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Family thinks im a sociopath....


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
ive been labeled everything from underthesun....

The most empowering thing i ever done in my life to stop caring what ANYONE else though about me... Know yourself be a good person and everyone else can fuck off... Make yourself happy and let all that other shit just be noise...

Spot on Poopy, as was the first thing you said about sheep...

The most successful and happy people in life are those who do not care what other people think about them.

This does not mean you cannot be a good, kind, caring, compassionate person, it just helps you stop wasting time and your life railroaded into behaving in a certain way, or doing anything at all that the wankers think you should and/or try to force you to.


Active member
sheep look at non sheep and think that there is something wrong with them because they are not sheep like them...

Non sheep think for themselves and have made up there mind through personal experience and never follow the rest of the sheep... Since we look at things through un-brainwashed eyes and decipher things for ourselves we also look at the sheep and wonder what it is that they cannot see... The blinders are up on people like that and most of them will never see any truth on there own...

Its never bad to not follow the sheep...Sheeps just think so because the majority went that way... In my experience the majority is usually wrong...

That and control...


Sheeple are one thing. It's great to be non-sheeple.

But sociopaths are different. They are real and they are dangerous.

Think Jeffry Dahmer or John Wayne Gacy and you'll see the difference.

There are VERY few...and it's not right to "control" everyone else because of it. Just like the airports and security...we go WAY overboard.

The definition you put up was very incomplete. To be labeled a sociopath one has to exhibit a number (3 or more) of specific pervasive behavior patterns:

* Persistent lying or stealing
* Apparent lack of remorse or empathy for others
* Cruelty to animals
* Poor behavioral controls — expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper
* A history of childhood conduct disorder
* Recurring difficulties with the law
* Promiscuity
* Tendency to violate the boundaries and rights of others
* Aggressive, often violent behavior; prone to getting involved in fights
* Inability to tolerate boredom
* Poor or abusive relationships
* Irresponsible work behavior
* Disregard for safety

One can be antisocial without being a sociopath!
Compare this list with your behavior. Can't help you more, sorry.

So...being a male makes you a sociopath...because those are male traits.

Spot on Poopy, as was the first thing you said about sheep...

The most successful and happy people in life are those who do not care what other people think about them.

This does not mean you cannot be a good, kind, caring, compassionate person, it just helps you stop wasting time and your life railroaded into behaving in a certain way, or doing anything at all that the wankers think you should and/or try to force you to.

But they're also the most dangerous to a system that wants to have control over everyone.

Actually...the REAL men are mostly in prison... What is left are the ones who have controlled their behavior to be accepted by society...a feminine society.


3rd-Eye Jedi
bro i dont even know you but all ive seen you post is people getting killing i brutal fashion,
marginalizing human life as if it were as meaningless as animal life is a great start at being a sociopath

my father among others was a sociopath, but i have known a few, for some reason sociopaths among others gravitate towards me, been that way my whole life

had more than on person confess the unspeakable but if you ain't that far down the road get help

not being able to afford compassion for others means the same for yourself and it will lead to a unsavory end if you dont address it

you may try to deny what I am saying, but you can take it for whats its worth but these type of illness run rampant in my family lines

good luck


3rd-Eye Jedi
and a comment on the sheeple mentality

approximately 50% of people are WIRED biologically to flourish via conforming

its a facet of our race, just as some people are wired to be individualists and expressionists as well

its shallow thinking to expect the people of the world to be homogeneous

we can be different and still strive for liberty and harmony

simplex possessing compassion for a persons who's shortcomings effect you will change dynamics of a given situation TO YOUR ADVANTAGE

most people are too weak think through fear or pain to get to the source, but instead lash out at the first viable target simply perpetuating that negative energy instead of addressing the source

the source of ones fear, sorrow, pain and discontent is internal



LOL... I suppose I should feel honored to be picked out by you ...

Sorry, I don't do "Hot Button" arguments, but better luck next time.

I have only one reply and that is " I may not agree with you but I will defend to my death your right to say it."

Have a great day, chief!


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
I´ve had that same fight for many years.
I come from a old-fashioned family where ALL my paths were criticized and destroyed if given the chance. To make things even worst my home country, Portugal, is not known for is progressive ways so i end up having the same problems every where i was going.
To me the only solution was to get away from all that. I´ve found a girl with whom one can divide sadness and multiply joy and together we have left both our families and came to England to start a new life far away from small, narrow minded and judgemental people ;) It was not easy but after 6 years i am happier then i ever was.
Keep strong and real


Active member
i have 6 of them maybe my shrink is right
The definition you put up was very incomplete. To be labeled a sociopath one has to exhibit a number (3 or more) of specific pervasive behavior patterns:

* Persistent lying or stealing
* Apparent lack of remorse or empathy for others
* Cruelty to animals
* Poor behavioral controls — expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper
* A history of childhood conduct disorder
* Recurring difficulties with the law
* Promiscuity
* Tendency to violate the boundaries and rights of others
* Aggressive, often violent behavior; prone to getting involved in fights
* Inability to tolerate boredom
* Poor or abusive relationships
* Irresponsible work behavior
* Disregard for safety

One can be antisocial without being a sociopath!
Compare this list with your behavior. Can't help you more, sorry.

el dub

I've also seen a counselor to deal with the harsh realities of the situation into which I was born.

