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FBI Installing Face Recognition Across America

lost in a sea

and as they squeeze harder they can select out all the aspects of society that doesnt suit the new order for a new age..

like all these new laws are like filter screens,, all the new extra extra shitty media brain pollution, the sadistic stress and austerity being forced on people that were only ever two steps from the bread line anyway.. selecting for apathetic, nihilistic, survivalists that cant work together and dont stand up for each other..

its Eugenics.. always has been..

if you want to fully control humans then start with the gene-esis,, the serpent (DNA) enticing human desires for intelligence and inevitably a seperation from nature and eden and the collective telepathy,, then on noahs ark(of life) they came two by two like base pairs.. sorry got carried away with some ancient allegory there.. the cosmic serpent..

the battle is all DNA and genes really when you break it down to the simplist components of the sum,, selfishness is genetic.. say, just for example of course, if there was an inbred cabal of "sinful" backstabbing inbred losers they would undoubtedly create a world where being a sycophantic maggot made you much much more materialistically wealthy and succesful than those that promoted health, compassion, intelligence, spiritual enlightenment etc.. a world where the biggest murderers, gangsters and rapists of various kinds where protected by the "government" and its laws which were in turn protected by the whizardry of a usurious ponzi monetary system that printed debt out of thin air to enslave the masses.. eventually leading to a situation where you could topple the whole system and create a new even lower and more incidiously self mutalating genocidal program resulting in even less chance that the hierophant will be thrown from his throne of dirt..

but since they know sin and all horrible thoughts so very well they needed to make humanity have the same thoughts so that we would be divided and selfish like lizards (our lowest brain is from when we were lizards),, "survival of the fittest" makes no exception for eusocial creatures btw.. people programmed to repeatedely think like some cold blooded sun worshipping reptile so that the artificial "peace" could be replaced with "chaos" and all the changes that needed to be made can be without any danger of people creating peace for themselves.. too busy killing their neighbours and eating their children..

see this is why ganja rules.. because it teaches all the opposites to what the powers that be want people to think.. and it is a teacher.. it communicates a whole different world of thoughts, changes the lens you view the world through for the better..

plants and specifically entheogens,soma(the plant teachers), are on our side because we have a common aim, our destinies ancient and intertwined, whereas the aliens that live in their skyscrapers want to trample us all out because the truth and love shines a light so bright their genes their whole being is averse to it, they have even been (in)bred to keep them that way, a moral fall they know is impending..

the ego alien implant.. and the desire and selfishness of its self replicating soul consuming cycle..

the celebrity stars and idols, the loss of privacy, the speeding up of life all more selection pressures towards the next form of man... cold robots..
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and as they squeeze harder they can select out all the aspects of society that doesnt suit the new order for a new age..

like all these new laws are like filter screens,, all the new extra extra shitty media brain pollution, the sadistic stress and austerity being forced on people that were only ever two steps from the bread line anyway.. selecting for apathetic, nihilistic, survivalists that cant work together and dont stand up for each other..

its Eugenics.. always has been..

if you want to fully control humans then start with the gene-esis,, the serpent (DNA) enticing human desires for intelligence and inevitably a seperation from nature and eden and the collective telepathy,, then on noahs ark(of life) they came two by two like base pairs.. sorry got carried away with some ancient allegory there.. the cosmic serpent..

the battle is all DNA and genes really when you break it down to the simplist components of the sum,, selfishness is genetic.. say, just for example of course, if there was an inbred cabal of "sinful" backstabbing inbred losers they would undoubtedly create a world where being a sycophantic maggot made you much much more materialistically wealthy and succesful than those that promoted health, compassion, intelligence, spiritual enlightenment etc.. a world where the biggest murderers, gangsters and rapists of various kinds where protected by the "government" and its laws which were in turn protected by the whizardry of a usurious ponzi monetary system that printed debt out of thin air to enslave the masses.. eventually leading to a situation where you could topple the whole system and create a new even lower and more incidiously self mutalating genocidal program resulting in even less chance that the hierophant will be thrown from his throne of dirt..

