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fallout new vegas, anyone?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
First of all, how on earth did you enjoy fallout 3?

Did I not give it enough of a chance? I played it for about an hour or so and I was just like my god what a borefest. What did I do wrong? Lol.

I have a hard time getting consumed in games that take FOR-FUCKING-EVER to accomplish anything, I think that's why I hated it.

in order to get anywhere fast you need to know the flow of fall out games already and how twisted they are. give it another chance. BUY A PLAYERS GUIDE.


I played FO3 through and honestly didn't find it that enjoyable. Same with Morrowind and Obliv. Honestly I found Farcry2 far more fun to play. Slightly more FPS and less RPG.

I just hate spending hours searching through crates looking for items that match my desired value to weight ratio. It seems like those games are just work.


Dudes, spend your skill and perk points wisely, I hit the level cap of 30 last night. 150 places discovered another 50 or so to go... No more XP for me. :(
It's been 44hrs of great entertainment so far! The 4 songs they play on the radio all the time got old fast, though.
oh damn, so 30 level cap aye, better than the original 20, but till, it does kind of suck when you hit the cap.
another great thing about this game is the replay value. with new vegas, it seems even more different ways to play it


Old School Cottonmouth
Well they aren't for everyone, but they aren't exactly RPG's.

The thing I like about them is that they are so atmospheric. You really get the sense of being in that world. The gameplay is so open, and the actual area of the game so large, that its enjoyable to roam around for hours just exploring.

But if you're used to games where people or zombies pop out from every corner and you're constantly shooting its not for you. But that is a very one dimensional idea of games. It's like looking at the experience of gaming through a keyhole.

What I can't wait for is a mix of fallout, grand theft auto, and battlefield online. Like a MMORPG in an open apocalyptic world, where actual people fight over limited resources to craft better weapons, or work together to make armed/armored vehicles to go marauding over to the other side of the map, etc. If they ever make a game like that I'll just sell my car because I'm not going anywhere.


What I can't wait for is a mix of fallout, grand theft auto, and battlefield online. Like a MMORPG in an open apocalyptic world, where actual people fight over limited resources to craft better weapons, or work together to make armed/armored vehicles to go marauding over to the other side of the map, etc. If they ever make a game like that I'll just sell my car because I'm not going anywhere.

Mad Max would be the perfect world to emulate for such a game...


But if you're used to games where people or zombies pop out from every corner and you're constantly shooting its not for you. But that is a very one dimensional idea of games. It's like looking at the experience of gaming through a keyhole.

That's the thing though, I'm not just into mindless shooters. My favorite game of all time is Armed Assault, where you can sometimes go through an entire several hours of gameplay without firing more than a couple shots.

I just didn't find the atmosphere that convincing for some reason in FO3. And it seemed like there really wasn't all that much to do. The main story wasn't all that long, the side missions are either simple errands or incredibly complex missions (like the "find the android" one). And while there was one really cool raider camp (with the giant brute [forget what they're called]), there wasn't enough of that kind of stuff.

Plus I really hated the repetitive radio stations.


I loved it..

Stalker is also great.. The first one at least.. The second I didnt get into and the third was great but could have been better. but I would def recommend the stalker lineup as well.


Dudes, spend your skill and perk points wisely, I hit the level cap of 30 last night. 150 places discovered another 50 or so to go... No more XP for me. :(
It's been 44hrs of great entertainment so far! The 4 songs they play on the radio all the time got old fast, though.

I've got around 30 hours and just getting to level 21. Though I admit a lot of that time was me hiding in some brush while I smoke a bowl.

If you have the PC version you should install the CONELRAD mod. It adds a new radio with around 55 tracks that all keep to the theme of the game. I thought it was pretty bitchin.

Anyone with the PC version should check out NewVegasNexus.com and grab the mods that suit your style. There's a lot of useful ones out already. Such as:

Realistic Light/Color

New UI


Nice, maybe I try some if I'm going for a playthrough #2...

Got a bit tedious in the second half b/c of regular load/save crashes and the stupid companions that always got stuck somewhere.
But after ~90h I'm the new ruler of New Vegas.
Was fun but too many bugs. The upside, while I had to restart the game after it crashed, there was time to toke. Ain't that a kick in the head? :)
im not big on companions, just ed-e. i wish you could select a local radio station, and have that be the music saved in a directory


Yeah I never understood why they didnt build a local radio station in, or at least beef up the song list considerably.

Love the game though! I like the granny super mutant companion, and the brotherhood scribe girl. They both rock!
also, if you have problems with the game freezing alot, what i discovered on 3, if you delete all of the saved game data(not your saves, but the stuff it saves to your systems hd) it wont freeze or bug out as much. also, each save is 4mb, onetime after it was acting buggy, before i discovered the game data delete, i went through and deleted alot of my old saves, and it ran better.
but for sure, the game data delete works. on 3, 2 points in the game, it would freeze and i could not advance further(1st was i had to follow a guy in the brotherhood complex, and he was stuck in some furniture, the second was the alien ship add on, every time i got beemed up, it would freeze. i must have tried 30 times and i even tried all my other save points. no advice online, so i figured this may help in this game, as its the same thing.
great game so far. its only froze 2 times on me, where i had to reset.


Things are better with the current patches applied, some things still buggy, though.
Anyhow... I was wondering what the special reward would be if one finishes the game in hardcore mode like I did. Besides a rather ordinary achievement I found nothing.
Searching the www brought up a gazillion pages with pre-release articles just mentioning that there would be a special reward, none mentiones what it is supposed to be...

Anyone, anyone? Bueller? Bueller?


Old School Cottonmouth
This game was good, and they made lots of improvements on the game engine, and game dynamics, but I prefer fallout 3 better.

Fallout is supposed to be post apocalypse but vegas was just too built up for me. Despite adding many cowboy themes IMHO Vegas was just to built up and civilized to have that frontier atmosphere like FO3 had. I just wasn't into the story line very much, and I didn't feel like a grizzled wasteland survivor.


Yeah after several playthroughs it's feeling overly linear and restricted, in comparison to F3. One can hope for some killer DLC missions I suppose. They really reinvigorated F3 alot! I am guessing some of the huge areas of the map that are inaccessible, along with the passages at the edges of the map, will end up becoming host to DLC missions.
Here's hoping.

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