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farts, we all do it


Well-known member
no i didnt write that i got it frrom my mom in a email
im glad people got a laugh out of it ,thats the reason i post things i think are funny. I hope to brighten someone else's day with some laughter ,it is the best medicine ,well 2nd best ,my pot is the best medicine


Active member
I've got a little wiener dog that sleeps in the bend of my knees/right at my ass, and I love, love, love blasting a hot one on him, even better if it's a stinker. But I can't stand when he does it on me.

They say you shouldn't do to others what you wouldn't like done to you :p
I have a wiener dog myself

I still remember the *BANG..rumplerumple* I let out in the dead silence of prayer one morning, and the uncontrollable laughter that followed...

wouldn't you be ashamed a little bit ? maybe not cause you were a kid

I never sleep in class because I don't want to let slip a huge fart

sometimes I'm wiggling on my seat, because I'm trying to keep one inside

I feel If I drop one, then shit, everyone is gonna remember me as the fart guy ahahha

Barney Fife

I do not fart in front of hot chicks. Even if shes my gf for many years. I duno why. I just hold em in until they turn into innie farts. Then my stomach rumbles and im like 'im hungry'.

It works :/


do you fart in front of not so hot girlfriends? ;)

That's just cultural silliness IMO, the whole fart thing...I wouldn't want my sig other feeling sick from holding in farts, nor would I want my sex drive disappearing as soon as reality hits - girls fart too. I like to share a good laugh anyways. I might kick you out of bed though if it's a stinker, and I have received the same!

man, i always fell asleep in class because I couldn't help myself. I generally don't fart unless I have gas, in which case I probably wouldn't even be in class.

anyone ever think they're getting away with silent fart, only to realize they have misjudged the potency? Wasn't me, couldn't be!


anybody here managed to light one? my friend did it and all his ass hair got singed.

fart/burnt hair smell, not so good

but it was like, this cool little poof of fire

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
What can be scarey about uncontrolable flatulence is not knowing if you are going to 'Follow Thru' or not.....

...Then it can get embarasingly messy.....


Well-known member
Here is a good fart recipe:

1 can French's Fried Onions
8 hard boiled eggs
1 pound white chocolate covered dried apricots dipped in Nutella
1/2 a cheesecake

...got me kicked out of my parents house and another time I repeated the apricots and nutella and made my girls niece cry. Both true stories.
A long time ago, I was in a developing relationship with a great new girl and my pal, Brian, wanted to know how it was going.... 'Are you on farting terms yet?' he asked.
i like to thank everyone who likes my avatar. i dont look at it as just an elongated nipple, to me its a piece of art. i can stare at that "piece of art" for hours at a time all by myself. sometimes i get lost in the second half of the nipple and begin daydreaming about a happier world where long nipples are the norm and where a man can enjoy a long nipple while farting in public! oh well its just back to normal size nipples and a sense of aloneness with the shame of public farting

Hey, Chidoctor! Is it just the one nipple that's like that or is the other one the same?


do you fart in front of not so hot girlfriends? ;)

That's just cultural silliness IMO, the whole fart thing...I wouldn't want my sig other feeling sick from holding in farts, nor would I want my sex drive disappearing as soon as reality hits - girls fart too. I like to share a good laugh anyways. I might kick you out of bed though if it's a stinker, and I have received the same!

yeah but who *wants* to smell or hear a fart?

it was ok in the fields of the stone age (a little unless you're hunting and get blasted with deer venison farts from the guy infront of you)

but now we are in confined spaces so farts are held in

maybe we'll evolve so that we can hold our farts in and recycle them 4 energy


Active member
God, this thread is a real attention-getter! Has anyone mentioned the deadly chili and beer farts, the SBD special?


Active member
Yea, beer farts are horrible. Esecially unfiltered bear like MGD or Blue Moon. Farts that derive from those are horrible.