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F##king stupid animal rights assholes

That makes about as much logical sense as "black people were put here to work for white folk" or "women were put here to serve and pleasure men"

Oh shit! You mean that is not the way? I better go unchain my negro from the barn and the woman from the bed....

Seriously though, most of these animal rights people are pure idiots. Not because they believe in fair treatment of animals, but because they allow themselves to be brainwashed by the leaders of these groups in order to serve their personal agendas.

Any one who really really wanted to stop these mink farms would have burnt the farm down with the animals inside.

1) It would FUCK the farmer financially. Sure he would get insurance money, but I imagine a lot of that would go to rebuilding the infrastructure and replacing equipment and livestock. It would probably be months or years before he starts turning a profit again, and when he does? BAM another fire....

2) you wouldn't harm the local wildlife nearly as much. Sure, there would be side effects, but none near as decimating as the possibility of 30 000 minks on the loose.

But you wouldn't get much support the public. So lets just let them run free and destroy countless wild animals and get ran over by cars! but hey they are FREE!

Lol.. Really?

I slaughter my own animals with the kids on weekends. We have a good time.
Cattle sheep goat and chickens, the whole lot. Nothing taste better than your own raised porter, venison and leg of lamb. Succulent and absolutely delicious.
Some of yall have no idea. I keep some of my cattle, especially angus, locked in their pens their whole life, only grain fed. It is by far some of the best meats I and any of my friends have had in their lives.
Its just like growing quality herbs except I find it by far more fulfilling. Takes a lot more time and nurturing than some people may think.

Right on brother! There is nothing more delicious then fresh meat from a small farm.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
The world and governments are so fucked and corrupt what other choices do animal activists have. Action speaks louder then words and, they did what needed to be done. If you don't like it and you think you are cool cause you eat meat you can fuck off and I hope you get riddled with diseases. I may not be 100% vegan, I do eat two meals a week with a chicken breast in it. I dunno why people on here feel the need to be so cool and flamboyant about eating meat, it irks the shit outta me.

El Toker

what other choices do animal activists have? Action speaks louder then words and, they did what needed to be done. If you don't like it and you think you are cool cause you eat meat you can fuck off and I hope you get riddled with diseases. I may not be 100% vegan, I do eat two meals a week with a chicken breast in it.

So you wouldn't harm an animal (apart from chickens a couple of times a week), but you would wish a slow and painful death on a fellow human.

The sad thing is that this twisted view (with the hypocrisy) is the norm amongst these animal rights terrorists.

If you're wondering why people make a point of saying that they eat meat, on threads like this, it's simply because there's lots of entertainment value in winding up the animal rights loonies and getting them to show what they're all about while they're having their self-righteous rants.

It didn't take long.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
So you wouldn't harm an animal (apart from chickens a couple of times a week), but you would wish a slow and painful death on a fellow human.

The sad thing is that this twisted view (with the hypocrisy) is the norm amongst these animal rights terrorists.

If you're wondering why people make a point of saying that they eat meat, on threads like this, it's simply because there's lots of entertainment value in winding up the animal rights loonies and getting them to show what they're all about while they're having their self-righteous rants.

It didn't take long.

Well that doesn't make it appropriate, yall need to grow up and stop being big immature.
At least I was honest and said I do eat meat. If I don't eat meat I will lose almost all my muscle and get very skinny. It is difficult to get the same amino acids that are in animal protein out of non-animal products.


headband 707

Plant whisperer
I suppose if you look at it like that yeah that was dumb but raising these animals to wear as coats and use for oil??? who is really the dumb one here?.. LOL peace out Headband707
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I find it hard to respect idiots who release animals that are not native, especially when these animals are going to destroy the native wildlife.

Yes, I see and find it hard not to support your point. Maybe the activists are ignorant to the implications this species could have on the local species populations? Or maybe they understand the implications better than you and I, to the point where they know mink will cause near to no damage? Or maybe the publicity will outweigh the damage?

I don't know what went through their minds and how much they considered before releasing these mink.

I do know they had good intentions (providing it was activists who did it, since no one has admitted to it yet).


Active member
(providing it was activists who did it, since no one has admitted to it yet).
The minks broke themselves out, they figured, f**k this, we're not going to just sit around and wait for someone to make a coat out of us, we're outta here!

Run minks run!


Active member
Regardless of the animal activist viewpoints or agenda - breaking and entering, destruction of property and releasing an invasive species on the native land are all illegal and serious crimes.

Perhaps they can channel their energies into more constructive ways of supporting their message then reducing themselves to common criminals. These people are no better than the assholes who hijack planes and fly them into buildings. Terrorists.

The only victims here are innocent animals minding their business in nature and the Minks for being released into a foreign land unfamiliar with cars, weather or other wildlife.


