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Farmers Market for Clones in Clearlake..

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The revolution will not be televised.....
Norcalkell - Do your thing and just let us know if possible. Its alot of work doin threads and such. I just want to know what you think and info on how she grows. How did your WW end up doing for you? Mine was a great producer but the smoke was boring. No real flavor. She had kick tho! Real frosty too!


Norcalkell - Do your thing and just let us know if possible. Its alot of work doin threads and such. I just want to know what you think and info on how she grows. How did your WW end up doing for you? Mine was a great producer but the smoke was boring. No real flavor. She had kick tho! Real frosty too!

I agree BORING.... She produced like crazy outdoor....

I keep ya posted..

Peace. Have a great day!


Hey guys just wanted to say thanks again for the information. I took the trip and i have to say everyone down there were really good people. Ill have to make the trip down for the market on Saturdays and just hang out for the day as the lake was really quite nice today. Got some sweet new mothers, played a round of disc golf, raced a vette on the way home, all and all a dammed fine afternoon.


Anyone going out that way tomorrow? I may just cruise out and enjoy the drive.

I'll be pass through sometime next week. Can't wait to see the place for myself. Last time, I forgot the direction as I was passing through clear county and didn't have any Internet access, so I didn't know where to find the place. So, I skipped the last visit. I'll be bring some printed directions this time, lolol. Pretty sure it's right off of 101.

Have fun Harry, let us know what you get.
Take care,


keep the positive vibes going rowdy!
When I went to your market last summer, I picked up clones that I've been happy with and clones that were unfortunately mismarked. HOWEVER, I didn't come on here talking shit about the one's I didn't like because they were mislabeled/misnamed by vendors and not Rowdy or the venue she was working with then.
The farmer's market is a great chance to talk to actual people vending genetics instead of middlemen (or women). From there you can make your own judgments about personalities and authenticity of names etc. But the whole point (it seems to me at least) is that you DON'T have to rely on dispensery employees for 2nd hand info.
I'll stop taking up useful thread space now


i finally made it hey rowdy hows the katatonic comming .... and for the tye dye guy iwas there when he got turned away on his stuff lil kid u need to respect your elders


Hey guys just wanted to say thanks again for the information. I took the trip and i have to say everyone down there were really good people. Ill have to make the trip down for the market on Saturdays and just hang out for the day as the lake was really quite nice today. Got some sweet new mothers, played a round of disc golf, raced a vette on the way home, all and all a dammed fine afternoon.



I'm heading down there real soon. Can't wait to meet the nice staff. Hope they got some nice clones when I'm there. Looking forward to checking the place out. Got my map all printed out and ready to head down. See you nice people soon.
Take care,

PS, Any chance on getting your hands on Blue Dream? I hate to drive down to the LA area to get it. Was wondering if you had access to this cut. See you very soon.


hey billygoat youll love this place two of the nicest people youll ever meet clones are always healthly looking and then the saturday market will put a smile on your face call ahead to see about the blue dream visit kats sight good karma to find the number other than that enjoy the drive ...........


Afternoon all,

I just thought I would share my visit with Rowdy and Good Karma. First, I didn't have much time, but I'll give you my 2-cents on the place.

First, I've got to say. The door person was very nice. Not like some of the door person you might find at other places. They asked if i was a member. I told them no, from another county. Gave my paper work and ID. They checked it over and then welcomed me in. Very nice door person and I liked that allot.

Once inside, I was shocked in a good way. I didn't know what to really expect from this place. Only what I've heard from others. The place is very nice, clean, and professional laid out. I personally thought it was a cute place. Now, I don't want to hear anyone going off on me for using the word cute, lolol. I really liked how the place was done up inside.

The first thing that caught my eye was the clones and mothers. MAN!, they had some nice mothers sitting there. Nice selection of clones and all looking nice and healthy. Trust me when I say, they "ALL" looked nice and healthy. As for Med's and the quality's. I really didn't get a good look at them, but from what I seen. They all looked pretty darn nice. I wasn't really there for Med's, since I've got plenty of access in my area. I was mainly there getting some cuts and checking the place out.

OH, the place was rockin when i got there. I got there a few minutes after opening and they had a nice crowd. Phone ring of the hook and more people coming in after me, so the word is getting out. I met Rowdy and told her who i was. Rowdy, was very nice before hand and after. We talked a little bit, but told Rowdy I was pressed for time. All and all, Rowdy and the staff at Good karma was very nice. All had nice smiles, and very professional with me and others.

