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Morning all hope everyone is doing well......Well here's a little story for all regarding Canna Butter....... :rasta: A very good friend of mine was given a little budder to try out.....had it in his fridge for a few days......So a night ago he decided to be couragous and took a half a teaspoon of some butter that he warmed up and added a little syrup for flavor....Having been with him earlier he never mentioned he was going to take a trip on the wild side.. :bashhead: ...lol.....So around 2am after everyone splits he tells me that he took the small shot of budder mixed with a bit of syrup...all goes well or so he thought....laughing in his mind saying this shit weak.....so he chills till about 330am and call it a night....off to bed he went.....around 400am he is bothered because for some reason he cant sleep he is tossing and turning now its 420am...lol....His wife asks him are you ok he says yes im fine just cant sleep....So off he went to the couch.....now its 445am and he cant sleep for shit and is starting to feel a little funny........almost like yacking....The feeling starts getting even more intense and off shooting like a bat out of hell to the can he went yacking everything he ate the night before......having yacked twice in a matter of moments he says wtf is wrong with me.....lol....Can it be the Butter???? He shakes it off and says it cant be must of been something I ate...... :redface: 10min pass and starts feeling very very fucking high.....A high that not even dust can hang with.......Paranoia starts setting in like he smoked some of the strongest haze with 10 times more of the effect.....As this point he is tripping hard like doing a few sheets of acid.....In his mind police are coming for him now....and are ready to bust his door in......back to the couch he tries to shake it off and keep his cool but cannot....A few moments later he starts shaking and can't move from his couch....like being glued to it and having no strength to pull off of it......jaw starts twitching and legs are in constant shake.....for a good hr this continued... not knowing wtf is happening to him he starts saying fuck it and is thinking of driving himself to the hospital.....Wife comes out and says to him as he is putting on his clothes and changing his pj's where are you going.......? BAby I dont know wtf is wrong with me but I need a hospital fast........lol...Wife starts hugging him and brings him some water and a cold towel....He starts saying fuck I cant go to the hospital in his mind they will test my ass....So then he says never mind to his wife let me just wait it out....thoughts running thru his mind like screw growing,smoking and anything associated with mj im done...kinda like a drunk man after hugging the bowl all night saying im never drinking again shit....a few hrs pass and he is still very high but getting very sleepy....falls out on the couch after a bit and wakes up later that day at around 5pm....I get the call later that afternoon.......Like yo I got a story to tell ya....... :muahaha: Easy with the butter fellas it will mess you up good.....
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Active member
to all with those w/recent amazing pix!! much respect!! wish i had the room and ability to grow like that. u mad crazy balls!

LOL uber!!

that's me after 2 bowls of da piff. that's why i don't do more then 1 or two deep hits every 1.5hour or two. too much like that at once and i get the spins feeling like alcohol, hot ears, sweat coming down, flush face, body/face/teeth numb, ice cold hands, chills, shakes.. eyes half open, short little pass outs, into and out of reality.. super dreaming and some paranoid. lol. just gotta keep moving to different rooms and breath breath! tryin to walk w/very off balance drunken like. it's kinda uncomfortable when your heart is pounding, and your breathing is super slow, as if your in the most restfull and relaxed sleep.

can't believe he wanted to go to the hospital though, he shoulda known you always come down, that's what gets me out of it, when i'm wayy toooo upp.. put on some chill music..and keep saying you allllways come down. trying not to think about and get the 'i'm gonna be found dead with a heart attack in the morning' thoughts out of your head .. it isn't a fun experience. still don't get how you guys pound blunt after blunt, i think i'd be zzzzzzzzzz on the couch with lipstick all over me when i woke up. grr. i can't even imagine what hash is like, never done it.

some people run to the hospital though, for a little food poisoning.. once some bad chinese food took me out for 2.5 days ..couldn't get off the bed w/o shitting and puking, lol. that's different though. some would go to the hospital for that though!! gotta ride it out, lol.



xOOx said:
to all with those w/recent amazing pix!! much respect!! wish i had the room and ability to grow like that. u mad crazy balls!

LOL uber!!

that's me after 2 bowls of da piff. that's why i don't do more then 1 or two deep hits every 1.5hour or two. too much like that at once and i get the spins feeling like alcohol, hot ears, sweat coming down, flush face, body/face/teeth numb, ice cold hands, chills, shakes.. eyes half open, short little pass outs, into and out of reality.. super dreaming and some paranoid. lol. just gotta keep moving to different rooms and breath breath! tryin to walk w/very off balance drunken like. it's kinda uncomfortable when your heart is pounding, and your breathing is super slow, as if your in the most restfull and relaxed sleep.

can't believe he wanted to go to the hospital though, he shoulda known you always come down, that's what gets me out of it, when i'm wayy toooo upp.. put on some chill music..and keep saying you allllways come down. trying not to think about and get the 'i'm gonna be found dead with a heart attack in the morning' thoughts out of your head .. it isn't a fun experience. still don't get how you guys pound blunt after blunt, i think i'd be zzzzzzzzzz on the couch with lipstick all over me when i woke up. grr. i can't even imagine what hash is like, never done it.

some people run to the hospital though, for a little food poisoning.. once some bad chinese food took me out for 2.5 days ..couldn't get off the bed w/o shitting and puking, lol. that's different though. some would go to the hospital for that though!! gotta ride it out, lol.


lol.....and this guy can really smoke his ass off.......He was telling me like...."My dude that shit almost made me give up smoking for ever"......Had me feeling like I was in dee-bo's pigieon coop and only my momma could get me out :laughing:

Delta Force

lol budder strikes again................... :laughing:

I have very vivid dreams on it.................I use it as a sleep aid actually. If i take it during the day im worthless and just sit in a lump in my chair. I can honestly say budder is 100% something people ought to give a shot once............it may be strong for some but for heavy med users(myself included) it really does the trick. I'll dose on it after a long week and it just has me wake up the next morning feeling great.


