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Fall season, what'cha watching


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What's good this tv season?

Haven't had a chance to sample. Am always up to find a show that can fill that huge void that "Lost" left.

So Far, only ABC's "Revenge" have perked my ears.

What's on your radar?


Active member
Terra Nova, was ok for a 1st episode. It's worth a second look.

Caught Revenge last night. Had a nice twin peaks feel.


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
all the new shows look like garbage. saw a promo for "gold rush" thats starting soon on discovery, and the new season of gold fever so im looking forward for those. im mainly watching new seasons of older shows like mythbusters, office (just to see how bad it will suck w/o steve carrell) etc


Terra Nova, was ok for a 1st episode. It's worth a second look.

I thought it was complete trash, when the "sixers" showed up I had to turn it off.
Good idea with horrible writing and characters.
I predict it will be just like "The Event" and get canceled after two seasons tops.

New season of the ultimate fighter just started, good show.

Boardwalk empires new season just started.

I've watched the first two weeks of X factor, it's alright, my whole family watches it and then texts each other about it while it's on, same as they've been doing for years with american idol.

walking dead should be starting again soon.

Big rich texas(I find these shallow, stupid rich housewives fascinating)


I watched Lost every episode as it came out but was horribly disappointed in the ending. I recently got into Breaking Bad. I haven't been this into a show since The Shield.


I watched Lost every episode as it came out but was horribly disappointed in the ending..
Me too.
As much as the writers said it wasn't going to be a jesus thing, I still knew it would be.
There was so many different things they could have done for an ending instead of that lame crap.

But at least we got an ending, not like that stupid ass "the event" I invested two seasons worth of time watching it only to have it canceled with no resolution for any of the story lines.


Active member
I liked the way Lost ended. I miss the Shield. It was so gritty. Vic Mackey!

I miss 24 also. Where can I get my torture fix now?

30 Rock starts up late this year due to Fey's pregnancy.


Game Bred
just watched the first 3 seasons of breaking bad...

my god there is not one single smart character on that show...

and the kunt wife deserved a beatdown in the first season.

ill be watching parks and rec(ron swanson 2012), dex,boardwalk,TUF,bored to death and sons of guns and samcro


big bang theory ? didn't watch it but looked forward to season 5

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