I'm guessing your family is just trying to control you by giving you a label that you are supposed to fear and therefore make you want to change to conform to their standards.

On the other hand, if you grow and they don't know, its possible that they are misunderstanding your vague ways and coming to false conclusions.

On the third hand, that's prolly the lesser of all the possible e-viles associated with dealing with your family in your current situation and their perpetual state.



It's hard to find real friends in this world when everyone is a sociopath. Most people are disillusioned, its about realising that and experiencing the way to the surface that counts.



Let's hope not, eh?

1st of all, no-one can diagnose over the internet. Once again, I only posted it so that O.P. could refute his family's claims.

2nd of all, the definition says pervasive patterns. That means that they are taking over all other aspects and not allowing full functions. That's sure different than just doing things once in a while, right? We are, of course, all only human.

And only trained professionals can make this diagnosis after lengthy sessions of personal observation, not just reading charts. It's not at all a trivial diagnosis, and that was my very point from the first post.


Active member
Na dude your cool..... Want to go kill some small animals? jk

Watch a season of Dexter and you will know the true meaning of psychopath.
This thread really hit a nerve with me. My dad's mom (she was a psych nurse... lpn) used to get liqoured up and get me on the phone when I was a kid... still in middle school. One of the recurring themes was that I was a sociopath. I never knew what the fuck she was talking about til I finally looked it up in a dictionary. When I found out what she was calling me, I completely broke off contact with the bitch. I imagine that really cemented the diagnosis she had conjured up for me in her mind. When she died I refused to attend her funeral, which i suspect caused irreparable damage in my relationship with my father (her son). My dad and I were estranged when he died, and today I don't even know where he is burried, or scattered. I don't really give a shit any more, as time is the greatest of healers, but it used to bother me greatly.

So tell the assholes they should be sure before they start diagnosing you without a shrink involved.... they could do more damage than good.

PS? The first couple seasons of Dexter were good, but when they brought in the celebrity psychos I think that the writers lost their way.


shiiiit. Just done Wanderers test and it turns out that i'm a massive sociopath-not down with torturing animals which frankly sounds a bit creepy

i bet if you were the most well adjusted person in the world but just enjoyed cycling the wrong way up 1way streets on Sundays-some clinician somewhere would define a personality disorder around that and have you on a stabilizing dose of SSRIs

if your Mum and Dad are giving you grief about being a socio-path (unless one of them is a consultant psychiatrist) it's going to be normal family bullshit-no?


I guess you missed this part?

Let's hope not, eh?

1st of all, no-one can diagnose over the internet. Once again, I only posted it so that O.P. could refute his family's claims.

2nd of all, the definition says pervasive patterns. That means that they are taking over all other aspects and not allowing full functions. That's sure different than just doing things once in a while, right? We are, of course, all only human.

And only trained professionals can make this diagnosis after lengthy sessions of personal observation, not just reading charts. It's not at all a trivial diagnosis, and that was my very point from the first post.



Ah ! It's hard to determine comedy in a post sometime. Emoticons dometimes help if it's dry humor. I didn't even see it that way.


Way to keep it real!


wanderer EddieShoestrings
Ah ! It's hard to determine comedy in a post sometime
i read everything in the Tokers Den as comedy (sort of) in fact i don't really think that it is the place to resolve serious psychological issues-unless you are dealing with it on a jokey level.


Active member

LOL... I suppose I should feel honored to be picked out by you ...

Sorry, I don't do "Hot Button" arguments, but better luck next time.

I have only one reply and that is " I may not agree with you but I will defend to my death your right to say it."

Have a great day, chief!

Originally Posted by wanderer View Post
The definition you put up was very incomplete. To be labeled a sociopath one has to exhibit a number (3 or more) of specific pervasive behavior patterns:

* Persistent lying or stealing
* Apparent lack of remorse or empathy for others
* Cruelty to animals
* Poor behavioral controls — expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper
* A history of childhood conduct disorder
* Recurring difficulties with the law
* Promiscuity
* Tendency to violate the boundaries and rights of others
* Aggressive, often violent behavior; prone to getting involved in fights
* Inability to tolerate boredom
* Poor or abusive relationships
* Irresponsible work behavior
* Disregard for safety

One can be antisocial without being a sociopath!
Compare this list with your behavior. Can't help you more, sorry.

So you're telling me that these AREN'T "male" traits? You don't have ANY? In ANY degree? If so, we're farther along the feminism than I thought. Remember Rome? Was tough and manly, took over the "world"...then it became soft and feminine...look at it now.

It's a shame...a damn shame...men used to be able to be themselves, have some fun, now everything is pretty much boring bullshit...iGadgets. We want to be bawdy and hunt things!

They're controlling you man...wake up! They want their sheep and cattle docile and easy to control!