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F.U.C.K.E.M. members only (or aspiring members)

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IcMag Resident Comic Relief
Brother BEar that is some freaky shit if its true... sad it got closed cuase it has everything to do with icmag. and Delta. again.. if its true. if people are falling for his shit elsewhere, they will here too and thats a danger to all of us.


Active member
You better watch your back whiterabbit.

So now what? We allow certain "e-thugs" to tarnish our good name?

We become un-approachable to the rest of the community?

We put ourselves above someone that doesn't have some mother fucking letters in their signature?

Where does anyone get off acting like that?

We are a "social group" nothing more and nothing less. I'm sorry some of you seem to revolve your lives around this thread.

Where do you guys find the time to act the way you act in this thread in real life?

Or are you portraying something false on the internet?

The hood's not cool. The hood's not fun. The hood's not what you see on MTV and it's not pretty.

I like the idea of the group but

it's definitively some homosexual thang

why do you feel the need to justify
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Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
honestly this thread is getting real stale for me
i believe i am done posting in here for a while
of course i will be posting down in the social group
you know, where there are no trolls
hope to see all you "MEMBERS" down there :friends:

BTW, MTV = wasted time/brain cells :yeahthats
never watch that garbage EVER

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
MTV taught me how to be gangsta!


Active member
Thats what its all about bozo. Ive known ya since back in our can com days...when I first joined here, My first post was in this thread. I saw the title, decided to read it...and CF, Tona, CD, Access....lots of cool ass knowledgeable guys. So I pushed and pushed, posted everyday...showing my gear, led stuff, past few grows....you know, almost resume style....let us get to know YOU as well as your growing styles. I waited quite a few months to get in...CF is right...commitment. If you really want it, how long shouldn't matter. These guys never treated me different before I got to fly the colors. Still helpful and cool as hell. Accept for the elephant fuckin ya, the rest is easy after that. MORE pics...do something different. I don't have the genetics a lot of these guys have...but I try new shit. Ingenuity and experimentation is the base of science. Show yourself is all. I would LOVE to get together with my F.A.M one day.

WOW...sorry guys. Smoked a detch rolled with church and sealed with church oil....durrrrrrr

good vibes F.A.M

thanks for the vote of confidence WT, and i don't mind waitin', i'm cool.
fact is, even without the colors, i count you and c-dubb and ThatGuy
and IPiT among my friends, and, at my age, real friends are hard to come

and cocktail frank, i'm cool with waitin', shit man, if it was easy gettin' in,
what would be the point?

btw WT, i'm sure one of these days we'll hook up and i'll be able to share
my good fortune. :bashhead: i'm such a noob!

so peace out everybody, i'm cool, i'm not bangin' at the door, i can wait, lol,
shit man, i got all the bud i can smoke now thanks to this site and can.com
and greenpassion too, lol, so i'm cool.
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Active member
ICMag Donor
hey radvan in a can. I'm at day 21 so we should be looking about similar. I have 3 NHaze that look much like your buddies. photos early next week.
Hi cracky, :wave:
I look forward to photos, I have again two SSH. :yoinks::woohoo:
Ist. SSH begin top of two in my room

more pics my ladies in grow diary ( easy english version ) :muahaha::laughing::bashhead:

Im :dueling: with my english language !!! :muahaha:
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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
The sun is the same in the relative way...

The sun is the same in the relative way...

at my age, real friends are hard to come
Yeah man, but you qualify for the senior discounts at movie theaters....and there's always the early bird special at country buffet! And I'm sure some boyscout holds the door open for you whenever there's an opportunity.

I think someone needs to vote you in before we're attending your wake.​


Active member
Yeah man, but you qualify for the senior discounts at movie theaters....and there's always the early bird special at country buffet! And I'm sure some boyscout holds the door open for you whenever there's an opportunity.


I think someone needs to vote you in before we're attending your wake.​

actually, i was hopin' for a couple Brownies, one to light the bowl and one
to, uhm, :jerkit: to hold the stem, yeah, that's the ticket!

Delta Force

Sup dudes....can someone show me or point me towards a tutorial on how to post pics..........im lost.:fsu:


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Access, Hydro....Thanks F.A.M. Yall know how to make a honky feel welcome. K= for ya both since I obviously must share some rep around first.:friends:
Bozo- good to see the spirit man.
BB-sorry you feel that way brother. But Ill see ya over at the other side too homie.:friends:

good vibes


Sneak attack critical
Here's what I've been toying around with lately...



I'm running Satori, Kalichakra, Ice, and Hashplant this go 'round...in the photo they're two weeks old.

Prior to this grow, I was stuck running measly microgrows under a 150w bulb with shitty ventiliation.

Then I moved...

Now I've got 400 delicious watts to work with and a 6" Vortex keeping things fresh and cool, as well as a Homebox to house all this shit.

I'm looking forward to seeing what I end up with...


Pull my finger
Panopticist: Dude, I had alot of fun playing with the
Satori and kalichakra. I grew out Satori from seed like four times. That not my style, usually I am trying different things from seed, but the satori was just that much fun. Good luck, and watch for hermies. I had to drop my satori project cuz she kept popping nanners in late bloom. Decent smoke though.
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