but since they know sin and all horrible thoughts so very well they needed to make humanity have the same thoughts so that we would be divided and selfish like lizards (our lowest brain is from when we were lizards),, "survival of the fittest" makes no exception for eusocial creatures btw.. people programmed to repeatedely think like some cold blooded sun worshipping reptile so that the artificial "peace" could be replaced with "chaos" and all the changes that needed to be made can be without any danger of people creating peace for themselves.. too busy killing their neighbours and eating their children..

see this is why ganja rules.. because it teaches all the opposites to what the powers that be want people to think.. and it is a teacher.. it communicates a whole different world of thoughts, changes the lens you view the world through for the better..

plants and specifically entheogens,soma(the plant teachers), are on our side because we have a common aim, our destinies ancient and intertwined, whereas the aliens that live in their skyscrapers want to trample us all out because the truth and love shines a light so bright their genes their whole being is averse to it, they have even been (in)bred to keep them that way, a moral fall they know is impending..

the ego alien implant.. and the desire and selfishness of its self replicating soul consuming cycle..

the celebrity stars and idols, the loss of privacy, the speeding up of life all more selection pressures towards the next form of man... cold robots..
holy fuck. theres the big picture for you folks, right there. wow.
lost in a sea nailed it on the head, at the base of it all lies eugenics. Look into the field of eugenics for the last decade and you will see the private/governmental connections. Take a look at amnesty given to nazi scientist, named 'project "metal office supply that holds your stack of papers together".
No it isnt project staples.
Look at which country gave amnesty to these scientist. America. Prominent members/business of the USA funded Research in these eugenic programs even before the war ended. Chances are you might be driving a car manufactured by one of these sponsors. Dig deep the connections will emerge, even in "entertainment". Example look at x-files, I'm not kidding you, all seasons + movies. You will see so much is NOT fiction. Individual epsiodes dedicated to these very subjects. Look for allusions and correlations in the matrix, the warnings and advice in V for vendeta. You now literally live in the same society depicted in these movies. You were warned. Companies and theatres made money, but the artists/creators sent a message. There's fair warning in our music as well.
But dig for the solid facts outside of "entertainment", this evidence IS out there. These tools such as chipping, facial recognition/biometrics, the evolution of surveillance technologies are all secondary tools serving the primary agenda, eugenics. Refining the gene pool, taking one big shit on darwinism and letting the worlds mega elite drunk with power decide who lives and dies under the guise of protection. The "protection" is these technologies, and they are becoming increasingly efficient in capturing, analyzing your data and sorting you out- identify, eliminate. eugenics the ultimate goal.
Just look carefully at what lost in a sea is saying, thats your framework, refer to it and dig.
Lost in a Sea opened up the can of worms, I'm going to have to come back to this later.
For now know this- eugenics is alive an kicking and it does ultimately come down to the culling of the populous.

"plants and specifically entheogens,soma(the plant teachers), are on our side because we have a common aim, our destinies ancient and intertwined, whereas the aliens that live in their skyscrapers want to trample us all out because the truth and love shines a light so bright their genes their whole being is averse to it"
Lost in a sea, I want to hear what you have to say and see with the influence of psylocybes. Keep spreading the truth.
Perhaps the ultimate resistance is one who is both shaman and "scientist". Ancient wisdom practiced by students of modern science, geology, astrology, hydrology, theoretical physics, computer sciences/programming, even genetics- but for the good. That's the unity of knowledge we need. The warrior with an open mind is another form of hope.


Active member
ya know, if everyone didnt have something to hide.

they´d be pleased at this.


ease in capturing, child kidnappers, serial murderers and whatnot.

course, in a society of no masks, there´d be no reason for these cameras.

the trouble with the cameras, as i see it.

the people who want them, have the largest masks themselves and are totally untrustworthy in most matters.

its like giving stalin or hitler a supergestapo to play with. (just a stalin or hitler that has learned some things and is a bit better person, but still not someone you´d sensibly give the keys to your house to.)


Active member
holy fuck. theres the big picture for you folks, right there. wow.
lost in a sea nailed it on the head, at the base of it all lies eugenics. Look into the field of eugenics for the last decade and you will see the private/governmental connections.

I feel the marijuana movement and choraling the social attitude towards accepting the marijuana movement is also part of the eugenics movement and population control.

Just my feeling when applying logic.

I had that thought stronger than ever when learning about democide.

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