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EZ-Cloner review

Have any of you tried using the ewc tea with the old school way of cloning using the flat,clone dome, & rapid rooter plugs(or whatever brand plugs you may use)to speed the process up.
I usually get good root structure in 10-12 days with a 95-100% success rate(sometimes a little longer depending on the strain).I don't need to clone for awhile, so if anyone can try this please make a report,otherwise next time I need to clone I will try the tea & make a report.
I know the main reason for the tea is to prevent root rot but it sure seems to significantly speed up the rooting process from what I've learned in this thread.


Active member
50\50 perlite and any brand soil. i gave away my aero cloners. i use olivias which actually has nothing but weak ferts.


ICMag Donor
some ezcloner root pr0n


Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Its been 2 days now in my aerocloner with compost tea and molassas and one of my clones has 2 new spike roots. The other clone looks like it has a small one, it will probably be more visible tomorrow.

:edit: Here are some pics, upon closer inspection the second clone does have some new root nubs.

A top view below - a 14 gallon rubbermaid, a weatherstripping sealed lid and velcro straps, 96 1/2" holes covered with a paper towel. The cuts were stabbed through the wet paper towel and fitted with a modified foam earplug.



Ok.... I've lost about a dozen strains over the past few months and tried a whole bunch of cloning methods.... it was strange, used to have great results, then suddenly.

Anyway, today I purchased a botanicare power cloner (no ezcloners in stock)....

a bag of black gold EWC and all I have for molasses is grandma's unsulphured original (not blackstrap)

I collected 5 gallons of RO water, added 1 cup of EWC and 2.5 tablespoons of the molasses, now bubbling at room temp (72)...

Should I wait 48 hours now, then ph the tea, then add 1 cup of it to the approx. 5 gallons of water my cloner uses? pH all of it?

The manufacturer included aquashield and power clone... should I just use my bottle of olivia's?

Thank you!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
make sure your ph is 5.8-6.1 in your cloner add 1 cup per 5-6 gallons after bubbling it for for 24-48 hours and go :D


Cannabis 101
when i used to use mine i put 1oz micro 1oz grow and 1oz bloom from general hydroponics with some super thrive and a little hydrogen peroxide with 100% results temps 72 in water and 75-80 room just a floresent on top and change water ones a week or every other week.


Active member
Have any of you tried using the ewc tea with the old school way of cloning using the flat,clone dome, & rapid rooter plugs(or whatever brand plugs you may use)to speed the process up.
I usually get good root structure in 10-12 days with a 95-100% success rate(sometimes a little longer depending on the strain).I don't need to clone for awhile, so if anyone can try this please make a report,otherwise next time I need to clone I will try the tea & make a report.
I know the main reason for the tea is to prevent root rot but it sure seems to significantly speed up the rooting process from what I've learned in this thread.

I clone directly to soil. Soil I pre-treated with EWC Tea. I let the soil cure in plastic tubs. I pre-wet the soil, then spray the Tea by hand and mix so it is thoroughly mixed into the soil, then let the soil sit for a week or 2. Take cuttings, dip in clonex, plant into the soil and water with EWC Tea. I start low nutes about a week later with more Tea. Veg for about 3 weeks then 12/12. I use 1 qt square pots that fit 8 to a tray and the humid dome fits right on top for the first week or 2. Every watering get tea. when I 12/12 I plant into 3 gal pots with Tea and nutes. Tea every other week after that.

every time I do this i get 32 out of 32. Since I only run 26 on a table at a time, I just throw away the weakest 6 plants (or mother them) once a month. I'm tempted to get a cloner, but haven't done so yet. Since it is better for the plant to be transplanted at least once (some like to do so 3 times), this just turns out to be simple. clone straight to these square pots that fit under a humid dome, water with Teas and nutes, veg several weeks and transplant one time. I may be able to save 3 to 5 days, but this couldn't be simpler. But I still got my eye on the cloner. And I do know the KEY is the TEA.

My 2 cents.


