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Family thinks im a sociopath....



first off here is the definition of sociopath...

–noun Psychiatry . a person, as a psychopathic personality, whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

just learned this today,that my so called loved ones think im f'n crazy..ie,sociopath..

i am not anti social...yes a few years ago i was anti people...but now that im older im more social..but i put a wall up just as a precaution..because i grow and smoke.
but i talk and interact with most people..every day peeps...and i call it as i see it.seems some folks dont like that.
what am i supposed to do..?
smile at every ass hole i meet??and conform to their ideals??
or think freely on my own?

i go to work everyday and do my job...im not there to socialize,but to work...work,imo,is work and not an extension of facebook,or other social networks.
yeah....i get dirty looks because im not part of a "click"..could care less..btw...i work good..lol.

and my fam seems i should bow down to what they seem is righteous....i will not...i disagree with their elite attitude...so i am alone..and they brand me as a mental defective..far from that..i assure you.
my brother is a spy for my parents,and i think he talks shit about me so he can get the big prize when my p's meet the sky..

so i live my life...alone.
its sad,but its for the best.i suppose.

can anyone relate??
or am i f'n nuts??



Im a "loner" I go days with out talking to "outsiders" I have no idea what
my family really thinks of me, and id rather keep it that way.What do they
want you to do about it?


they want me to conform to what they think is right...which is total opposite of my way of life.but i sustain myself with my life.

and since i will not my fam labels me as a sociopath.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Hell no you are NOT nuts dude. People do fuggin suck and that is a good enough reason to avoid them. I love driving at night when everyone is in bed, the traffic lights are blinking yellow, and the lines are nill. As soon as you over involve yourself some drama will fall on your lap, people suck man it is true.

Do whatever the f*&K you wanna do man, do whatever you think is right f*&k the herd of sheep.

Slipknot: People=Shit


btw,if anyone compares me to yummydud,il fuckin come through your usb port and choke your ass...lol.


Hell no you are NOT nuts dude. People do fuggin suck and that is a good enough reason to avoid them. I love driving at night when everyone is in bed, the traffic lights are blinking yellow, and the lines are nill. As soon as you over involve yourself some drama will fall on your lap, people suck man it is true.

Do whatever the f*&K you wanna do man, do whatever you think is right f*&k the herd of sheep.

Slipknot: People=Shit
yeah man...thats what i thought life is about...living your own life.
not what someone else wants you to live...because of there opinions.


The definition you put up was very incomplete. To be labeled a sociopath one has to exhibit a number (3 or more) of specific pervasive behavior patterns:

* Persistent lying or stealing
* Apparent lack of remorse or empathy for others
* Cruelty to animals
* Poor behavioral controls — expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper
* A history of childhood conduct disorder
* Recurring difficulties with the law
* Promiscuity
* Tendency to violate the boundaries and rights of others
* Aggressive, often violent behavior; prone to getting involved in fights
* Inability to tolerate boredom
* Poor or abusive relationships
* Irresponsible work behavior
* Disregard for safety

One can be antisocial without being a sociopath!
Compare this list with your behavior. Can't help you more, sorry.


The definition you put up was very incomplete. To be labeled a sociopath one has to exhibit a number (3 or more) of specific pervasive behavior patterns:

* Persistent lying or stealing
* Apparent lack of remorse or empathy for others
* Cruelty to animals
* Poor behavioral controls — expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper
* A history of childhood conduct disorder
* Recurring difficulties with the law
* Promiscuity
* Tendency to violate the boundaries and rights of others
* Aggressive, often violent behavior; prone to getting involved in fights
* Inability to tolerate boredom
* Poor or abusive relationships
* Irresponsible work behavior
* Disregard for safety

One can be antisocial without being a sociopath!
Compare this list with your behavior. Can't help you more, sorry.
well...honestly..i am very aggressive.
but only if im provoked...im a cool kat otherwise.
and ive had poor relationships....other then that,no.

seems normal.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
sheep look at non sheep and think that there is something wrong with them because they are not sheep like them...

Non sheep think for themselves and have made up there mind through personal experience and never follow the rest of the sheep... Since we look at things through un-brainwashed eyes and decipher things for ourselves we also look at the sheep and wonder what it is that they cannot see... The blinders are up on people like that and most of them will never see any truth on there own...

Its never bad to not follow the sheep...Sheeps just think so because the majority went that way... In my experience the majority is usually wrong...


sheep look at non sheep and think that there is something wrong with them because they are not sheep like them...