OH, before I forget. I picked up a clone of Cheese and OG Kush. The cheese has a different smell, then I'm use to and I'm stoked I got this one. As for the OG, we lost the cut up her and it's nice to have it back. I'm going to fill a table with both of them. I wish I had time to spend talking with Rowdy, but I was pressed for time and I didn't want to bother Rowdy while other's where in need. It was a nice visit and I will be heading back some day soon. Need to pick up some other cuts and maybe get a chance to shoot the breeze. If your thinking about visiting this place. You won't be left down. One thing I would do. If your driving a ways like me. Call ahead and see if they have what you are looking for. It's just something to make sure you get what your after.

Well, I'll post some pictures once i get my clones rolling. Rowdy, if I posted something you didn't want me to. Let me know and I will edit it. I don't think I did, but I could be wrong. Nice meeting you and love your place. See you sometime soon and take care.


hey billygoat is it a cute lil place isnt it ..............;) glad you had a good time wait til you can talk to kat and shannon the are a boat load of good knowledge that cheese cut might be her strain of cheese & erklle (katotonic) and if it is suppose to be good


hey billygoat is it a cute lil place isnt it ..............;) glad you had a good time wait til you can talk to kat and shannon the are a boat load of good knowledge that cheese cut might be her strain of cheese & erklle (katotonic) and if it is suppose to be good

Ya, it's a cool place for sure. Seems to have very nice people working there. They all treated me very nice. All had smile's on their faces also. That's a BIG plus in my book. I got the straight Cheese cut. It's labeled that way also. I saw the Katotonic there and passed on it. No reason why, just had in my mind what I was after at the time. Sounds like a nice cross and might have to pick one up next time. The cheese cut smells awesome for even being in veg. I notice a different in my 2x4 tent already and the size. In about 3-4 days. I should be able to snag about 3-4 cuts off of it and keep it as a mother. Very nice size for a clone with about 4-6 shoots coming off of it.

OH, I forgot to post the cost. 25 bucks out the door for two nice clones. I feel that was a nice deal. Both clones look super nice and well worth the money in my mind. I'm a happy grower. Got the cheese cut not and got back the OG, so i'm stoked all around today.
Take care,
Ya, it's a cool place for sure. Seems to have very nice people working there. They all treated me very nice. All had smile's on their faces also. That's a BIG plus in my book. I got the straight Cheese cut. It's labeled that way also. I saw the Katotonic there and passed on it. No reason why, just had in my mind what I was after at the time. Sounds like a nice cross and might have to pick one up next time. The cheese cut smells awesome for even being in veg. I notice a different in my 2x4 tent already and the size. In about 3-4 days. I should be able to snag about 3-4 cuts off of it and keep it as a mother. Very nice size for a clone with about 4-6 shoots coming off of it.

OH, I forgot to post the cost. 25 bucks out the door for two nice clones. I feel that was a nice deal. Both clones look super nice and well worth the money in my mind. I'm a happy grower. Got the cheese cut not and got back the OG, so i'm stoked all around today.
Take care,
BillyGoat,sounds like a cool place for gear I hear nothing but good things coming out of there.

I will have to take the trip.

Did they have anything rare or unusual that you can think of?

We are always looking to expand our gene pool.

Do you think you will end up vending clones to them ?

Let us know if you make your gear available there. Thanks


BillyGoat,sounds like a cool place for gear I hear nothing but good things coming out of there.

I will have to take the trip.

Did they have anything rare or unusual that you can think of?

We are always looking to expand our gene pool.

Do you think you will end up vending clones to them ?

Let us know if you make your gear available there. Thanks

I didn't see anything off hand. Normally if i see something off the wall. I'll grab it up, but I was really pressed for time. I pretty much did a turn around. Was in there for a few minutes and then back on the road.

As for vending, I really wouldn't know about that. I would have to think about it and then it would be up to Rowdy, but i really never though about anything but seeds. Been to busy with other things.


the best time to dee the best selection is on saturday but thrus or friday isnt bad with what i think is good call ahead to see what they have i have had nothing but smiles from all the babies that ive gotten from this place ............ also if i do happen to get one thats not what it says i just let them grow and have what i call kgb always works for me its all good smoke and thats what im lookin for i thank rowdh and shannon for thier effort theese two treiffic ladies ( hippie chicks ) lol ;) do to bring good quailty...........
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