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F*ck with a Bull - consider to get hurt!


Tropical Outcast
The fucking Bull is half out of his mind with pain and fright. He's already half dead before the sissy with the tight pants comes out to stab him between the shoulderblades. Cruelty is cruelty no matter what country.

There are even FAR WORSE pictures (than this one) on the net...don't Google them, they ARE terrible.

Really sad stuff.


european ganja growers
bring the hate......i dont care......i like bull fighting. i lived in Spain when i was a kid and used to watch it all the time....yeh yeh yeh i know your going to say its it wrong,,,and yeh it most likely is but this is what Spain does so just get on with it,,,dont watch or dont read,,,,abit like the whale hunting...people hate it,,,but alot of people love whale meat.....

most if not all theses bulls will go to the slaughter house,,so why not let them go out fighting with houner and pride.

bull are treated like hero's when the matador is takeing out,,,and things like the Pamplona bull run thay do get there own back (taking out meny of people)..............................................................................................

keep it green


european ganja growers
The fucking Bull is half out of his mind with pain and fright. He's already half dead before the sissy with the tight pants comes out to stab him between the shoulderblades. Cruelty is cruelty no matter what country.

right and am not trying to defent this but..just incase people didnt know (not that it will change people thoughts)......pic above ...looks worse that what it is,,,the fish hook style things and are plased there so alot of blood comes out fast, but it does clot fast (more of a decoration)...,,,,,,you know like when i UFC fighter gets a small cut on his head but hes pissing of blood like he been shot. (it soon stops)........like i said am just letting youes know

keep it green


Tropical Outcast
A bit of a difference between animals and humans no?

It was meant more figuratively...but then again, since I said it, who/what authorizes us Humans to put ourselves above animals for the purpose of mistreatment?

Can someone give me a viable answer?



right and am not trying to defent this but..just incase people didnt know (not that it will change people thoughts)......pic above ...looks worse that what it is,,,the fish hook style things and are plased there so alot of blood comes out fast, but it does clot fast (more of a decoration)...,,,,,,you know like when i UFC fighter gets a small cut on his head but hes pissing of blood like he been shot. (it soon stops)........like i said am just letting youes know

keep it green
Just meaning that they torture the bull first,a prey animal gets pretty crazy around blood,especially their own. I understand it is some kind of sick tradition,so is smashing baby seals in the head. Don't make it right. To me it just seems like cruelty for no reason. Now if they RIDE that BULL before they stab him all up,I'd for sure watch that.


european ganja growers
It was meant more figuratively...but then again, since I said it, who/what authorizes us Humans to put ourselves above animals for the purpose of mistreatment?

Can someone give me a viable answer?


in short...because were top of the foot chain..

keep it green


Tropical Outcast
in short...because were top of the foot chain..

keep it green

That still doesn't justify it!

Humans are (supposed to be) intelligent and not like animals who listen to their instincts instead.

That's why Humans should know better and not act like a Cat playing a mouse to death.

The cat is acting due to it's instinct, us Humans do this shit with the Bulls (and other) because we are cruel...and not because we are "above the food chain".

Being above the food chain means "I eat your ass before you eat mine" and not "I can torture what I want when I want just because I feel like it.



Cats & Foxes are 2 animals that kill for fun. There is something a bit warped about both of them. Watch a cats tail when it does this, its enjoying it. Big cats in the wild try to kill their prey as quick as possible. Maybe we share a wacko gene with them? As a species we are pretty wacky. Might explain alot. peace.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I thought that Spain was a Catholic country and that it is frowned upon to practice birth control methods............

*and cats kill for fun like humans do because they have been domesticated and don't need to hunt for food since there is always a bowl of 'friskies' around, but wish to exercise their passion for first torturing and then killing something alive.....


Gypsy, I think you just nailed this. Substitute "Friskies" for Kelloggs. The hunting gene is still with some of us. Misplaced, misdirected, certainly, domesticated & civilised, the Savage still hangs on.

It's a Brave New World, Aldous Huxley was light years ahead.


Cannabrex Formulator
in short...because were top of the foot chain..

keep it green

So being "at the top of the food chain" justifies cruelty, torture and a total absence of compassion??

Was that the Nazis and the Ustachi's excuse??

Or Ted Bundy's?

Cruelty is cruelty, no matter what species is on the receiving end.


