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fav a'dam coffeeshop


Chat Mod
Having been to Amsterdam a dozen times now, I have gotten to know and be known in many coffeeshops. The hardest decision is which one is my fav, there are so many i like each with their own character and nuances. After alot of thought my favorite actually is Siberie on the browersgract. Whats yours?

peace -fb


Well, I have to go for Nescafe...excellent marijuana, cheap prices, friendly staff and good music...what else you need :D


I Used To Grow

Active member
Well, I've only been to Amsterdam once, but my favorite has to be Barney's. They had some good music playing and the counter attendtant was pretty cool too. Plus, I got to see some drama go down when I was there. Some English guy came in and started cursing out the counter attendant and the lady was just like "Yo..you best shut your mouth before I bitch slap it off your face!"...LMAO..that was so much fun to see while stoned.

Coming in a close second was Greenhouse. I met some guy from Africa there and we talked about weed for like an hour while sharing our buds. He would hold in each hit for like a minute and then blow out a little smoke..it was pretty cool. Their Kali Mist was really quality bud and gave a me a nice soaring sativa high to start the day off.


Well, I have to agree with Budgrinder, Nescafe is also my fav coffeeshop... I loved their cheep beer, the pool table and kickass NYCD


Active member
I hit all I could in a short wheek but Greenhouse and Bushdocter and Bluebird were nice....i like them the most when not so crowded with peoples....

I will definately hit Barneys and Twedekamer and Siberie next time....

Check it: http://www.smokersguide.com/sg/index.html

-gp out :wave:

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Farmer John

Born to be alive.
Hmmm...Grey Area for the quality, but I love some coffeeshops in Haarlem, just for the prices...


Chat Mod
i must say, some very excellent shops, nescafe was in the top 3 for me, great sagarmatha strains, great beers, and more over great people. i remember going in there wearing a chicago white sox shirt one night and a wonderfully irreverant lady named (now this is dutch pronunciation to protect the not so innocent) eefeleen kept telling people i used to play for the whitesox and that i had to retire as a stance against the drug testing policy. it was a rather fun night to say the least.

peace -fb


Tweede Kamer, BlueBird and the Noon have to be my three favorite coffeeshops in Dam that I have visited so far...


there are many nice shops in adam..

i know it's kinda mainstream, but the grasshopper is still one of my fav's. eat a real good meal upstairs, then go downstairs and chill out. keep it basic. good weed, nice people, unfortunately the prices are ways to high for some strains. don't buy the most expensive, it ain't worth.

but the best coffeeshop i'ver ever been to was the "yanks" in zandvoort.

u can go to internet, play playstation2, watch dvds/tv, play pool, just chill out, smoke out in front of the shop while joining the sun. good gras (best power plant i ever smoked), nice staff, fair prices even for tourists, good ice-o-laterhash. ;)

a trip worth! at most 1 hour by car from adam!


Grey area, Greenhouse effect, Barney's, Homegrown fantaseeds, Paradox, Rusland, Rokerij. Some of my favourite coffeeshops

The Tuschinski theatre is amazing. A must see art deco theatre, very surreal...

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