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FAVORITE FISHIN STRAIN: what you puffin?


New member
hey guys im lookin to choose a strain to grow that will be soley for fishing. if i cant find one thats already out there i might have a future breeding project on my hands, but hopefully i wont need to resort to that.

What do you guys like to puff on when your out on the lake?

What kind of traits do you look for in the pot?

acouple of years ago i was out fishin with a cousin of mine and he had brought up some shwaggy lookin outdoor that he had grow up at his farm the previous summer. after the first day of fishing i had very desicevly come the conclusion that this was the best "fishing pot" that i ever had. it seemed to be maybe a 70% sativa how ever it wasnt very "buzzy or racey" it was very very energetic, uplifting, euphoric, yet slightly chilled, mellow, and relaxing at the same time. the other nice thing about it was the almost no burnout afterwards. you could puff it all night long with out getting spaced out or mentally or physically tired. it wasnt very potent but that was probibly a good thing. it had a bit of an earthy taste and not much of a smell.

help me choose a fishing strain guys!!

what im looking for: energetic, uplifting eurphoric mellow high with very little burn out

what im not looking for: potentcy, couchlock, trippy, sleepy, numbing high

taste and smell arent really important as i grow other pot for these characteristics

thanks guys, and lets go catch the big one!!!


For fishing id go with some haze maybe.. get that heart pumping

Mostly we like a little hash or kief when we are fishing, its easier to handle, weed tends to get alittle moist after a while outdoors..


New member
thanks guys for the quick replies.

arcticsun- i am a very big fan of hazes.. neivelle and amnesia haze are some of my favorites. ssh is also very nice

docleaf- bubble has is usually a bit strong for me when i fish.

i usually do bring some hash with me if i can find quality stuff. real zero-zero is one of my favs for fishing but it is next to impossible to find.

a friend of mine has recomended satori from mandala seeds. anyone have any experience with this? im alittle sketpical of the quality of the genetics baised on the price though. it seems rather cheap for such a highly rated strain


Hawaiian Snow....you can "see" right through the water
crystal clear high for sport fishing.Skunk #1 for lazy day
of catfishin.Take a sack lunch!

Laugan Gaucher

what im looking for: energetic, uplifting eurphoric mellow high with very little burn out

Atomic Thaï Light is perfect for that and high yield...very very up up up...
If the fish are bitin good no weed neccesary!!!!!!!and if they are not any local homegrown will do!!!!!NATIVE FISH=HOMEGROWN!!! STOCK FISH= SHWAG


ICMag Donor
docleaf- bubble has is usually a bit strong for me when i fish.

Yeah, i agree,, couldnt smoke big fat bifters fishing... normally just drop a small piece of bubble into my baccy pouch and roll off small snakes when required :joint:

I find bubble-hash is quicker to roll up and much less messy than building up spliffs in the tackle box... especially on windy days.

Here's some images from LGA fishing smoke outs


Sticky-Finger's Bream

Cannaboy's Perch

English Rick's fishing kit

English Ricks fishing kit contained a OG Kush x SSH which was one of the best weeds I smoked in 2010. That was nice for fishing,, as are many fruity sativa hybrids. Each variety has its own mood,, like Yumbolt makes for nice summer evening fishing... and something poky like Cheese can be nice on a crisp winters morning. Amnesia is a favourite with most of our buddies for puffing bank-side :D

Peace n Piscatorial pastimes


hey DocLeaf thats the best fishing tackle bag ive ever seen in a long time gimme a shout next time your out and about hahaha:tiphat: ..nice one.


Life is one big grow........
i usually go walleye fishing....jigfishing(?)!! so i dont sit on my chair the hole day...i have to walk....and thats why i need some active weed that makes me high..!
i like the sweet skunk cut from breeder steve very much....! Amnesia is good , too...but i mix it up with some smore sativa stuff....or i get into slowmode!! but when i am fishing from me boot i love it....i can feel every contact of the bait!!

hell i miss a sunny day on my boot....chilling and feel the waves..and may do a nap


Active member
What ever i smoke on the bank i `v always found it better to roll them at home. You always tend to get bites when skinning up, and the wind makes it difficult when its blowing.



