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Fallin on the Ice ... Winter's here!

For many of us winter is here again, tons of people fall on the Ice and get hurt every year. Let's use this thread to inform our friends here on IC if we have fallen and got hurt or know someone whom is recovering from a serious Ice Accident! I recently fell on the Ice and took some serious injury! I never thought i could ever fall and get REALLY hurt, i have plowed snow here in the great lakes region for years and i grew up here! I usually bounce, nothing serious right????

Wednesday Evening:
I was 30 mins away from home visiting friends. I slipped and fell on a icy concrete step. I fell backwards and smashed my head on the step, lost consciousness for just a second. I Got up and forced myself to get to my vehicle where i could sit. I kept trying to "shake it off" and it was real scary because i just couldn't. I felt like i was Rocky Balboa in Rocky 5, brain damaged and broken! I have been beaten up, broken and bruised but never felt a pain or dis-orientation like that!

I drove home after i made it to the car and sat a few. Convinced by my fiancee an LPN herself and two things that were not normal, I let her drive me to the ER. I was beginning to get spots in my vision (left side)and my ribs and lungs hurt with great intensity when i took a deep breath.

The total damage as diagnosed by my ER doc? Not my list of symptoms, just the injuries...

Mild Concussion
Bruised Rib (right side)
Bruised Lung
Bruised Kidney
Fractured Coccyx (tailbone)

Navigator 0 Winter 1

Who else has been attacked by ICE?

"slip and fall support group" :joint:
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Never got it that bad but last year I took a few heavy hits when we got three inches of solid ice plus a foot of snow. Was out taking train pictures, running to get in the perfect position ... bam! Landed on my back hard, skull probably got it worse ... but I did manage to hold the camera up and keep it from breaking! =)


I've busted my ass on black ice before. That evil thin little sheet of ice that just makes the ground look like it's wet, but in reality it is slippery as hell. :fsu:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Navigator330 said:
For many of us winter is here again, tons of people fall on the Ice and get hurt every year. Let's use this thread to inform our friends here on IC if we have fallen and got hurt or know someone whom is recovering from a serious Ice Accident! I recently fell on the Ice and took some serious injury! I never thought i could ever fall and get REALLY hurt, i have plowed snow here in the great lakes region for years and i grew up here! I usually bounce, nothing serious right????

Wednesday Evening:
I was 30 mins away from home visiting friends. I slipped and fell on a icy concrete step. I fell backwards and smashed my head on the step, lost consciousness for just a second. I Got up and forced myself to get to my vehicle where i could sit. I kept trying to "shake it off" and it was real scary because i just couldn't. I felt like i was Rocky Balboa in Rocky 5, brain damaged and broken! I have been beaten up, broken and bruised but never felt a pain or dis-orientation like that!

I drove home after i made it to the car and sat a few. Convinced by my fiancee an LPN herself and two things that were not normal, I let her drive me to the ER. I was beginning to get spots in my vision (left side)and my ribs and lungs hurt with great intensity when i took a deep breath.

The total damage as diagnosed by my ER doc? Not my list of symptoms, just the injuries...

Mild Concussion
Bruised Rib (right side)
Bruised Lung
Bruised Kidney
Fractured Coccyx (tailbone)

Navigator 0 Winter 1

Who else has been attacked by ICE?

"slip and fall support group" :joint:

Damn dude crazy


spreadin da love
mm get better man... the ice hasn't gotten to my parts yet... but it gets me when it does... i fall alot.. ha

Lucky 7

Active member
Sry to hear about your fall, man. Ice is HARD & unforgiving!

I Ski a lot, so when in Squaw Valley once my gal talks me into trying Ice Skating. I put on quite a show, yeah, right before falling so hard I slipped into another dimension! :bashhead:

I don't skate anymore! Skaters make it look so easy!


Hell, I won't even leave my area when its snowing and freezing, I have relatives who live in a nearby but much harsher winter climate, I won't go visit for Christmas anymore, I hate driving on ice.

It snows near me every year, but not often at my lower elevation, its lovely to look at anyways.....

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
goddamn jsut got some snow here on sat night, sunday i was bikin around and fell twice. I think its time to make some studded tires....but i only fell and wacked my knee a bit and then the second time i fell and my arm is sore now. other than that i think im ok...


A close friend of mine puts tacks into the soles of his boots when the ice is around. Just normal tacks nailed into the tread. He swears by it and though 73 and very active in snow and ice he's never fallen over once to my knowledge. Apparently it's an old army trick and it's supposed to work a charm.

Older people are the worlds best guides!


