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FBI raiding Colorado medical marijuana sites


Here is another update
Warren Edson reports: Any Colorado Medical marijuana patients might want to call Assistant US Attorney General Greg Holloway at (303) 454-0192 and ask his office why they took medical marijuana plants from a dispensary that they admit was in compliance with state law. Also, why did they take the patient files? Please feel free to spread the word.

COLORADO MEDICAL MARIJUANA pulled into limelight with possible $80 million identity theft ring



in compliance with state law.^^^

FED LAW OVER RULES STATE LAWS..WEED MED WEED IS STILL ILLEGAL AS FAR AS THE FEDS SEE IT..and if they see it they have to uphold the law and do there job ..bottom line
the constitution supersedes state law

the constitution supersedes state law

in compliance with state law.^^^

FED LAW OVER RULES STATE LAWS..WEED MED WEED IS STILL ILLEGAL AS FAR AS THE FEDS SEE IT..and if they see it they have to uphold the law and do there job ..bottom line

the drug war is unconstitutional.
if they want to make any drug illegal congress must first pass a constitutional amendment to take that right away. then that amendment has to be ratified by 3/4 of the states just like they had to do when they made alcohol illegal with the 18th amendment.

fed law only supersedes state law if the states are in violation of the constitution. :wallbash:


the drug war is unconstitutional.
if they want to make any drug illegal congress must first pass a constitutional amendment to take that right away. then that amendment has to be ratified by 3/4 of the states just like they had to do when they made alcohol illegal with the 18th amendment.

fed law only supersedes state law if the states are in violation of the constitution. :wallbash:


thank you sir




I have not read this thread and I won't.
I refuse to fall into this one.
Russians with mob ties and shit?
You're fucking kidding me right?

Fuck me runnin'.......I need to smoke a joint.



yeah it should just be decriminalized/legalized and that should suck the money out of it.
until the large corps get their hands into it.. they are just as bad as the gangs


man these people treat me like im the badguy here..im putting it out there how i see it. people dont like it..to fucking bad!


Hey do you guys go to ICMag chatroom?
I'm going up in there and will look out for my CO Brothers!
I will be in the Main Room...it had 2 people when I just checked it out....

This is the first time I'm using it....it is under the site menu tab at top if you don't know.
I'm already hittin' it....To The Left?


Active member
MtnKush just open a dispensary and only provide meds to people that have given you caregivership and no one else. What else are you looking for?


Active member
we still live in a fascist police state despite having a new president; change comes slow in the country... hell we were founded by people who were kicked out of england for being too prudish... all i know is i ain't doing a damn thing the Kennedy's didn't do during the prohibition of alcohol... if it's a culture war and they need warriors sign me up... the wisdom is in picking your battles... seems like the feds are going after anyone who slips up.. i've heard of guys claiming 40K in taxes on medical mj deals and if they pay the taxes the irs can't do shit and can't get the dea or feds involved... that whole pay to play thing... problem is if you pay your taxes you leave a really nice paper trail and if they want to go after everyone down the line your ass is in the crosshairs... we aren't out of 1984 yet; gov't wiretap powers are crazy with their investigations nowadays... i'm talking about tapping phone lines and whatnot for years just to see what pops up... i know federal prosecutors who've been working on cases that are 3 years in the works... chances are in the next few months any medical mj shop that hasn't been playing by all the rules is gonna get popped; gov't needs money and if the locals don't de-prioritize like in oakland hunting season is still on... i was going to open up a spot myself in a not so friendly community and after asking around the general consensus was that it's still illegal on the federal level so if the feds go after u it's game over until the supreme court actually hears a case that allows medical defense instead of refusing which doesn't do shit for precedent

basically if u open a dispensary you can be radied and will go to jail if the local federal prosecutors feel like it; end of story so far... if you want to be the one to win the appeal go for it but until then everyone running a club has a big target on their back and the less money the feds have and the more u have the bigger that target gets

back in the days the feds would just come in and take ur cash and product; if you complained they'd threaten to indite you; now it seems that if they want to take you down they just watch you until you slip up and go straight to criminal charges... these aren't the money grabs of the bush administration... these are local prosecutors with a grudge and; when it happens; clubs that should be shut down... other times they'll go after your grandma if the mood strikes them

just for the paranoid did you know that a phone without a removable battery; like an iphone.. makes the perfect passive wiretap device for the gov't... it'll be recording in your pocket 24/7 and u can hear everything u say.... also on that note NEVER get onstar in your car; the gov't can listen in to those systems passively as well

just look on the bright side though; it's a hell of a lot better than it was 20 years ago


who to say any of these places are even paying taxes on every thing they sell? im sure they are not claiming taxing everything they sell..first hint of this and it will be all over as quick as it started... the loops are being avoided being the state is making money..they dont make money or are being cheated..all done bye bye


I'm pretty sure that most of them are paying taxes, hence the receipts and all.

Do you realize how much these places area actually paying in taxes.


here are some quotes man.
not everyone is terrible and trying to make money.

"Leigh says she pays more than $6,000 a month in sales taxes, plus another $4,000 in other taxes. A sign in the display room above the register in Boulder County Caregivers states in block letters the city of Boulder sales tax rate, which is just above 8 percent."

by the way what part of new york are you from? new jersey



lost in the Haze
ICMag Donor
Russians, most likely protected by the feds, and they had to come over and slap there peepees for goin to far, then set um up in some other state, feds will prolly payoff the credit cards lol.



Wow, I am reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal surprised. But Obama said....
Of course, just like any of the other raids, they will find another reason aside from the cannabis, but make no mistake, this is more of the same. It's borderline hysterical the lengths people will go to justify acts such as these and what have happened in my ol' stomping grounds.
"Oh, well see they are bad guys, the gov says so and I believe them!"
Hang on, more to come, I wasn't wrong when I said this would happen a year or so ago, and I am not wrong now.
Anyone ready to admit that the MMJ guise, is the lazy, half assed way to do it yet. Look what it gets you.
Is anyone gonna try to tell me that legit MMJ users somehow wouldn't be able to use cannabis if it were just legalized for everyone and removed from the CSA.
Many have fallen into this strawman debate over if cannabis has medical benefit, and have wasted much resources chasing legislation on state levels, that do nothing but give some ignorant people a false sense of confidence that they have some kind of new freedoms. Nothing could be further from the truth. MMJ legislation bastardizes what should be a real debate over why cannabis is illegal and a sched1 controlled substance. So long as we continue to look at "this hand over here" we will never be able to organize and acomplish anything meaningful.
I bet all those patients that had their personal information compromised are really happy huh? Now the state (likely) and the feds have all their vital info.
How's that MMJ Law working out for ya?
How bout that "hope and change" how's that working for ya?


baby steps bro, rome wasn't built in a day
I get that, but I think we are actually taking baby steps the wrong direction, all the while celebrating each step. Just does not make sense to me.
But I get what you are saying, I respectfully disagree though. About the baby steps, not Rome being built in a day.


Active member
what's that old saying... one step forward two steps backward... max romeo puts it nicely

gonna go blaze one and listen to it right now actually