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Fan leaves curling down.

Neo 420

Active member
Any help will be greatly appreciated. This started the day after I sprayed the ladies with LL. (3 or 4 days ago) All leaves drooped (as expected) but the next day when the leaves perked back up, the tip were curling under. The plants are still growing and now are producing bud sites but this curling under thing has me a lil bit worried. I'm sure the ladies are not over watered, which would of been my personal guess. Any other info need please ask!!! Thanks in advance for any help...



are you growing? Grape Ape
What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?) Clone
What is the age of your plants? 3 weeks veg- On 2nd week of Flower
What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? Flower
What Technique are you using? Drip Line
What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.) Rockwool Cubes 4x4 on transplanted on top of 6x6
What is the Nutrient temperature? 86 F
What Nutrient's are you using? Botonicare Pro Blend Bloom, DM Silica, Tech MagICal, DM LL, Boton Liguid Karma, DM Potash, Boton Hydrozone (you know the root stuff)
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using? 900ppm
What is the pH of the "Tank"? 6.0-6.5
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment? Pretty much
When was your last watering? 3 times a day for 5 Min
When was your last feeding change? (ie. grow-bloom-micro-additional) Not sure the question?
What size bulb are you using? 2-400 1-1000
What is the distance to the canopy?1.5 feet
What is your RH Factor? 40 to 50 %
What is the canopy temperature? 75 F
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range) 80 - 60 F (most extreme)
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) Great air flow and vent'in
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? NO
Is your water HARD or SOFT?- RO'd
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinched- NO
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When? NO
Are plant's infected with pest's NO


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Neo 420

Active member
Thanks for the advice! What would cause the N build up with my process here? BTW I did flush yesterday with clearex and check the rez. It was around 500 or 600 so I just flushed and used the same recirc nutes. When I checked em today, the curl did not go away but it also did not worsen.


The curl won't really go away. Once the leaf is curled that amount of stress is like if me or you got our balls chopped off. We'd be crying. What you are looking for is what I can only describe as "lime colored" new growth. The old leaf will remain how it is or eventually be used up at the end of flowering (or worsen if you didnt correct it)

Also it will take some time for new growth to come out. I would keep flushing until your ppms hit 300ppm. Leave them there a few days (or even a week or more) and then feed at 500ppm. (this is just what I would do).


Also you might want to let you PH drift down to 5.7 or 5.8 every now and then. For now you plants have stored lots of energy and really want water. increase the water to nutrient ratio.


Active member
PH & Res Temps!

PH & Res Temps!

Right you got several issues here bro,
I agree they look a little rich in N but imo it aint the cause.
your PH is too high for a start & your Res temps are too high also!
PH in hydroponics is prefered between a range of 5.5 - 5.8, especially using rockwool imo, try dropping it to 5.5 or 5.6' see if that helps, im pretty sure it will! Also you are asking for trouble and promoting Bacterial issues at 86f, Ideal res temps in hydro are 68f-70f, i would not recommend a Res Temp of anything over 72f. You may want to get some 2 litres plastic bottles frozen x3, try 2 frozen bottles in your rez first and see what your temps are then, you will need to add new frozen bottles every 4-6 hours lights on, light off its less of a problem for obvious reasons, or buy a chiller, which cost a bomb but are worth it!. Fix these two issues and you should see noticable improvements within a day or two! If your leaves continue to darken you may need to lower your ppm's a little & i can see why Lysol has advised you that N is a little hot, your leaves look very dark green!
Good luck Dude!

BTW, Rockwool needs flushing every 2 weeks or so, or you will get salt build up in it & on it, you will see a build up on the very top of the cubes, its salts, so dont think its powdery mildew or something like that! its good practice to flush the cubes through every 2 weeks with a weak nute solution 200ppms for instance, Just your weak nutes, nothing else for flushing/cleaning!


As water evaporates it cools. A rockwool slab sitting wet gets very cold in a 75F room. That is why humans sweat. On a drip system the rez temp has very little to do with actual nute temp.

Otherwise I agree 110% with what you said.

I'd say take a measurement with an IR thermometer to get the actual temp of the slab. They are $20 at the home dePot for the infrared thermometer


Active member
Hey Lysol,
still 86f is bad for many reasons, Dissolved O2(D'O) for a start, and promoting Bad bacteria also,
At 86f O2 is almost non existant. are you saying in a dripper system its better to keep res temps at this Bad Bacterial promoting range where O2 has nearly all dissapated?


No its definitely bad bad bad, I agree with you on all fronts!

I just think the N overload is a very large part of the problem, if the not the problem itself. (look at 1st pic lower left.. very prominent clawing, plus I saw tip burn on clawed leafs. its hard to see in his pic but lots of the leaf margins look rolled under. am I right OP?)


Active member
I agree too, but 86f is bad Res managment & a PH of 6-6.5 is also not very good practice in a hydroponic system when using rockwool, imvho! I do agree with your diagnosis though!
G'Luck, & i hope what ive said helps, i know from experience with RW that it will!
Peace & Respect..........Scroger!

Carl Carlson

The "claw" is typical of overfeeding, but there are other events that could ultimately be the cause of it. It all goes back to the plant's ability to uptake water.

One possible cause is the high reservoir temp. you all are discussing, which of course means a lack of dissolved oxygen.

Neo 420

Active member
I really enjoy the input!! BTW My rez temp is 68. I transposed the number. (Sorry) I did bring the PH to 5.7. The ladies are going bye bye so I will wait till the sun comes up for em tommorow and post the results. Thanks for everyone input!!


Rez Cooling

Rez Cooling

Everyones just about answered your questions; I d like to add

You'll Be Ready To Shoot Yourself if you try to cool your reservoir with frozen bottles. ILMAO every time I hear that. Anyhow after going thru two chillers and a head of hair. Here was the e-z fix to my reservoir cooling problem.:tiphat:

A window unit and a piece of dryer vent line,,,(Ive since went to the plastic ones) Like in da pic

Put a couple holes in your vent line and put something down to catch the condensate, set your a.c unit at 72f. (What Ever You SET the windown ac on your rez will stay the same.):artist:

Also Ph depending on system~~~~For Aero I recommend a 4.80 and floating yer Ph to 6.20 before bringing it back down. MY
2 sense...:jump:

PS: You DO know what happens to your girls when you neut um out like that with n so early, (Probably Happen)


Active member
Fk me fella thats the most extreame way of cooling a rez i have ever seen, i would still do the bottle run myself, works for me, but i like your crazy idea, mad one dude lol!
If your gonna go to these lengths id just buy a chiller and be done with! Nice 1 man hahahah1 I like it alot dude, you give me some ideas lol Dont the power output of the AC concern you though man, aint they like 2k or something mad?
Just a word of advise on PH any large swing, say over .5 is causing major stress to your plants, 4.8 let it drift to 6.2 & then drop it straight down to 4.8 agian, no man thats way too much shock for MJ dude. A .3 drift is the max i would go at any one time!

Neo 420

Active member
Well I checked on the ladies today and the problem went away...slightly..Some of the leaves are still curled and some are straight. I foliar fed with a light 250 ppm mixture and I will see what happens tomorrow.

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