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Last Christmas I was in Yellowstone at the Snow Lodge. On Christmas Eve I took a hike around the Old Faithful area. I guess it was close to 20 miles in a snow storm on a good foot and a half of snow pack. Since the park had only been open for 3 days, everyone there that first week were basically trailblazers.

The day after Christmas I took a snow coach tour to sever of the basins. At one of the basins we, me and a family from Hawaii, took about a mile long trail. While walking down a set of stairs near one of the geysers, I slipped and fell. I felt no pain. On the way back to the lodge we stopped to check out a waterfall. By now, I could barely walk. The coach driver parked very close to the edge and when I got out, I fell nearly falling over the edge of the canyon. 6-12 inches farther, and my family would have been rewarded nicely. It came to a point where if I had sat down or had fallen, I wouldn't have been able to get up. I found this out after post holing and sinking 2 feet into the snow because I missed the snow pack. I had to ask the guy behind me to help me up. Anyways, it was an awesome Christmas gift and a trip I will remember for ever.

Well I got back home before New Years and while struggling to take out the trash, I tripped, slipped and fell in my back yard. I slammed my hip against a fence post, and a few days later I noticed a football sized bruise on my right side. The next 5 months were very difficult. It was painful walking up and down stairs. It took my 45 minutes in severe pain to walk 3 blocks to the store. I was like this for 5-6 months, and then one day I was pain free and could even run.

Watch out for Ice!
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livin my way the high way
ive been slippin' lately but catchin myself with a few milliseconds to spare. i swear like its happened 3-5 times in the last week. i guess im not used to ice like we get it up here.

edit: how would that tack thing work cause like the pointy thing is facing up and the other side is slick metal i think it would work better without them. im up to try it tho if i had boots. but can u tell me more.
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From what i remember he said they were short brass tacks and they had a flattened pyramid top to them, i dont really have a lot of details as it's not really my story but he swears by it. Apparently it's an old trick from WWII he picked up from someone. Sorry i cant be more elaborate.


Un - Retired,
I'm housebound just now due to about 1" of ice all around me
first it snowed then rain melted it and then the temps dropped to -5
only way I could go out is to dig out my ice skates
well this isnt a recent story, but here it goes

it all started 5-6 years ago when i got a call from a friend asking if i wanted to pick up some extra work at a temp agency. needing the money i agreed. i come to find out that the job is surfacing a hockey arena for the upcoming season. sounds cool right? sure as hell did to me. well, we get there and find out that its like 12-15 of us that have to hoist a hose on our shoulders and spay water on the ice so it builds up one paper thin layer at a time. about 4 hours into the job, my friend starts fucking around. im not sure what he did, but i felt the hose pull me in one direction and i lost all traction. my legs flew out from under me and i did a full flip....landing right on my kneecap. ouch! now i should have seen a doctor, but i had no insurance and no money to pay for a doctor, so i just let it go figuring that it would be fine in a day or so. now there isnt a day that goes by that i dont have trouble with it locking up and just giving me shooting pains. cold weather makes it worse and i can always tell when its going to rain.

5-6 years later and its never been the same.

ice is no joke. be careful this winter guys and gals!


Pull my finger
when i lived in montana, we would put socks over our shoes to battle the slippery ice. sometimes our entire class would show up with socks on our shoes.


interesting pics swamp..... check ur K messages, that place looks familiar....

As for ICE, when i moved back up north here a few years ago, i said the ice was gonna get me, cause i aint used to it. However, i think this will be the year it actually happens... I just got that feeling. Last year and the year before i had a few slip n slides, however no actual falls.... or if i did it wasnt bad enough to remember.

i remember 2 winters ago, it rained prob 3 inches, then went below freezing for the rest of th winter, leaving a nice 2-3 inch layer of ice on all the non busy/non salted alot side streets.

I wana ask a question thats completely related to this thread.... as for snow/ice removal from a personal driveway.... this is my first house, and i am wondering if the regular rock salt they sell works good enough, or if i should get those new crystal blue/white pellet things they make? I have heard those work amazing, but salt works decent? Any comments on this product? Or do i need to find a pic?


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Nav...hope things work out...Don't forget "Fallin Through Ice"....just as dangerous...DD


The only ice I like is in my glass..:hiccup:
As far as a safe IceMelt, you could use the regular stuff, but if you have pets, you'd wanna get something safe for them too..
swamp dank... dont rub it in!!!

Im still sore, every day when i wake up everything cracks... lol i can barely get up! I used my donut to sit on for like 2 weeks. Got me some new kicks, my old adidas were very thin. Have not had any problems since!

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