Delta Force said:
lol budder strikes again................... :laughing:

I have very vivid dreams on it.................I use it as a sleep aid actually. If i take it during the day im worthless and just sit in a lump in my chair. I can honestly say budder is 100% something people ought to give a shot once............it may be strong for some but for heavy med users(myself included) it really does the trick. I'll dose on it after a long week and it just has me wake up the next morning feeling great.

Delta....lol.......yes the budder strikes again I warned him be easy with it and he didn't listen to me.....so it bit him in tha ass......... :laughing:


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
butter is great, sometimes its very hard to gauge the potency though, i always wonder.. is this too much? too little, i never want to be not high but im always alittle leary of being too high like that dude in the story. i ate a whole brownie one time on my birthday, not knowing i had a suprise party waiting for me at a restaurant... i guess all i can say was that i was unbelivably suprised.. and very very very very high, like "i shouldnt be out in public kinda high" i was so out of it, i couldnt figure out what i wanted to drink, eat, or anything.. everything was just a blur.. took me about 45 min to an hour to calm down finally and start enjoying myself.. but it was scary for a little while, only one person noticed though.. which was good. my mother of all people, shes like you were awfully smiley and dopey, i told her about the brownie, and she was like i suspected something was up.

its great having stoner parents you can smoke up with though.. i missed alot of my childhood with them cause of divorce and other stuff, but now its great to sit and chill and smoke a bowl with my parents. my mom has even bought me pieces and done mushrooms with us. pretty sweet.


Endo said:
butter is great, sometimes its very hard to gauge the potency though, i always wonder.. is this too much? too little, i never want to be not high but im always alittle leary of being too high like that dude in the story. i ate a whole brownie one time on my birthday, not knowing i had a suprise party waiting for me at a restaurant... i guess all i can say was that i was unbelivably suprised.. and very very very very high, like "i shouldnt be out in public kinda high" i was so out of it, i couldnt figure out what i wanted to drink, eat, or anything.. everything was just a blur.. took me about 45 min to an hour to calm down finally and start enjoying myself.. but it was scary for a little while, only one person noticed though.. which was good. my mother of all people, shes like you were awfully smiley and dopey, i told her about the brownie, and she was like i suspected something was up.

its great having stoner parents you can smoke up with though.. i missed alot of my childhood with them cause of divorce and other stuff, but now its great to sit and chill and smoke a bowl with my parents. my mom has even bought me pieces and done mushrooms with us. pretty sweet.

Yeah Endo I tried some and didnt get the effects my boy got.......Just have to be a little careful on the dosage.......I was warned when I recieved the butter to make sure I was staying home and not going out anymore for the rest of the night.......I would of been tripping though if I had a surprise party waiting for me while I was under the influence like that...... :laughing:


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
^^^That is pretty sweet Bro. Nice story. And, I like stories as well as the next guy, but I WANT PIX! LOTS & LOTS OF PIX! LOL Ok, I feel better now.


lol....sorry vint......I tried but he wouldnt open the door.......hahahahahhaha....wasnt available for questioning at the time of occurance........lol


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
asher1er said:
whos the creator of this butter? Someone wanna share the recipe? lol :rasta:
search cannabutter recipe here and youll find a ton of recipes for it.

pretty simple to make,


Active member
PhillyPride said:
Bubba Kush 85 days

Super Silver Haze 85 days harvested

Nice harvest Philly, what that kush yield you and how long was the veg? :joint:

allready looked up the CannaButter might have to make some for the weekend :rasta:


asher1er said:
Nice harvest Philly, what that kush yield you and how long was the veg? :joint:

allready looked up the CannaButter might have to make some for the weekend :rasta:

Goodluck with the budder mang....and remember if you never tried it you might want to go easy on it....... :muahaha:


Active member
UBER21 said:
Goodluck with the budder mang....and remember if you never tried it you might want to go easy on it....... :muahaha:

would i be in the wrong if i use the canna butter on my ladies toast for breakfast sunday morning? :joint: :muahaha:


lol ash ur crazy yo.

thanks for the positive vibes fellaz peace-Y-

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
great pics guys!!!!!
you are quite a patient man letting them go 85 daze.
i dont know if i woulda.
call 911, cuz that is some FIRE!


Active member
YwouldntI said:
lol ash ur crazy yo.

thanks for the positive vibes fellaz peace-Y-

She likes the medicine so figured id give her a nice dose in the am and see what she has to say about it a couple hours later :muahaha: ofcourse id be using the same butter on my toast aswell tho :joint:
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