Damn! I might of screwed up a bit---

Hooked up the cloner at pH 6.1 with the EWC tea. Took clones midday. However, I accidently had the cloner plugged into the light timer.... so the pump went off for 4 hours over night!

Should I just leave em and see if they root or should I cut every stem again?

Thank you.

Guest 18340

Can someone please explain to me what it is about the EWC tea that works?
In the past, I would use Hydroguard (now called Aquashield) to accomplish what the EWC tea does.


Active member
aquashield is compost tea in a bottle; ewc tea is sorta the same but made with just worm casings and no compost; this ensures that your tea WON'T BURN little clones without roots... i'm sure the aquashield is the same stuff; i just think the common train of thought is that the fresher the tea the more variety of microbial life thus the better the protection the tea offers by providing a wide range of living beneficial bacterias to overtake any bad bacteria that might be setting up shop in the cloner.... aquashield and the other packaged teas are probably based off bokashi or other anaerobic methods of brewing bacteria; aerated ewc teas are all about aerobic bacteria; hope i spelled all that right

also once you've invested in a decent ro filter(many other uses), a heavy duty airpump, a 5gal bucket, some stones, a bag or worm casings, and some sugar be it molasses or floranectar, liquid carbo load, etc... you're set for life pretty much and it'll be a lot cheaper in the long run to brew your own teas as opposed to buying them bottled


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Just to comment, I used aquashield the first time and it didn't do a damn thing for the slime. Only thing that saved my girls was EWC tea. I was pissed at the time as I was real low on money and bought that stuff when I could have just used EWC tea.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Can someone please explain to me what it is about the EWC tea that works?
In the past, I would use Hydroguard (now called Aquashield) to accomplish what the EWC tea does.

I don't how or if it makes them root faster (I believe it does as I have never seen roots thats fast), but the basic premise behind it is that it is natural beneficial microbes that are purely organic and keep your water safe from non-beneficials. Basically using the good guys to keep the bad guys in check. I use EWC tea for all of my plants through veg and flowering every couple of waterings to keep the microbe herd kickin.

A. easily produced (add 1 cup of EWC + 5 table spoons of molasses to 5 gallons of water that has been bubbled for 24 hours before hand to rid it of chlorine and bubble 24-48 hours more). Easy as that...
B. Extremely cost effective.
C. Extremely beneficial if you are growing organically and want to use the left overs for your plants vegging or flowering.
D. Only needs to be added once to your res from my experience so far.
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Where can i get the ewc? there are no hydro shops here...

Great thread man!


Cool thread. Will have to try this . Got a 60 site EZ Cloner. Got root rot my 1st and only time I've used it. This tread has revived my interest.


Active member
Where can i get the ewc? there are no hydro shops here...

Great thread man!

some garden shops have earth worm casings; ewc.. also if you look into vermicomposting that's an easy way to make your own. if you're hardcore about it check out the worm bin bag on instructables; supposedly that's the best method but there are a ton of ways out there to make your own earth worm casings

on that note there is actually a guy who drops off bags of casings he makes at a local hydro shop; they're cheap and make the stuff in the bags look like garbage in comparison; he's got good shit, wormshit that is
I have a bunch of ez-cloners..2 120's..2 60's..and 2 30's..had them a few years now. I just load them up, fill with Ro water, turn them on and every time within 7-10 days we have roots. If you want more roots use Vita Grow cloning compound ( You can clone a popcicle stick) after they take put in some House and Garden Root Excellurator and you will have more roots than you want..these things are virtually fool-proof, they make cloning simple.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Well, to update my compost tea cloning, I got some funky slime in there that grew explosively in there at about day 5, and the clones turned to limp noodles.

I do have some EWCs on the way.

Meanwhile, I went to wall-mart and got some anti-slime aquarium stuff, and applied 1 drop per gallon. I also added root stimulator at 30% the rec rate. Its made by hi-yeild and has a 4-10-3 NPK and also indol-4-butyric acid. I also adjusted the ph to 5.8 or so. Its been about 4 days or so now and no slime so far.

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