- SubN


The minks broke themselves out, they figured, f**k this, we're not going to just sit around and wait for someone to make a coat out of us, we're outta here!

Run minks run!

Or some kids who don't give a f**k about mink, the way they're kept, or what will happen to them once released. They thought "look there, if we open this gate there'll be 5000 mink running about causing havoc".

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Animal rights organizations have always been evil weapons of class warfare. The RSPCA got it's start in 1824 and has always been a vehicle for upper class ladies with nothing better to do than go after the poor people's animals and try to exterminate those breeds for their own good. Sound familiar? Yup, it's what's going on with 'pit bulls' now. Back then the upper class had their fine, noble hounds and the poor people had their badly bred, dangerous collies and terriers. Same story, different day.

'Bandit' by Vicki Hearne is a good read about a 'pit bull' (American Bulldog) on death row. It also features a thorough examination of the history of Animal Rights organizations and the damage they've done and continue to do. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Bandit/Vicki-Hearne/e/9781602390706
I'm ashamed to admit that I used to give money to them, but I've since learned.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
We are also destroying the planet monkey's aren't doing that LOL LOL.... Not sure what gives us this right but we better knock it off and quick!!!!:comfort: peace out Headband707

we might be making the planet dirty, but we arnt destroying it. earth isnt going anywhere, we are the ones that will vanish.

as George Carlin said. "mother nature will shake us off like a bad case of fleas"


At least with slaughterhouses the animal's death is serving some sort of real purpose: food. Minks are killed for stuff like this:


Anyone who wears mink, or dresses their dog in mink - please throw yourself off a bridge.


Cannabrex Formulator
Animal rights organizations have always been evil weapons of class warfare. The RSPCA got it's start in 1824 and has always been a vehicle for upper class ladies with nothing better to do than go after the poor people's animals and try to exterminate those breeds for their own good. Sound familiar? Yup, it's what's going on with 'pit bulls' now. Back then the upper class had their fine, noble hounds and the poor people had their badly bred, dangerous collies and terriers. Same story, different day.

'Bandit' by Vicki Hearne is a good read about a 'pit bull' (American Bulldog) on death row. It also features a thorough examination of the history of Animal Rights organizations and the damage they've done and continue to do. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Bandit/Vicki-Hearne/e/9781602390706
I'm ashamed to admit that I used to give money to them, but I've since learned.

I would very much like to know what sources you have for this information other than one book.

The laws protecting animals from wanton cruelty and abuse exist primarily because of the RSPCA and other organizations like them...before they were around you could fill up a barrel fulla cats and kerosene and torch it for fun, and it was perfectly legal. Bull baiting, cock-fighting, dogpits and many other appalling practices were also perfectly legal. I think that the work they have done in abolishing such nastiness far outweighs any minor prejudice they may have towards certain breeds.


ICMag Donor
Animals do have rights!!! (right up until the point we cook them) :D

Keep it mindful and peaceful people


LOL, so Mr. Angry Man aka Genkisan, explain to me something then...if animals were not put here for our consumption (fish, meat, poultry, etc.) why has the human race ate them for thousands - if not millions - of years?

Because they got boners when they did it?

UH...because in most areas...that was all the food that was around..

It's the cycle of life...the food chain...did you forget this part in school? Animals eat other animals, insects eat other insects, it's the way OF LIFE. TIS the definition of CARNIVORE.

Meat tastes good. Eggs taste good. Chicken and fish taste good - and they are some of the BEST foods for humans to eat - high in protein and carbs which helps muscle building and energy - of which only SOME vegetables provide while ALL meat provides this.

If the world worked in the way I wanted I would live on a farm near woods/lakes/streams, grow my own veggies and raise my own chickens, cattle, and horses (for transportation, duh) and be completely solar, wind and geothermal-powered. Would also have 2 huge outdoor greenhouses for weed!


Active member
we might be making the planet dirty, but we arnt destroying it. earth isnt going anywhere, we are the ones that will vanish.

as George Carlin said. "mother nature will shake us off like a bad case of fleas"

Well lets help clean it up in any way possible and wish i new this was for sure that we arent destroying the planet/mother nature. And i dont know about George Carlin but I like it here and would like to stay and dont want to think mother nature will just "shake us off" because that is probably right, which should make us conscious about the planet.
Theres enough "beef" on the planet to know that beef aint good (pun if you want). One day you might have beef with a mad cow:D, or just get cancer from the hormones or maybe both, one thing is for sure the cancer rate out here is definitely linked to people foolfilling their tastebuds. This is a fact, sorry off topic


Active member
They can't be against fishing can they? That's fucked up.
yup that group was . they even were against catch and release they said it was cruel too. they kept riding their boats right by our boat scaring fish away.thats why on the next run as they were turning away i hooked a nice one and had just got the hook undone just in time to bitchslap one guy with my fish. i later made bass tacos and celebrated my victory

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