledge of the financial industry that allowed them to operate. He's the one man positioned to give the U.S. Attorneys everything they needed to take down their businesses.

And it looks like that's exactly what he did, cooperating with the authorities to avoid his own lengthy jail sentence.

All the major gambling prosecutions in the U.S. since Tzvetkoff's arrest have been run out of the office of Arlo Devlin-Brown, the Manhattan Asst. U.S. Attorney who is Tzvetkoff's "handler."

According to a source, Tzvetkoff "knows how to reverse-engineer transactions to determine its original source," making him very valuable to investigators.

And the biggest irony of all? It's been rumored that the only reason the FBI got their hands on him is because Full Tilt or Poker Stars (the companies he used to work for and stole from) tipped off the FBI that he was going to be traveling to the United States last year.

They ratted him out ... and he turned the tables. No honor among thieves.

And as the Courier Mail put it, if this were still the old days, he'd be buried in the Las Vegas desert right now.


Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/boy-genius-online-poker-scandal-2011-4#ixzz1Jj6l25S4


Enormous Member
i think they will probably seize enough cash out of this deal to cover MANY paychecks for MANY people and programs which lend a helping hand to make America the GREAT country that it truly is.... YEAH sure there are some fucked up things about our country, but please name me one country that is perfect? I would love to know if you or anyone knows of one that exists? p.s. I am far from a politics guy, and i HATE to sound like a pompous, arrogant, American asshole, but i've traveled the world, and I call it like i see it...

Many more paychecks to do the same type of things. They'll hire more pepole to go after the lowest hanging fruit, which are internet gambling and MMJ businesses. This is how so many government individuals make a living off of arresting pot smokers.


Active member
Good old USA, trying to tell people what they can and can't do with their own money and time.
Oh, but if you want to poison yourself with tobacco we will sell you all you want, but don't go betting a couple bucks online from the privacy of your own home because that's dangerous.

The US's only TRUE beef with it is that they are not getting a cut of the billions

oh wait maybe they'll shut down online bingo houses next


Well-known member
well since the usa seems going bankrupt and ish... seems like the *bi at least found a "seizible income venture" ...

by the way, whaz up with folks gambling online out of las vegas, wouldn't it be legal???



Game Bred
wouldn't we become just a little bit more vulnerable to outside attack, thus risking losing some of the luxuries we have grown to appreciate (like the internet?)
if you think launching missiles in Libya prevents those vulnerabilities....

The only problem I have with this is that these private citizens were taking LOTS of money from this country via its citizens... more then 3billion... 3billion is what they HOPE to get... these 11 guys combined have illegally stockpiled a shitload more then 3bills that... and whats sickening is that the money will land in the hands of another country/thus weakening OUR country while strengthening theirs...i would MUCH rather the government "wasted" their resources going after these guys instead of weed guys...am I right or am I wrong?

cart before horse...
before G.W.Bush outlawed internet gaming these companies were here in the united states.
prohibition(always a failure) pushed them and the money off shore

You want to talk about paychecks?

unemployed daddy needs to get off his ass and realize that there is much more $ to be made if he TRIED to WORK for it instead of expecting it to be spoonfed to him... go start a business...contribute to society some how
the 20+ % of unemployed in this country are just lazy...

as long as the white man is in control, tits and ass will ALWAYS be moral... and if black man were in control, then, well... nevermind....
brothers love booty too ;)

but for real, the government never said internet gambling was "immoral"... they said that it was wrong for money to leave the country without being accounted for.... as i've said before, when money leaves the country, the country is weakened... the article said 15 million americans used these internet gambling sites... of the 15 million, how many millions of these people do you think ruined their lives by gambling off every cent to their name? If more then 15 million people had caught on and started gambling and losing their asses and all of their money was being transferred off shore to an account in another country, do you think this would be good for our country? im thinking NO.
prohibition pushed the money offshore.

ur country i desperate for any money right now, and this is a legitimate way to raise SOME funds, and get more money back into the system that very well could have been funding the system of another country...

just sayin...

see above.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Didn't I read where the just made online poker legal in District of Columbia? Interesting coincidence or cause for a new conspiracy line of thinking?

Inquiring minds would like to know?
Who thinks The Donald is somewhat behind this. If he is gonna run for office in 2012. He needs to pump up the coffers. If people cant sit at home and gamble. They are gonna start heading the casinos (Atlantic City anyone?) again real soon.


I love my life
i called this the minute internet gambling originated...

i guarantee a lot more has gone on behind then scenes then the public knows about...

...like.. say...

if man is able to create a virtual gambling place, then man is able to create a way to cheat its customers... there is no way anyone can argue that each of these sites created a way to pull millions, if not billions of dollars out of the pockets of un-suspecting, ignorant gamblers pennies at a time...

who's to say that when you or I went and sat down to play a virtual game of hold'em, that we were not sitting at a table with 8 fictitious players who in fact were part of the company hosting the gambling?

i have sat down and lost hundreds of dollars in absolute BULLSHIT situations... and chances are, I was not alone... and chances are even greater that each of these companies fucked with the WRONG person...

greed kills

Going to have to disagree with your police work there LoneWolf.

The who is to say you are not playing against 8 shills is belied by the posters who said they pulled out a small profit playing sit and goes.

Also as you sit to wait for them fill up they don't pop into action as soon as You the one mark signs up.

Also FullTilt ran guaranteed min tournies where often the pay out was more than the total buy in. I know a few people who make money at this, they are better than me but the general consensus is that the tables were square.

GREED is the fucking government getting involved in something that NO ONE complained about.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
i Played at full tilt for a few years made some lost some. I did not see any disadvantage to a normal casino. I know full tilt had some major endorsements from big poker stars


lone wolf, u seem a bit bitter? just because u lost a few hundred dollars in a few hrs doesnt make it a rigged game. not that it couldnt happen, but they regulate and try to protect thier players as best as they can. with the amount of rake they take daily it would be foolish for them to try to hide thier $. i and many other have many a decent living or extra money for years (14 years myself and never had a loosing year) and now our lovely gov has taken another choice/freedom of mine away. so now i'll have to drive 2hr round trip to my casino (legal) or go back to playing back room card games (not legal) in the city which can be a little schetchy to say the least.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Going to have to disagree with your police work there LoneWolf.

The who is to say you are not playing against 8 shills is belied by the posters who said they pulled out a small profit playing sit and goes.

Also as you sit to wait for them fill up they don't pop into action as soon as You the one mark signs up.

Also FullTilt ran guaranteed min tournies where often the pay out was more than the total buy in. I know a few people who make money at this, they are better than me but the general consensus is that the tables were square.

GREED is the fucking government getting involved in something that NO ONE complained about.


I would have to agree with Hydrosun here. If you think Full tilt poker was a scam sight then you were just having a bad day at cards, or you just suck at online poker and should stick to tables, or you are like me and just suck at poker in general.

I think it is utterly retarded for the government to shut down these sites. shame on them

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