ICMag Donor
I once went fly-fishing on a boat with a rehab-yout that insisted on placing all the ganja into one long spliff.. only to drop it into the water after lighting it :no: Since then i've always rolled small single sheet joints,, with most care to keep the weed and the rizlas dry at all times :D



look closer ;) Yess the pray is spotted

..3 little brown trout playing in a pool..

-2 of them made good dinner for 3.. Aluminum foil is excellent for cooking in the wild aswell as for making hats, no tin foil hat needed since we are not in the city here so we can use it for cooking. ;)




No meal complete without... I wonder if arcticsuns fishing kit didnt contain some cheese/ssh from fritillary seeds on this trip, if it did then it was an excellent choice :D


Karlsoy .. amazing place with amazing people..






north scandinavian highlands, its frisky so we dont mind that the hash is alittle strong when we are out fishing.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

awesome pics and story articsun, very well done.......

I'll just copy/paste what I wrote recently in another thread, an amazing set of coincidences while out fishing walleye in northern minnesota.......

Crazy story but 100% true.......

I was fishing alone trolling Rapala baits for walleye under the full moon one night and the bite had died down, I had 5 out of my 6 fish limit and wanted to limit out quite badly for bragging rights later. I looked down at my proto-pipe stuffed w/good green & decided to put down my rod and enjoy a buzz, as soon as I rested my rod on the gunwale BANG! my last walleye hit the lure, I had to drop the pipe to avoid losing fish, rod, reel & lure but managed to get it under control & landed the fish.......

4 weeks later me & my bro Dallas were out trolling Rapala's again under a near full moon, we'd had a little luck at first then the bite suddenly died as we trolled an hour or more of no action. I looked down @ my proto-pipe and started to tell Dallas the story above, he was facing me listening to the story and as soon I got to the part about resting the rod & reaching for the pipe I did exactly that when BANG!!! a walleye hit my lure at the exact moment it did last time! Drop the pipe/catch the fish and Dallas was swearing he'd NEVER forget that story & the incredible timing.

gets a bit stranger yet, here we are me & my bro Ken trolling for walleye under a full moon about 2 or 3 years later, the bite dies down on us and eventually as as we're just trolling along I look down at my proto-pipe (yeah it's my tacklebox pipe because it's brass) and begin by telling him the first story, then the I tell him the Dallas story and of course as I get to the part about resting my rod on the gunwale to reach for my pipe I do it again (so I can reach for the pipe) and BAAAAANG a walleye hits my line, dropped the pipe grabbed the rod & caught the fat bastard.......

I shit you not the timing was exact every time.

that's it, 100% true w/out any embellishments at all, an amazing coincidence to the 3rd power.
quite often as we troll along to no avail one of us will suddenly make a pun with along w/an offer to toke... "whattya say? time to smoke 'em out???" we'll take a few hits and I'll be damned if karma doesn't usually kick in shortly thereafter and we start catching fish.......
Awesome thread!! and stoner4life that story was awesome must be the stonergod that does that LOL. actually i have never tried to smoke while fishing the cause im always with antidrug people fishing lol so picking up a fat J wouldn't be to appropriate! My friend wanted to go icefishing in couple days so then ill try to smoke and fish but would be much better in summer! Maybe someone know a good strain that you don't look totally fucked up on and is also nice for fishing?

Btw does anyone like fishing for salmon or seatrout? Like in rivers with twohanded flyrods?

Articsun love your pictures!! Would love to do that sometime with couple of friends and some loaded bowls :) pz


Old School Cottonmouth
As the OP said I think any 70% sativa is a pretty good choice. Just something not too heavy and potent, able to elevate your feelings and appreciate the day. Skunk, bubblegum, etc.

The only thing I'd like to recommend is a low dose of edibles. Not too strong. The stone lasts a long time and the time you peak is greatly extended.

I find when I try to toke while fishing I waste a lot of time just trying to break up weed, pack it or roll it, then I space out etc. It comes in waves so you need to keep topping off. Whenever you get distracted like that you miss fish. When you eat it everything is done and you can go about your day.


Active member
arcticsun, big respect fo that shit! I currently reside nearby, so some day... some day of this summer maybe!

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