Humans have the ability to make choices. Doesn't mean they make the right ones. Cruelty is a human trait and we have honed it and gotten it just right. So much for being civilized....are we really? Our lives are easy now,we don't have to go out and hunt for food to survive like our ancestors did.The savage is always there and doesn't take much prodding to show itself.


Read "Death in the Afternoon" by Hemingway......a brilliant and informative book that's all about Hemingway's passion : bullfighting.

by the way, no bull "wins"....as soon as matador gets gored, another jumps in to finish the job.

Bullfighting from a modern Western point of view is barbaric...but from a Spanish point of view bull fighting is a ritual and celebration of death, passion and all things Spanish...things that are impossible to understand and appreciate for most Westerners.

Spaniards focus on the passion in all things in life, bull fighting is just one of them..most Westerners focus on the blood and how it's "isn't fair" or "it's cruel".

I haven't seen a bull fight live, but if I was in Spain, I would...maybe I'd walk out after the first bull was killed, maybe I'd be moved by the whole spectacle? The only way to really know is to attend a bull fight.

..talking about barbaric, a Spanish son would never send their elderly parents to an old peoples home where they lay in soiled sheets all day ...now that would be barbaric in their eyes.

Long may the Spanish be different from us.


Read "Death in the Afternoon" by Hemingway......a brilliant and informative book that's all about Hemingway's passion : bullfighting.

by the way, no bull "wins"....as soon as matador gets gored, another jumps in to finish the job.

Bullfighting from a modern Western point of view is barbaric...but from a Spanish point of view bull fighting is a ritual and celebration of death, passion and all things Spanish...things that are impossible to understand and appreciate for most Westerners.

Spaniards focus on the passion in all things in life, bull fighting is just one of them..most Westerners focus on the blood and how it's "isn't fair" or "it's cruel".

I haven't seen a bull fight live, but if I was in Spain, I would...maybe I'd walk out after the first bull was killed, maybe I'd be moved by the whole spectacle? The only way to really know is to attend a bull fight.

..talking about barbaric, a Spanish son would never send their elderly parents to an old peoples home where they lay in soiled sheets all day ...now that would be barbaric in their eyes.

Long may the Spanish be different from us.

You're generalizing and it makes you sound kind of like a dickhead, my grandparents are in the house with the rest of the family. Look up the law of limited competition and realize that bullfighting is inhumane and unnecessary, if you want some meat kill the animal quickly, and don't kill anything more than you need.


You're generalizing and it makes you sound kind of like a dickhead,

why, cause I dare have a different opinion that you......I don't condone bull fighting, but I think I partly understand it from a Spanish perspective, something that you seem incapable of doing....keep the insults coming!

my grandparents are in the house with the rest of the family.

lol, I wasn't specifically referring to you Rambone with the old peoples home analogy

Look up the law of limited competition and realize that bullfighting is inhumane and unnecessary, if you want some meat kill the animal quickly, and don't kill anything more than you need.

you're right of course...from your own limited perspective...but then again, so is the Spaniard or the Mexican from his.
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In search of Genetics
That still doesn't justify it!

Humans are (supposed to be) intelligent and not like animals who listen to their instincts instead.

That's why Humans should know better and not act like a Cat playing a mouse to death.

The cat is acting due to it's instinct, us Humans do this shit with the Bulls (and other) because we are cruel...and not because we are "above the food chain".

Being above the food chain means "I eat your ass before you eat mine" and not "I can torture what I want when I want just because I feel like it.


Your first mistake is assuming you know man.
Your second mistake is assuming you know animals.
Your third mistake is your idea of cruelty and instinct.
:moon: hehe JK :tongue:

Humans have become control freaks spirited by the jealousy of there own misery in the reflection of another humans smile.
Your minds are your greatest weakness and will eventually crumble the evolution of the talking primate!

Fighting our instincts are what drive us insane.

This whole bullfighting event would have been much better had tradition not been altered and technology not interfered.
A fair fight between man and animal is what this is supposed to represent but these fights are just lame IMO.

Just you and a bull no medics no tranquilizers no control!
But here is where we understand why man is on top of the food chain, man does not play fair.


It seems man is only civilized in our own mind, or sometimes in small groups. In my opinion we as individual nations are more animal than what the philosophers call "human" when put to the test.

The proof is in the actions not the intentions.

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