Non sheep think for themselves and have made up there mind through personal experience and never follow the rest of the sheep... Since we look at things through un-brainwashed eyes and decipher things for ourselves we also look at the sheep and wonder what it is that they cannot see... The blinders are up on people like that and most of them will never see any truth on there own...

Its never bad to not follow the sheep...Sheeps just think so because the majority went that way... In my experience the majority is usually wrong...

thanks bro...
i needed that....

grounded me....


Active member
Arawn, some people attack what they do not understand. Be happy with yourself first...After all, you are the one that sees you in the mirror every day. People are a lot like weed... Different strains and different pheno's...

Live your life the way you want to, you will sleep better for it


Active member
You're fine. I can't understand why some people and some families place such importance on labelling everyone. As for myself, I was one of those 'baby geniuses' growing up, who got kinda sidetracked during my teenage years... my mom declared "You're an Underachiever!!!!" "You're an Underachiever!!!" like she had decoded some great mystery. Made me wonder if she was competing for a prize for the best label, I still don't know what else she could have been trying to achieve...????



Sheeple are one thing. It's great to be non-sheeple.

But sociopaths are different. They are real and they are dangerous.

Think Jeffry Dahmer or John Wayne Gacy and you'll see the difference.


We are Farmers
sheep look at non sheep and think that there is something wrong with them because they are not sheep like them...

Non sheep think for themselves and have made up there mind through personal experience and never follow the rest of the sheep... Since we look at things through un-brainwashed eyes and decipher things for ourselves we also look at the sheep and wonder what it is that they cannot see... The blinders are up on people like that and most of them will never see any truth on there own...

Its never bad to not follow the sheep...Sheeps just think so because the majority went that way... In my experience the majority is usually wrong...

Your post made me think of Easy Rider and I think it applies here.

George Hanson: You know, this used to be a helluva good country. I can't understand what's gone wrong with it.
Billy: Man, everybody got chicken, that's what happened. Hey, we can't even get into like, a second-rate hotel, I mean, a second-rate motel, you dig? They think we're gonna cut their throat or somethin'. They're scared, man.
George Hanson: They're not scared of you. They're scared of what you represent to 'em.
Billy: Hey, man. All we represent to them, man, is somebody who needs a haircut.
George Hanson: Oh, no. What you represent to them is freedom.
Billy: What the hell is wrong with freedom? That's what it's all about.
George Hanson: Oh, yeah, that's right. That's what's it's all about, all right. But talkin' about it and bein' it, that's two different things. I mean, it's real hard to be free when you are bought and sold in the marketplace. Of course, don't ever tell anybody that they're not free, 'cause then they're gonna get real busy killin' and maimin' to prove to you that they are. Oh, yeah, they're gonna talk to you, and talk to you, and talk to you about individual freedom. But they see a free individual, it's gonna scare 'em.
Billy: Well, it don't make 'em runnin' scared.
George Hanson: No, it makes 'em dangerous.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
You're fine. I can't understand why some people and some families place such importance on labelling everyone. As for myself, I was one of those 'baby geniuses' growing up, who got kinda sidetracked during my teenage years... my mom declared "You're an Underachiever!!!!" "You're an Underachiever!!!" like she had decoded some great mystery. Made me wonder if she was competing for a prize for the best label, I still don't know what else she could have been trying to achieve...????

ive been labeled everything from underthesun....

The most empowering thing i ever done in my life to stop caring what ANYONE else though about me... Know yourself be a good person and everyone else can fuck off... Make yourself happy and let all that other shit just be noise...


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai

Sheeple are one thing. It's great to be non-sheeple.

But sociopaths are different. They are real and they are dangerous.

Think Jeffry Dahmer or John Wayne Gacy and you'll see the difference.

very true but from what i gathered it was his family saying that because he thinks for himself... i do now know this man maybe he is... but the fact that he wrote this down means he cares what people think and its bugging him... To me thats the opposite of a sociopath...
Well, you may or may not be a sociopath, and you have to decide whether or not you are. Not your family. How many of the traits that you listed describe you. To yourself. Do you find any of them particularly debilitating? Do you feel as if you were able to act differently you might be happier in your dealings with others?

So the next question would be; are any of those traits interfering with your ability to lead a normal, happy life? If not, it isn't an issue. If they are, get yourself to your family doctor, and talk to him or her about it. He or she will discuss meds/therapy with you and can help you deal with things like finding a decent therapist. Best of luck with this. Please take care of yourself, whatever that entails.


Active member
Maj., good quote from the movie... Those who want control ARE afraid of those who are truely free...

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